Navy Dads

During my short membership in NAVY DAD'S I have grown to see the benefits of this group. I find it amazing with the number of recruits at Great Lakes so many family members do not participate or even know of its existence. NAVY DAD'S and MOM'S are doing a most valuable service for our young men and women in the NAVY.

My question is how can we the members of these two fine groups inform others of their existence. I am more then willing to do my part to inform others to tune in and join up. One idea may be to contact our local recruiters to explain the group so they in turn can inform the parents of new recruits about NAVY DAD'S & MOM'S. I feel this would ease the uncertain feeling of so many parents. Any suggestion can only make these groups stronger and more effective. What do all of you think?

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It would be really cool to see if they could add this to the video on the main screen at pir. It should be fairly easy to do, but getting permission might not be quite so easy

Dave J.S. said:
Has anyone ever checked to see if the Navy would place a link on the site? or how about
Hey Paul, i would be interested in printing up some of those cards if you would send me the files.... Small community here and so everyone knows when someones son or daughter is enlisting. e-mail is Thanks, Steve !!!!!!

It's not a sin to get knocked down;It's a sin to stay down
"Master Chief Boatswains Mate Carl Brashear"

NavyDads Admin said:
I made some two-sided business cards several weeks ago...has Navydads stuff on the front and the Sailor's Creed on the reverse. If anyone wants, I can send the Publisher (XP verison) files for the front and back and you can print a bunch up as I did at home. Gave away quite a few at a DEP/N4M/NavyDads meet-n-greet in phoenix Saturaday.
This is great! I can't read all of these posts, it is late...but, I am on other forums and frequently mention both. Can we become a fan on Facebook/MySpace?

I say wear it on a t-shirt...put it on a bumpersticker...I am thinking of carrying some business cards with both written on it, blank but with those addresses.

Also, I was very disappointed when I showed up to meet my son's ship that there was no "tent" for either site.

It sure would have been nice to mingle with some other parents of like minds. Instead there were many people who were either alone and closed off or with many family members as a unit. I would try to talk to some of the women by themselves and found that some did not speak English! They were light haired so it did not occur to me that they could not undertand what I was saying.

I love both of these sites and will continue on dispite the pending medical retirememnt of my 21 year old son who suffered a seizure on his carrier out of nowhere (not in the families hisotry at all) and cannot stay in the military. :( It was his dream since 9/11...
Thanks for the input...and we certainly appreciate you staying active in the site. It would be great to be able to provide something like a "Hospitality Tent" at certain Navy functions...perhaps someday if we can get some sort of sponsorship.

We've had business cards for some time now....Steve (Seabee group) had a bunch printed that he was sending to members that requested them...don't know if he still hasd any spares or not....I always carry several with we and slip them underneath wiper blades when I see a car with a Navy parent sticker.

I want to expand the discussion to ask...what can we do to keep more dads (and moms!!) active on the site AFTER PIR? Seems like many join during bootcamp and then "fade away" after PIR....

NavyDCparent said:
This is great! I can't read all of these posts, it is late...but, I am on other forums and frequently mention both. Can we become a fan on Facebook/MySpace?

I say wear it on a t-shirt...put it on a bumpersticker...I am thinking of carrying some business cards with both written on it, blank but with those addresses.

Also, I was very disappointed when I showed up to meet my son's ship that there was no "tent" for either site.

It sure would have been nice to mingle with some other parents of like minds. Instead there were many people who were either alone and closed off or with many family members as a unit. I would try to talk to some of the women by themselves and found that some did not speak English! They were light haired so it did not occur to me that they could not undertand what I was saying.

I love both of these sites and will continue on dispite the pending medical retirememnt of my 21 year old son who suffered a seizure on his carrier out of nowhere (not in the families hisotry at all) and cannot stay in the military. :( It was his dream since 9/11...
And BTW....we've been on Facebook for quite a long time now..... far as meeting a ship...remember that involves getting access to a Naval base....kinda tight security for non-Navy personnel.....
I would like to see about going to schools which have ROTC programs and talking to these young men and women and their parents who are considering the service, or who have signed up and let them know about both websites. To me it is worth a try. I would also like to be able to put up a banner or a sign in my own yard that has the websites in bold letters and have a caption and picture that draws attention!
Hi NavyDCparent,hello Paul.. I am still here and Paul, I still have some of those cards that I got printed up.About 500 or so!I put out the word some time ago on the DEP forum and bumped a couple of times on one of the other forums,but after a while I didn't get any more requests.If anybody on NavyDads would like to have some of the cards I would be more than glad to send them as many as they would like! My e-mail is ...........
And as before,there will be no charge! I just wish to promote the NavyDads site.

Paul,as to your question about ppl leaving the site after the schools are done,I also have noticed that.As for the answer why I have no idea.Even considering the fact that I have not been very active on here since James went to his regular duty station.Part of it may be the fact that as parents we are sometimes afraid to say to much about what our sailors are doing considering the fact of the war.That would be the only reason that I can see.....
Ok,I have been long winded enough. Hope everyone has a good eve.Dinner time !!!!!!
I am proud to be a member of both navyformoms and navydads and I think the suggestion with the business cards is a great idea. I will make some to hand out when I visit my son at NAS.
Mari,if you would like some that are already made up ,just send me an e-mail,let me know how many you would like and I will send them to you.I still have about 500 plus.All I would need is your mailing address and once I get that the cards will be in the mail asap.......... my e-mail is

Steve !!!!!!!

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