Navy Dads

My daughter recently graduated from boot. During the couple of phone calls we got and during our visit with her on Thanksgiving Day we talked about receiving mail. Recruits are allowed to write almost every night, they can only mail their letters on Sunday. They receive mail every day except Sundays and Bat21 day. She said the letters from home made boot camp a little easier and mail call was greatly anticipated. She also said that she had shipmates that received little or no mail, please don't let that be your kid. Have friends and family write, try to make sure your recruit gets mail daily and keep the letters upbeat. They need good news and happy family stories plus some pictures.
Phone calls are rare, they get one shortly after they get to Great Lakes, the area code for the base is 847. They can earn phone calls their last couple of weeks and get to call home after Bat21. I hope this small bit of onfo helps.

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remember the mantra "No News is Good News".  That will be the case throughout their Navy career as they will have periods were they will not be able to communicate on a regular basis

I've heard about a form letter that will be sent out, anyone have input as to how long we will be waiting for this?

@Gregory  1.5 weeks to 2 weeks...depends if your SR is placed into a division that fills up immediately or has to wait for the division to fill.  My SR shipped out on 12/12...rcv'd the official letter on 12/24, believe they started week 1 on 12/26, and rcv'd actual letters on 1/6.  When did your SR ship out?  And did you rcv your "I'm here." call?

She shipped out on 1/4 and got the call n 1/6. 

Any one with a SR that shipped on 1/10/12 heard anything?

you won't get any news in a week!!!!!!!!!!!

My son is scheduled to PIR on 10 Feb 2012.  I have read both that they can receive mail up util the day before PIR and that they will receive nothing after 2 Feb.  Can anyone confirm one way or another?  





I believe that anything after PIR will be forwarded to the next training location....




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