Navy Dads

Received our first letter today from our son.  He has been gone since 08/01.  My wife was expecting letter yesterday as ll of the friends she has made with SR's in that group said they got theirs.  She was distraught last night.  I don't know which makes me happier, hearing from son or seeing relief for wife.  

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Waiting can be tough.

My son has never been known as a great communicator. Yesterday, while he was traveling to Chicago, he gave separate reports to me and his mother, who's several states away, visiting her ailing father.  Some hours after our son called us both from O'Hare, my wife called me, panicking about something Aaron had told her. He told her he'd have to walk to the USO, where he'd let them know that he needed transportation to boot camp. My wife didn't know that the USO is in the airport, and assumed our son would be walking through the streets of Chicago with little money and no directions. She was much relieved when I told her the USO was at the airport!

Point is, not knowing what's going on is difficult, but then sometimes it's almost as bad when you THINK you know!  It could be that having a son in Navy boot camp is a classic case of "no news is good news."

BINGO and my son is a young man of very few words as well. I'm sure he's not real interested in writing letters either. I had no idea my wife would take it this hard. I personally think he's in a great situation and will thrive. I have to say that I feel like he has a head start on some of the young people there just by growing up in my house. He is the youngest of 4 and I have often been called a drill sergeant by my wife and kids (i have no military background - just the way I was raised). He will be fine, just pray for me being able to handle my wife :)

Our situation is a little different. Although my son is the youngest of three children, he's hardly young himself, going into the Navy at age 27. He's been an adult for some time, but wasn't making enough money to live on his own, so he was still living in our house. It was HIS decision to join the Navy, and we all think it's the best decision he ever made. He was always something of a late-bloomer. Smart kid, just never seemed to want to grow up until recently. Well, he's finally set out on a path of his own, as we're not a classic "military family." I'm really excited for him.

Great for him, some people never find the right path. We're not a military family either, youngest son shocked us all (in a good way - couldn't be prouder).

My son, Brandon (Ship 03 Div 320) is also one that didn't like to write letters either. We have received several letters since last Thursday. We can see with each new letter that we receive that he is becoming a lot more at ease with everything he is going through. This has also eased our minds especially my wifes, knowing all is well. He is just a little bit homesick. Before we know it our SRs will be Sailors. PIR Sept 23rd.

It's not yet getting better for my wife yet. It appears my son has only written one short letter to his mother but apparently had a more time for the letter he wrote his girlfriend (her's was longer). It's not good for mother to find out more information / details about what is going on from girlfriend instead of son. Don't think I'm going to be able to bail him out of this one.

Well Richard, Don't worry PIR will be here soon enough. My son just graduated on 8/19 and yes girlfriend got most of the letters. And no news is good news... It was hard for me, but Eric was the one there and they get kept pretty busy during there stay. But with friends I have met on this site we all have made it through and celebrated at PIR. Hang in there.

Wife received 30 minute phone call from son last night.  ALL is right with the world again.

Yay for wife! :) My son called home yesterday but I missed his call. Lucky for me he called my husband who then called me back to conference call us. It was really nice getting to talk to him. I can relate to what your wife is feeling. My husband still has to remind me that my baby is out becoming a man and that it's time for me to let him do that :( I still don't care no matter how old he gets he will always be my baby :) I'm very happy for your wife I'm sure she is very relieved.



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