Navy Dads

Long time coming but he made it to Illinois. Just talk to him on the phone and he will be taking the bus to RTC soon.
He shipped out today with one other young man.
They shipped out of the Portland Oregon MEPS
Should be getting his final (I made it call in a few hours)
I know the kid is going to be super tired because he had to stay up late last night to see who his new boss was going to be..... (we are extreamly pleased)

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It's a new day! Best of luck to your son!

Go Navy!

Hi! I was excited to read this because my daughter had left for Great Lakes on nov 9. The last call I got from her was her waiting at Ohara for the rest of the new people flying in. It's nice to know another parent on here with our kids going through boot camp the same time.
If I'm correct because she and I never discussed her rate but I looked it up and she's probably an HM. She's originally from Tn but she's been living in Chicago for over a year so she ship from Chicago lol

My son shipped out from Cleveland to Great Lakes on November 10th.  He is on track to become a Nuke ET, i.e. an Electronics Technician working a nuclear power plant on a submarine. So, he volunteered for the Navy and he volunteered for subs.   His first name is Michael.   I will be cautious about further identity for security reasons. Anchors aweigh!

Pete Your son chose well. Are you A Submariner? He has a bit of a road ahead but he will get there. One little bit of parental advice. Because it is very stressful at Nuke school and Prototype, Just try to be easy about it. He will be under a lot of stress and doesn't need to feel like he would be letting you and the family name down if he fails. Just encourage him to do his best no big deal. Be proud! Nobody works longer and harder than Nuke/Bubble heads. Congrats.

Thank you, Sherman.  Your advice is well grounded. No. I am not a submariner.  God forbid, I am an attorney.  I have made my son aware of the suicide rate in Power School.  I have emphasized to him that there is always more than one path to success, and I do not want him to be a statistic.  He could always serve his 6-year contract, and his intended 20 years of service, in another area, such as cyber-security.  

Currently, my son has three goals: (1) to become a Nuke (preferably an ET), (2) become qualified to earn his Dolphins, and (3) to be accepted at, and be successful in, OCS.   I recognize that these are lofty goals. Yet, as the Air Force would say:  "Aim High."

My son some has good DNA.  My father was a psychiatrist, MD.  Michael's grandfather on his mother's side was an engineer at Dupont (his memory is a major inspiration to my son). One of his Uncles is a maxial-facial surgeon, and the other Uncle was a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, now a civilian who flies his own plane.  So, Michael has good sources of DNA, which, naturally serve both as pressure and inspiration.

I am hopeful that he will achieve his goals. He scored in the top 10 percent on the ASVAB and got 64 out of 80 questions right on the Nuclear Propulsion Test.  During his DEP period, Michael built up his body and we tested his progress on the 1.5 run, curl ups and sit ups every Sunday.  He studied the Trainee Guide and Blue Jackets Manual regularly.  On his own accord, Michael has told me that he will not take his car to Charleston for A School because he does not want to be distracted from his studies. He knows that there will be many, many people smarter than himself.  Now, it is up to him.  I will fully support him and he trusts me.  For example, I have full Power of Attorney with him so I can manage all of his financial, insurance, etc. affairs while he focuses on training or while he is underwater for 72 days, or more, at a time.

I appreciate your words.  They are well spoken.  God bless my son, and God bless the USA.


Our son shipped out of Columbus Ohio MEPS Nov 21. We are very proud and a little nervous ! We got our I'm alive call last night and he sounded good. Cant wait for our first letter and another phone call.

Go Navy!

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