Navy Dads


Hello everyone,


My name is Dexter Mullins and I'm a producer for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. I'm working on a story for our series "Making A Difference: On the Homefront" -that highlights the positive things being done for our military serviceman, in particular sailors. I'm currently looking for someone who will be taking part in a Navy Tiger Cruise in the next 3-5 months so we can feature them in the story. Please feel free to leave any comments in the thread below, or email me directly at


Thank you all!


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my name is son is on the uss sterett he should be comming home in the next 3-5 months.only thing is i am disabled and $ is hard to come by.i would love to be able to do the tiger cruise with him and would love to do the story with you and my son.if there is any way to make this work out it would be great. mr draeger

It is  recommended that family members do not speak to anyone from the media without having the approval and input from one of the Navy Public Affairs Officers. It is not only an issue of OPSEC, but of Personal Security also. Often in the excitement of getting to tell the world how proud you are of your Sailor and the rest of the crew,  it is easy to share information such as full names, where you are located, etc. Anyone with a computer and internet can then find out all kinds of information that you may not want to share. What you say can effect your Sailor and your family, as well as the other families and their Sailor's. If any   family members decide to speak to the media, we ask that they please contact an Ombudsman first. Then we can help put them in contact with a PAO. Don't put our sailors at risk.

please clarify who you are speaking for as you use the word "WE" more than once.....

Michelerenee Jans said:

It is  recommended that family members do not speak to anyone from the media without having the approval and input from one of the Navy Public Affairs Officers. It is not only an issue of OPSEC, but of Personal Security also. Often in the excitement of getting to tell the world how proud you are of your Sailor and the rest of the crew,  it is easy to share information such as full names, where you are located, etc. Anyone with a computer and internet can then find out all kinds of information that you may not want to share. What you say can effect your Sailor and your family, as well as the other families and their Sailor's. If any   family members decide to speak to the media, we ask that they please contact an Ombudsman first. Then we can help put them in contact with a PAO. Don't put our sailors at risk.

To All Family members and Friends of our sailors~ Please do not post dates, times, movements, locations, ports past or present of our carriers. Please remove your comment if you feel you have posted here or any other site with these OPSEC violations.  This is an open forum where all can see yes even the bad guys.  Simply click on the blue x on the top far right of your comment. Please remove a.s.a.p. To be reported of violation draws attention to your sailor. surly you don't need him/her being disciplined for your actions. This gentleman has been reported and is now being looked in to as the media goes directly through P.R. Shame on you!

Gentlemen, Remember OPSEC do not discuss ship movements, dates, places and troop movements. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. The 70 has been a target since Osama. 


We "NavyDads.Com" have always made our members and visitors aware of OPSEC rules. I don't see any violations in the above post's so I'm curious to who you reported?  Although OPSEC rules are a must in keeping our Sailor's safe, we must remember one thing. In this day and age with the technology that is available to the world, it would be near impossible to hide a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier along with it's battle group from our enemies during movement.

NavyDads is more rigorous with OPSEC than posts I've seen from the US Navy on Facebook regarding ships coming into homeport......every member is lectured about OPSEC when they join and in general posts are more rigorously monitored here than many other military sites. And yes, I've personally deleted a number of posts over the past three years that I viewed as possible violations to OPSEC guidelines.

TO: NavyDads Admin (Paul)

Good evening~   I apologize for not putting in quotes. That's from the ombudsman of our carrier that was sent today after  a group I belong to was presented with this same offer of interview. However the  2nd entry above is my words in full.  I'm surprised as the seriousness of the quote that  your response would be  more than to clarify who I'm speaking for when I use the word 'we'.  I Got three for you for sailor on deployment, his navy dad and last his navy mom. Yet; I have no doubt I'd have 1,000's that would have my back and agree to those words posted above with it missing quotation marks. Perhaps you should check with all ombudsman to see how they feel about this posting of Mr. Mullins. I would be very surprised to find it is a true story. I don't think Dan Rather executive producer started soliciting here  or any public forum before he went aboard a carrier recently.  Just please be aware is what I'm asking from all the friends and family members and to remove months dates etc.

No disrespect NavyDad Admin (Paul). I hope I answered you 'we' question. If not check with any Ombudsman I'm sure they may explain it better than I.

I've been in a admin role here for three years and have literally lectured to almost 5000 members about OPSEC (I welcome each member) - I took offense to someone speaking for me without my knowing what was going on.  I've had a daughter serve on the Lincoln and have a son currently serving, so I am very well aware of what should and what should not be discussed in an open forum--- in particular regarding carriers.  Had you read the welcome message I posted to you you would have seen that admonition about open forums.  Considering I've seen posts by the US Navy stating that such and such a carrier is due back in San Diego at 10:00AM on a specific date I would think you might me some slack for asking for whom you were speaking.

I'm sorry and I respect your dedication to this site. I had seen dates earlier on the site this evening. Others had contacted me that they also had seen dates.  Thank you for the welcome. Like I stated I meant no disrespect. I'm sorry you felt I was speaking for you. It's clear my name is Michelerenee and not Michael. I'm a navy mom whom came in here to get the word to  your members that may not be aware of policies pertaining to speaking with the media. I did not see any statements by admin. about the media policies given to any of your members I stepped up to the plate. That I won't apologize for.  I'm sure you have the OPSEC covered just fine if you didn't your site would have been gone long ago. It was not my main purpose in coming in here .as you can easily see by my first post. Thanks for your understanding and your warm welcome. However; it's not likely I will ever feel the need to contribute what may need to be shared in your room. No doubt you have it covered. Have an awesome evening and thank you for your dedication to the navy dads group. :-)

To MA Dad~ Thank you for posting.

Michelerenee, this subject is close to my heart since I have a family member that is a Special Ops. This is the post I sent to all of our members in Special Ops.

Welcome to SEAL Dads (NSW) Group. When you have a chance be sure to read one of the following post or all three This is a must read before posting, OPSEC and Social Media and Posting on NSW Forums (this is a must read). Here is a quick link to Posting on NSW Forums (this is a must read).We follow all OPSEC rules so please check your profile and make sure that your Last Name is not posted and that your guys First Name is not posted. Everyone here is ready and willing to help answer any questions you have regarding this long journey your guy is starting. Tell your guy that my Family and I appreciate his desire to join the Navy and we are proud of his decision. He will be in our Thoughts and we wish him the best.

HooYah US Navy SEALs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelerenee - Just curious, where did you learn about OPSEC?  I've been doing this stuff for 32 years and I guess you've been reading from a totally different instruction manual than me.  

As much as I admire you trying to protect our troops, you are acting like a cancer effect by spreading false information.  Heck, we are talking about a dang tiger cruise here, not an operational mission.


I truly think you should bring up your gripe to the U.S. Navy for making contracts to the local vendors in Iraq for selling food for our troops.  I mean, if some Iraqi business guy would come to my farm and say "I need 20,000 lbs of Grapes, Olives, & Figs delivered to the shipping port 1 month from now.  I would think of two things:  either those pirates are getting a lot hungrier or some dang American ship is coming.


The bottomline is I think you need to take a class on what OPSEC is, and what it isn't....

You can start by reading the official instruction which I have posted below, which says:

The practice of OPSEC prevents the inadvertent compromise of sensitive or classified activities, capabilities, or intentions at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. 

(Where does a Tiger Cruise fall into this?)

e. OPSEC and the Public. The requirement for the practice of OPSEC must be balanced against what reference (a) states is the responsibility of the Armed Forces to account for their actions “with the American people whom we serve.” The need to practice OPSEC should not be used as an excuse to deny noncritical information to the public.

An OPSEC program will be required for those commands or programs that have critical information, but will not be required for commands or programs that do not possess such information. This instruction allows Echelon 2 commanders to determine where OPSEC programs are required in subordinate commands and where they are not required. Echelon 2 commanders will be able to delegate this determination responsibility to subordinates where appropriate. The intention is to create an OPSEC program everywhere it is required, while avoiding an administrative burden on those commands for whom an OPSEC program is unnecessary.



Lastly, why did you post your entire name?  Is that a "pen name" like Mark Twain?   (aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens)  oops.....  sorry Mark, I just OPSEC'd you....

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