Navy Dads

My daughter recently graduated from boot. During the couple of phone calls we got and during our visit with her on Thanksgiving Day we talked about receiving mail. Recruits are allowed to write almost every night, they can only mail their letters on Sunday. They receive mail every day except Sundays and Bat21 day. She said the letters from home made boot camp a little easier and mail call was greatly anticipated. She also said that she had shipmates that received little or no mail, please don't let that be your kid. Have friends and family write, try to make sure your recruit gets mail daily and keep the letters upbeat. They need good news and happy family stories plus some pictures.
Phone calls are rare, they get one shortly after they get to Great Lakes, the area code for the base is 847. They can earn phone calls their last couple of weeks and get to call home after Bat21. I hope this small bit of onfo helps.

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Thanks  for your post Jim it really does help to hear this as it seems some  get letters and phone calls and others don't, We haven't heard from our son except for his official fill in the blanks letter from the Navy. Were hoping to get a letter soon and will try to continue to write him as much as possible.     Dan

Jim... GREAT POST! I agree completely. Write them. Something. Anything. But they NEED the upbeat, positive and encouraging. There are not a lot of smiles and laughs in Boot Camp. Especially the first half. Give 'em a reason to smile if you can.


My handwritting is not the picture of penmanship so I type out my letters (I try to make each one a single typewritten page) but each one gets a handwritten closing and signature.


Jim, my very best wishes to your daughter. My own daughter will on her way to the fleet before very long. I share your sense of pride.


Philip M said:

Jim... GREAT POST! I agree completely. Write them. Something. Anything. But they NEED the upbeat, positive and encouraging. There are not a lot of smiles and laughs in Boot Camp. Especially the first half. Give 'em a reason to smile if you can.


My handwritting is not the picture of penmanship so I type out my letters (I try to make each one a single typewritten page) but each one gets a handwritten closing and signature.


Jim, my very best wishes to your daughter. My own daughter will on her way to the fleet before very long. I share your sense of pride.


Pictures of the family, pets, friends whatever. My daughter said all pictures were shown around to the shipmates. On the NavyMoms website there is a bootcamp group. My wife got the idea to send a questionaire letter to our daughter from there. It was a huge hit with her shipmates. She was reading the questions out loud and they were answering, she said they had a blast with it.


May I have your permission to copy and paste your message to another Forum I belong to (for a specific ship & Division)? I think it has great value for letting family members know why there may be some delay in mail as well as the importance of sending letters to Recruits.


Phil, I give you permission to use anything I post here at NavyDads.

ps: Welcome Home!!

Jim thanks for sharing this info! :)

I'd also like to reiterate to lookout for that (847) area code and please don't miss your SRs phone call like I did...

Only one day in, how do we get her mailing address there?

you'll get a form letter soon with that info......

You can call the recruiter a couple of days after your recruit reaches Great Lakes. The recruiter can go online and pull up the correct address. We had mail underway to our daughter before the box with the clothes and form letter left Great Lakes.

that used to be a reliable way to get the address info...a lot of times anymore though, until final ship and division assignments are made at the end of the P-days he may not be able to give you updated info.  You can try, though some recruiters will not give that info out due to privacy issues as well.  The form letter is the recommended way to get addresses according to RTC.

I am a bit concerned. The last letter we received from our daughter was on 12/13/11. Today is 01/06/12. We have all written several times but have not gotten any responses. I guess that i just miss my daughter and i am praying that nothing is wrong



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