Navy Dads

Do the new recruits get any time off. If so is there anything for them to do on base. Someplace to eat other than navy food. Or some type of entertainment?

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RTC is definitely not about time off. From the moment they get off the buses their days and nights are programmed. They are basically cut off from the outside world for 8-9 weeks. And to be honest, there is way too much information and training to get in to allow any free time. After a couple of weeks they get time on Sunday to read and answer mail. Otherwise, it's all training all the time.

If your son or daughter is in BC during the holidays they will get to be adopted by a local family or church group for Thanksgiving dinner. Our son was there over Thanksgiving and he and a few other guys went to a local home and had dinner. This is very big in the Gurnee area and the families look forward to hosting our children. He got to call home and really had a great time. Make sure they look into this and sign up to be adopted. Otherwise there is no time off until PIR weekend when they can hopefully be with you for the weekend (depends on where they are going).

What happens over the holidays during A School?

According to my son, he will have a couple weeks off, but I would think it depends on what phase the sailor is in.

That's a great question Josh! My son will be in Pensacola, FL for A-School and I'm wondering what they'll do for Thanksgiving? I know he's gonna miss my brined Turkey dinner and feast that I always do for the family every Thanksgiving Holiday :(

@Brad I guess in our case(s) the phase is a week or two after RTC for the next holiday...

Sailorette says in san antonio they get thanksgiving weekend liberty, and 2 weeks at christmas. But Im learning the military is a little give and take. Im not holding my breath. My suspicion is they dont make em study, but they gotta stay on campus. Why? Because the military likes antagonizing Mr Sailorette. Should that be the case its time again to reevaluate commitments.

Well I know he won't be off for T-Giving. I was wondering about those offers to take in a sailor for Thanksgiving. If that just applied to Boot Campers?

On the other hand, your brined turkey sounds good. Where did you say you lived again? :)

Gary Espina said:

@Brad I guess in our case(s) the phase is a week or two after RTC for the next holiday...

you certainly are self-centered.....

Mr. Sailorette said:

Sailorette says in san antonio they get thanksgiving weekend liberty, and 2 weeks at christmas. But Im learning the military is a little give and take. Im not holding my breath. My suspicion is they dont make em study, but they gotta stay on campus. Why? Because the military likes antagonizing Mr Sailorette. Should that be the case its time again to reevaluate commitments.

I wondered about that myself like what Nick was referring to in BC during the holidays dunno if there's that same offer while in A-School. The brined Turkey is always a hit! :)

Brad said:

Well I know he won't be off for T-Giving. I was wondering about those offers to take in a sailor for Thanksgiving. If that just applied to Boot Campers?

On the other hand, your brined turkey sounds good. Where did you say you lived again? :)

Gary Espina said:

@Brad I guess in our case(s) the phase is a week or two after RTC for the next holiday...

Like you said Paul its all about the apron strings. If you don't enjoy spending time with your loved ones the military is a good fit for you. I like being with my loved one. I didn't sign up for this Sailorette did. If that's the family life she wants. We both have decisions to make. I say its not for me. That's my right.

you want the relationship so long it is on your terms .... last time I checked a healthy relationship was based on give and take and honesty...I'm just saying.............



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