PIR 020918

For those Divisions that will have their PIR on 02/09/18.

  • Jeffrey Held

    Setting this group up for all those Dads who have a recruit scheduled to have PIR on 02/09/18 (TG-14).  This will include the following divisions:

    095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 807, 808, 914, 915.

  • Kevin Ross Satterly

    Hey Jeffrey, I see from your  other discussion that you have not received a call yet.  Neither have we was really hoping to get it today.  Driving up tomorrow morning either way..Good luck maybe we will see hear from them today.

  • Jeffrey Held

    Kevin,  still waiting on the call.  We are flying out from Denver tomorrow to Chicago for Friday's PIR.  This is starting to cut it close.  Are you going to attend Sarge's meet and greet on Thursday evening?