Navy Dads

Just received my son Tommy's address and PIR date. 10/28/11. He arrived at Great Lakes on 9/6/11. Anyone else have a sailor in ship 9 or division 359?

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David, my son, Andrew also arrived at RTC on 9/6/2011 and he is in ship 09, division 360 with a PIR date of 10/28/2011.  We are from TX and looking online to find hotels near the base. We're looking at flying into O'Hare. Best wishes to you and thank you for your son's service to our country.

Glen, thank you to your sailor as well...I've seen discussions on this site about where to stay...i am fortunate as I have family in Lake Forest. I am from Nothern California. not sure how quickly mail will arrive for news, but I will post info as I hear from Tom. No news is good news, but hearing from my son in letter form will always bring a smile.


My son reported on Aug 24th and we got his box about a week later but no form letter and still have not gotten one.  We do not know what ship or div he is in and do not know when his PIR is.  I sure would like to hear from someone that had a family member report on Aug 24th and let me know if and when you get the form letter.  We need to make flight and hotel reservations.

Warren Swanson said:

My son reported on Aug 24th and we got his box about a week later but no form letter and still have not gotten one.  We do not know what ship or div he is in and do not know when his PIR is.  I sure would like to hear from someone that had a family member report on Aug 24th and let me know if and when you get the form letter.  We need to make flight and hotel reservations.

Warren Swanson said:

My son reported on Aug 24th and we got his box about a week later but no form letter and still have not gotten one.  We do not know what ship or div he is in and do not know when his PIR is.  I sure would like to hear from someone that had a family member report on Aug 24th and let me know if and when you get the form letter.  We need to make flight and hotel reservations.

we got his box and letter the same day in the mail. the graduation is on October 14 at 9 am. mine is ship 347 mine reported the sameday up there. that is the only contact so far that we have had with him so far since he left. i would go ahead and put in your reservations now they book fast up there. and get your airline also.


Warren, before my son left for Great Lakes, his recruiter told me if I didn't hear from him within a couple weeks to check with him as he could find out his address, ship, division. You might try that. He arrived two weeks before my son so he might have a PIR of 10/14.

I hope you get your info.

Warren Swanson said:

My son reported on Aug 24th and we got his box about a week later but no form letter and still have not gotten one.  We do not know what ship or div he is in and do not know when his PIR is.  I sure would like to hear from someone that had a family member report on Aug 24th and let me know if and when you get the form letter.  We need to make flight and hotel reservations.

my son left on 9/7 to GL and was told by recruiter that he is on ship 9 division 363.  haven't got his box yet though maybe in the next couple days

Our son left on 9/6 for basic. He is in ship 9, division 360.  We received his box and letter on Monday, Sept 12 advising his graduation is 10/28.  My wife read on that ship 9 is a "fast paced" ship and typically cuts the training time to 7 weeks + some days.  It's possible you son will graduate on 10/28 as well. 

Yes I do.  Robert is in Div 360.  Me, my wife, his brother, and Robert's girlfriend are driving from Alabama for the graduation.

Glenn, what is your son Andrew going to be doing for the NAVY?  My son Tyler is going through the nuclear program.  And thank you for the encouraging information. His mom got the kid in a box Tuesday but its hard to get any info from her.  I'll wait for the form letter before I start mailing letters.  Just to be safe

Missed a phone call home from my boy, but he got through to grandma...says he's homesick which I imagine they all are...loves letters. He is working in the mail room and is petty officer for his division. They all went to the dentist today. Its nice to hear tidbits, the letters home have more details. He'll be half way this Friday so it should be getting exciting for him, lots to learn. He passed a test this week but I am not sure what test. He's in good shape so I suppose it was a PT test. Hope everyone else in ship 9, div 359 is hearing from their sr's. Can't wait for PIR on Oct 28!!!

 We recieved a phone call the other day! He stated that they all had been so busy they hardly new which way was up or down I remember that feeling while I was there!He stated that he had all his wisdom teeth removed and a  root canal perfomed! Wow is all I can say! I know that call made his mother extremely happy!



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