Navy Career Planning

Navy Career Planning: This area deals with the choices that our sailors have to make about their Naval career and what happens after.

Around the world around the clock, in defense of all we hold dear, back home...

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  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Command ESOs are responsible for immediately gathering and shipping answer sheets. Shipments are mailed to NAC in Pensacola, Fla. Once received, the NAC staff inventories each box, verifies command information, and prepares the batch for scanning and imaging. As each answer sheet is processed, discrepancies are worked to ensure each candidate's record is accurate so all elements of the Final Multiple Score are set for the rank-order process. All candidate answer sheets are archived digitally.

    Why haven't the results come out yet?

    After an advancement exam is administered, Sailors wait patiently for the results. We've noticed on this forum that many continue to ask when the E4/E5/E6 results will be released. That information is not available to the NAC, but rather depends on a process that includes Fleet ESOs and Navy manpower commands. There are seven primary steps that lead to exam results.

    Here is a basic snapshot of the process from exam administration to release of results:

    1. Exams are administered

    2. Fleet and shore ESOs mail answer sheets to Pensacola - historically, this process step takes six to seven weeks because substitute exams must also be counted and returned

    3. Before exams can be scored, 95% of the projected exam answer sheets have to be received from the Fleet to ensure that the Navy doesn't over promote (this includes late exams)

    4. The NAC then sends a listing of how many test passers are in each rating to the CNO

    5. Enlisted Community Managers (ECMs) and manpower authorities determine vacancies and funding available

    6. Quotas are approved by CNP and forwarded to the NAC

    7. Final Multiple Score (FMS) cut lines are set and published results are immediately sent to the Fleet

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck to all those PO3s taking the E5 exam this Thursday!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Navy-wide Advancement Exams (NWAE) are made up of 175 questions. The occupational section is 150 questions and is based on the tasks executed and knowledge required for each paygade and rating. The Professional Military Knowledge (PMK) section is 25 questions and covers all those topics that are not job specific, such as Navy policies, personnel regulations and Navy history. Your exam Standard Score (SS) is determined by comparing the number of questions you answer correctly against all other candidates taking the same exam. That comparison takes the raw score and converts it to the SS, which is an important part the Final Multiple Score (FMS) used to rank-order Sailors for advancement.
    Good luck to all those E4s taking the NWAE!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    NEXCOM Again Named One of "Top 50" Best Companies for Latina Women...

    Story Number: NNS130912-11Release Date: 9/12/2013 9:11:00 AM
    By Kristine M. Sturkie, Navy Exchange Service Command Public Affairs

    VIRGINIA BEACH. Va. (NNS) -- The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) announced Sept. 12 that for the second consecutive year, LATINAStyle Magazine has named NEXCOM as one of the top 50 companies in the United States for providing the best career opportunities for Hispanic women.

    Of NEXCOM's nearly 14,000 associates worldwide, more than 11 percent are Hispanic and seven percent are Hispanic women.

    "To win this award two years in a row shows that NEXCOM fully embraces its diversity policy of fostering an inclusive workforce," said retired Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, NEXCOM's chief executive officer. "We know that building a diverse workforce will make our organization stronger and better for both our associates as well as our customers. I am so very proud of all of our associates who embrace diversity and respect the special talents found in each of us."

    According to LATINAStyle, the companies chosen as the "2013 50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work for in the United States" lead the way in providing retirement plans, programs to assist military personnel to readjust to the working field, training and leadership programs to place Latinas on a fast track to promotions and recognition, as well as Hispanic affinity groups to better understand the needs of its Latino employee population, particularly its Latinas.

    NEXCOM will receive its award Feb. 6, 2014.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Congratulations to all of the CPOs getting pinned today!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Many Sailors will be taking the PO3 Navy-wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) for the first time this Thursday...

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Active Duty and Reserve results from the recent Navy-wide Advancement Exams should be released in late November. Pay increments are based on your Final Multiple Score, NOT your exam Standard Score...

    Advancement Pay Determination - I just got advanced off the last exam, when am I getting paid?
    June 25, 2010 at 6:17am

    The CNO provides monthly pay increment quotas. These quotas are uploaded into the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) and spread across all ratings by pay grade. Selectees are advanced by Final Multiple Score, not exam Standard Score (SS) for (E4/5/6). Selection Board advancement is by seniority ranking (E7/8/9) by rating. Once your pay date is determined, your Profile Sheet will be updated with the actual date of advancement. If your profile sheet status says SELECTEE, then you are not getting paid that month. Check it again the first week of the next month.

    Starting in October 2010, Sailors selected for advancement to E4, E5 and E6 advance at a rate of 3% per month for the first five months of the six-month pay increment.  The remaining 85% advance in the final month of the advancement cycle.

    The pay increments for each exam cycle are as follows -

    JAN (Active) and FEB (SELRES) E7 has 12 pay increments - Sep (current year) through Aug (following year)

    FEB (SELRES) and MAR (Active) E4/5/6 has 6 increments - Jul (current year) through Dec (current year)

    AUG (SELRES) and SEP (Active) E4/5/6 has 6 increments - Jan (following year) through Jun (following year)

    NOV (Active and SELRES) E8/9 has 12 increments - Jul (current year) through Jun (following year)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck to all Active Duty E3s taking the Petty Officer Third Class Navy-wide Advancement Exam tomorrow!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    That's good advice Gary........

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Paul, the boy is eager and can't wait for the E5 advancement exam six months from now and swears he'll pass it. I know the salary increase has been a huge motivator for him. I'm really happy that my son is good with money unlike his old man heheh...

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Roger that....not sure about Eric and the E6 exam whenever that is....think he needs more time in rate

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Your Educational Services Officer (ESO) should immediately return all answer sheets after an exam administration. NAC will sort and process answer sheets as they come in from the Fleet. Shipments from overseas locations and deployed ships take longer to make their way to NAC in Pensacola, Fla., than do CONUS command answer sheets. NAC process and scores answer sheets for every rating in the Navy, both Active Duty and Reserve – approximately 300,000 each year.
    Next task is for the Fleet to administer late exams for all those candidates who were unable to sit for the exam on the scheduled date. Late exams can be administered up to 30 – 45 days after regular exam dates (check Cycle NAVADMINs for late exam administration windows). NAC begins computing Standard Scores for each rating once all exam answer sheets are returned (see The standard score is an element of your Final Multiple Score (FMS).
    For more information on the FMS, see The Reserve results from the August exam, as well as the Active Duty exam results from September, should be released in late November.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Enlisted advancement in the Navy is based on two primary factors - rating/paygrade vacancies and Final Multiple Score (FMS) standing among your peers. Vacancies vary from cycle to cycle, but advancement opportunity can be greatly impacted by the number of quotas authorized. Rating Enlisted Community Managers look at historic manning trends, current enlisted personnel allowances, and other factors to be sure each paygrade in a rating is optimally manned to Navy standards. When Sailors in your rating don't move up or out, there are less quotas and less opportunity to advance. You have no control over quotas, but you can impact your FMS. Each cycle, NAC rank-orders candidates by their FMS so the most qualified get advanced ahead of those with a lower FMS. Currently, there are a number of factors that can impact your FMS - Performance Mark Average (PMA), exam Standard Score (SS), Service in Paygrade (SIPG), Pass Not Advance points (PNA), education, and Awards - which also includes Individual Augmentee points (IA). Early Promote evaluations are vital to advancement in tight ratings. Your exam Standard Score shows how well you did compared to your peers. Bottom line, you can have an impact on your FMS by studying for your exam and maintaining superior performance.
    Good luck to all those waiting on the November results!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    The March 2014 Cycle 223 E4-E6 advancement exam bibliographies are posted and available for download on NAC's NKO portal.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    *** Navy Career Wise Seminar: Veterans' Education Benefits Brief in Hampton Roads ****

    There will be a 5 hour brief on GI Bill to be held in Hampton Roads "Understanding how to get the most out of your GI Bill" on 5 Nov 2013 -- 0800-1400 -- 1800 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453

    Who & What: Virginia Department of Veterans Services and the Tidewater Community College Center is doing the brief for Military and Veterans Education to a one-day seminar and education fair.

    Why: Do you want to use your education benefits to gain career employment, not just to gain a degree?
    There are many ways to use your GI Bill -- not just colleges and universities:
    • Certificates and Licenses
    • Entrepreneurship Training
    • Correspondence Courses
    • Flight training
    • On-the-job training programs
    • Apprenticeship programs
    • Non-college degree programs

    Morning: Come hear from Virginia's State Approving Agency for Veterans Education and Training, who will explain ALL your options for gaining a profitable education.

    Afternoon: You will also hear directly from state-approved institutions and meet with them, including colleges and universities, licensing and certifying institutions, and companies with apprenticeship and OJT programs.
    What you learn here about the GI Bill could save you money, time, and your career pathway.

    In order to attend, you must be:
    • A Veteran of the armed forces
    • A serving member of the National Guard or Reserve
    • A military/Veteran spouse or dependant receiving GI Bill benefits.
    • An active duty Servicemember

    Seats are limited! To register for this event, go to:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Happy National American Indian and Alaska Native Month! Check out this NAVADMIN for a brief but insightful look at their multitude of accomplishments in our military and Nation!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Navy enlisted advancement exams are not pass/fail where a certain percentage of questions must be answered correctly to attain the "go" vs. "no go" qualification status. Instead, NAC developes norm-reference exams which are designed to provide a spread of scores (rank-order) so the most knowlegeable candidates can be identified. Ultimately, the exam is developed with questions that get the core of job knowledge and technical acumen. The exam Standard Score (SS) provides the Final Multiple Score (FMS) with an element that is unbiased and fair. Bottom line, Navy enlisted advancement exams provide a tool to compare all candidates in the same rating and paygrade.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    The target date for the release of Active Duty and Reserve E4-E6 quotas and advancement results contines to be the week of Thanksgiving. Good luck to all advancement candidates! (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    PO1s must have a November 15, 2013 periodic evaluation with an early promote (EP), and a time-in-rate (TIR) date of July 1, 2012 or January 1, 2013 to be eligible for an EP TIR waiver. (N32)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    August Reserve Cycle 093 and September Active Duty Cycle 220 advancement results are scheduled to be released early Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Good luck to all the candidates!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Congratulations to all candidates who advanced on this advancement cycle!

    Pay increments for Cycle 220 (September exam) are January through June 2014, with 3% of the highest Final Multiple Scores (FMS) advanced each month – 85% of candidates will be advanced June 16 and see a pay increase in their July 1 paycheck.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Sailors' can get a lifetime worth of FREE Career guidance through DANTES. See the details here:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    How can your sailor contact his or her detailer, calculate retirement pay, request a copy of their record, or submit a package and more...? Find out the answers to these and other burning questions at

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    To avoid a potential disruption of the Navy's testing and advancement process, the Chief of Naval Personnel has moved the date of the Cycle 222 E7 advancement exam to 14 January 2014. The original date was 16 January 2014. The two-day shift allows our Sailors the needed exam preparation time yet ensures all eligible First Class Petty Officers are afforded a fair and ord...erly process.

    Our advancement system is too important not to anticipate issues and make proactive necessary changes to reduce the potential for problems. There is no anticipated impact to the Active E7 Selection Board scheduled to convene 23 June. Additionally, there is no anticipated impact to the Cycle 094 Reserve E7 exam administration; published dates and information remain in effect.
  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    March 2014 E4-E6 Advancement Exams Announced...

    Story Number: NNS131211-15Release Date: 12/11/2013 9:44:00 PM
    By Katrina Gergely, Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center Public Affairs

    PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- The March 2014 Navy-wide enlisted examinations for Active Duty, Full Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors who are advancement eligible to the paygrades of E4-E6 have been announced in Naval Administrative Message (NAVADMIN) 312/13, released Dec. 11.

    Each Navy examination consists of 25 Professional Military Knowledge and 150 job-specific technical questions. The examination dates are March 06, 2014 (E6), March 13, 2014 (E5) and March 20, 2014 (E4). Examination results are posted on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website.

    "The best way to prepare for an advancement examination is to know your job better than your peers," said Master Chief Electrician's Mate Eric Riddle, command master chief of the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC).

    "When the rating Subject Matter Experts develop your examination content, they are instructed to write questions that Sailors need to know in order to perform their jobs," said Riddle. "With that in mind, I would strongly recommend Sailors study with the intent of increasing job knowledge and not study solely for the exam."

    During Advancement Examination Readiness Reviews held at NETPDTC, visiting E7 and above fleet SMEs in each enlisted rating ensure all examination questions can be linked to references and publications. As rating SMEs select questions for the examination, an examination bibliography is developed based on the source reference for the question. NAC updates bibliography information as fleet instructions and manuals change, and it is recommended that candidates check their bibliography a few times prior to the exam administration date.

    Study material for advancement examination preparation is available six months prior to the administration dates. To download the bibliographies for an upcoming exam, go to the Navy Advancement Center's Web portal on NKO at

    The NEAS website enables Education Services Officers to verify and correct the list of eligible candidates for their command, delete and forward examinations when necessary, and confirm examination ordering information. The NEAS Web address is

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Submarine Group 9 Recognizes Pacific Northwest's Top Submarine Sailors...

    Story Number: NNS131214-03Release Date: 12/14/2013 4:46:00 PM
    By Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ahron Arendes, Submarine Group 9 Public Affairs

    BANGOR, Wash. (NNS) -- Five Sailors from Pacific Northwest submarine force sea and shore commands were recognized as the Submarine Group (CSG) 9 Sailors and Junior Sailors of the Year and U.S. Strategic Command Combined Task Force (CTF) 134 Mid-Tier Enlisted Sailor of the Year Dec. 13 during a luncheon at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor.

    Electrician's Mate 1st Class (SS) Scott Koenig, of USS Jimmy Carter (SSN 23), was selected as the Sea Sailor of the Year (SOY) and Navy Counselor 1st Class (SCW/FMF) Sara Dozier, of Naval Submarine Support Center (NSSC) Bangor, was selected as the Shore SOY.

    Machinist's Mate 2nd Class (SS) Alexander Zufriategui, of USS Michigan (SSGN 727) Blue Crew, was selected as the Sea Junior Sailor of the Year (JSOY) and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SG/FMF) Christopher Towle, of Submarine Development Squadron (SUBDEVRON) 5, was selected as the Shore JSOY.

    Missile Technician 1st Class (SS) Patrick Miller, of USS Alabama (SSBN 731) Blue Crew, was selected as the U.S. Strategic Command CTF 134 Mid-Tier (E-5/E-6) Enlisted Sailor of the Year.

    "It's a very humbling time for me, because there's some tough competition," said Dozier. "If it wasn't for the junior Sailors with me helping them and for my mentors, the chiefs, the senior chiefs and my fellow first classes helping me out, I don't think I could be here today getting the Shore Sailor of the Year. I'm speechless right now. I was very surprised."

    Koenig and Dozier will represent CSG-9 in the Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific Sailor of the Year competition, scheduled for March in San Diego.

    Miller will represent the Navy, competing against other branches of service in the U.S. Strategic Command Combined Task Force (CTF) 134 Mid-Tier (E-5/E-6) Enlisted Service member of the Year competition in Nebraska.

    "The whole reason I, and every one of us officers and chief petty officers, are where we are is because of the phenomenal people we've been able to work with and you folks we are celebrating here today, the Junior Sailors of the Year and Sailors of the Year are the epitome of the phenomenal people that make the submarine force work," said Rear Adm. Dietrich Kuhlmann, Commander of Submarine Group 9.

    The SOY finalists were Electronics Technician 1st Class (SS) William Robertson, of SUBDEVRON 5, Electrician's Mate 1st Class (SS) Brandon Allphin, of USS Ohio (SSGN 726) Gold Crew, Yeoman 1st Class (SS) Trever Threde, of Submarine Squadron 19, Information Systems Technician 1st Class (SS/SW) Chad Villines, of CSG-9 staff, and Logistics Specialist 1st Class Kyle Bryant, of Priority Material Office, Bangor.

    The JSOY finalists were Machinist's Mate 2nd Class (SS) Nicholas Harmeling, of USS Connecticut (SSN 22) Blue Crew, Electrician's Mate 2nd Class (SS) Joshua McCumber, of USS Nebraska (SSBN 739) Blue Crew, and Logistics Specialist 2nd Class (SS) Christopher Myers, of Priority Material Office, Bangor.

    The Navy-wide Sailor of the Year program was initiated in 1972 by former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Elmo Zumwalt and former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John "Jack" Whittet to recognize outstanding Atlantic and Pacific Fleet Sailors. The Shore Sailor of the Year program was introduced in 1973.

    Sponsored by the Chief of Naval Operations, the program provides recognition to the Navy's outstanding Sailors through numerous presentations, awards and meritorious advancement to the next pay grade.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Tuition Assistance Availability Temporarily Expanded

    Story Number: NNS131217-07Release Date: 12/17/2013 11:06:00 AM
    By Susan D. Henson, Center for Personal and Professional Development Public Affairs

    VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (NNS) -- The Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) is temporarily expanding the availability of tuition assistance (TA) for Sailors beginning Dec. 17.

    CPPD's Virtual Education Center (VEC) will start authorizing command-approved TA requests for classes that have a start date in the second quarter of FY-14, which ends March 31, according to Capt. John Newcomer, CPPD's commanding officer.

    "We strongly believe that Sailors who take the initiative to develop personally and professionally through Navy voluntary education programs are better equipped with strong analytical skills and the ability to make informed decisions that benefit their command and the Navy," he said.

    TA requests for the FY-14 second quarter will be approved in the order they are received on a "first come, first served" basis for as long as TA funds are available, said Newcomer. TA requests will be authorized up to a total expenditure cap of approximately $23 million for the second quarter.

    The second quarter of each fiscal year historically has the highest demand for TA funding, said Newcomer.

    Newcomer emphasized that Sailors are responsible to know the status of the TA request before they begin any class. "Sailors must ensure their TA requests are command approved, in the WebTA system, and authorized by the VEC before their class start date. If any of these three criteria aren't met, Sailors should contact the VEC or servicing Navy College Office regarding the status of their TA request before their class begins."

    The VEC is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. (ET) Monday through Friday. Sailors can reach the VEC by phone at 1-877-838-1659 or 757-492-4684, or DSN at 492-4684. The VEC email address is

    TA is the Navy's educational financial assistance program available to both Navy officer and enlisted active duty personnel and Navy Reservists on continuous active duty. It funds tuition costs for courses taken in an off-duty status at a college, university or vocational/technical institution, whose regional or national accreditation is recognized by the Department of Education and has a signed Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding.

    CPPD is responsible for providing a wide range of personal and professional development courses and materials, including General Military Training, Navy instructor training, alcohol and drug awareness program training, suicide and sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention, and personal responsibility classes. CPPD's required leadership training is delivered multiple times throughout a Sailor's career via command-delivered enlisted leadership training material and officer leadership courses in a schoolhouse setting. CPPD also administers the Navy's voluntary education program, which provides Sailors with the opportunity to earn college degrees. CPPD additionally manages the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program, which offers Sailors the opportunity to earn civilian apprenticeship certifications.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Candidates eligible for advancement who will take the February 2014 Reserve E4-E7 Navy-wide advancement exam (NWAE) will use the following inclusive dates to calculate their performance mark average (PMA):
    Prospective -- Evaluation -- Computation
    Paygrade ----- Paygrade --- Period
    E4 -- E3 -- 1 June 2013 to 31 January 2014
    E5 -- E4 -- 1 February 2013 to 31 January 2014
    E6 -- E5 -- 1 February 2011 to 31 January 2014
    E7 -- E6 -- 1 February 2011 to 31 December 2013
    Check NAVADMIN 306-13 for more information. (N32)


    Candidates eligible for advancement who will take the March 2014 Active Duty E4-E6 Navy-wide advancement exam (NWAE) will use the following inclusive dates to calculate their performance mark average (PMA):
    Examination Evaluation Computation
    Pay grade Pay grade Period
    E4 E3 1 June 2013 to 28 February 2014
    E5 E4 1 December 2012 to 28 February 2014
    E6 E5 1 March 2011 to 28 February 2014

    How is your PMA calculated?

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    December closed out the March E4-E6 Active Duty advancee pay increments. Approximately 85% of those advanced from the March exam were advanced last month and should see the pay bump in the most-recent 1 January pay check.

    January is also the first pay increment for a small number of Sailors who had the highest FMSs in their rating from the September E4-E6 exam. The Active Duty E4-E6 September exam pay increments are from January through June. 3% will be advanced each month through May, with 85% getting advanced in June. On July 1, most advanced Sailors from the September cycle will see their bump in pay for the next-higher paygrade. (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    The E7 Active Duty exam date is January 14, 2014.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    January Application Phase Opens for Sailors Seeking Orders...

    Story Number: NNS140110-05Release Date: 1/10/2014 7:39:00 AM
    From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

    MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- The Career Management System Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) application phase started Jan. 9, and is scheduled to remain open through 5 a.m. Central time, Jan. 21 for active duty and Full-Time Support Sailors in their orders-negotiation window, officials said.

    Enlisted Sailors use CMS-ID to review and apply for permanent change-of-station (PCS) orders online. Sailors may access the website at or from the CMS/ID link at

    Eligible Sailors may review advertised billets in CMS-ID during the application phase and apply for up to five jobs, either directly using CMS-ID, through a command career counselor (CCC), or through direct interaction with the detailer, who can make an application on the Sailor's behalf.

    CMS-ID features a "Sailor Preference" section under the "Sailor Info Tab" where Sailors may rank duty preferences by type, command, location, platform and community, as well as indicate which special programs and schools they would like and leave comments for the detailer.

    Detailers will always attempt to fill billets using a Sailor's desired selections first; however, Fleet readiness requirements are the guiding factor in filling billets. Detailers must also follow sea-shore flow guidelines outlined in NAVADMIN 361/12, so unless a Sailor requests Sea Duty Incentive Pay or the Voluntary Sea Duty Program to take consecutive sea duty orders, a Sailor up for shore duty should not be involuntarily assigned another sea tour. It may mean a Sailor hoping for shore duty in Hawaii or Washington may receive shore duty someplace else, where the need is greater.

    A single set of sea billets, prioritized by U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and a single set of shore billets, prioritized by U.S. Fleet Forces Command and the Bureau of Naval Personnel are advertised each application cycle in CMS-ID as the Navy seeks to fill gaps at sea and place Sailors with the right experience levels and skill sets into high-priority Fleet billets.

    Some factors a detailer weighs when matching Sailors to jobs include the Sailor's desires, qualifications, training availability, career progression, command preference and cost to the Navy.

    Detailers will not assign Sailors to advertised jobs until after the close of the CMS-ID application phase, during the detailer selection phase. Sailors may log into CMS-ID anytime after the detailer selection phase to see if they have been selected for orders.

    Commands also have the ability to rank and add comments to applications for jobs at their command. This process can occur throughout the Sailor Application Phase, and there is a brief period after Sailor applications are shut off before Detailers commence selections when commands alone are allowed access to apply comments and ranking to each application for their command. Command input is another factor that Detailers use when making their selections.

    Sailors can learn more about CMS-ID from their CCC or access CMS-ID by selecting the CMS-ID link on the NPC website at

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck to all those E7 candidates taking the CPO exam tomorrow morning, January 14!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Immediately following the exam administration day, your sailor's command Education Services Officer will ship all answer sheets back to the Navy Advancement Center (NAC) in Pensacola, Fla. Once the package is received, NAC scans the command's answer sheets and matches up each candidate's personnel record information with the raw scores of correctly answered exam questions. All candidate answer sheets are electronically imaged and retained for two years.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Attention Active Duty Personnel:

    Take the Highway to the Danger Zone…Blue Angels is now accepting applications for Special Duty Assignment. See the NAVADMIN for more:

    Don’t Read American History, Live It! USS Constitution is now accepting applications for Special Duty Assignment. See the NAVADMIN for more:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    All eligible E7 candidates are rank-ordered by their Final Multiple Score (FMS). The E7 FMS is made up of only two factors, your performance (Performance Mark Average - PMA) and your rating knowledeg (exam Standard Score - SS). In each rating, the PO1s with the highest FMS (top 60%) will be considered selction board eligible (SBE). Any candidate who has an FMS that falls in the bottom 40% will not be SBE and will not have an opportunity to advance this cycle. NAC publishes the E7 SBE list in March. Selection Boards are held in Millington during the summer, where boards of Master Chief Petty Officers select candidates to fill available vacancies in each rating. (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Are you a PACT Sailor? Make sure you meet the requirements for the job you want... Read more here:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Career advice from a 42-year veteran...

    BMCS Don Gore served more than 40 years before retiring at the end of 2013. (Courtesy of BMCS Don Gore)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    On the Minds of LN/NC Detailers:

    Are you an LN or NC eligible for rotation to sea duty? 18-month Special Duty orders to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, counts as a full sea-duty tour. In addition to special duty pay, you can choose which coast you want to be stationed on for your following shore duty assignment.

    100% advancement to LN2…The LN community is currently accepting qualified Sailors who wish to convert. Additional advancement and retention opportunities should continue. Refer to JAG Instruction 1440.1E for conversion package requirements

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    When you sign your exam cycle worksheet, you are given the opportunity to verify your Performance Mark Average (PMA). The PMA is a key Final Multiple Score factor, which is used to rank-order candidates for advancement. To calculate your PMA, you must have the inclusive dates published in the exam cycle NAVADMIN. The Advancement Manual (BUPERSINST 1430.16F) provides guidance on use of IA/GSA/OSA concurrent evaluations.

    The inclusive dates for the upcoming March E4-E6 advancement Cycle 223 are:
    Exam PG - Eval PG - Computation Period
    E4 - E3 - 1 June 2013 to 28 February 2014
    E5 - E4 - 1 December 2012 to 28 February 2014
    E6 - E5 - 1 March 2011 to 28 February 2014

    How is your PMA calculated?

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    On the Minds of AC Detailers...

    Conversion opportunities exist for AC2s in the 2002, 2003, and 2004 Year Groups (Zone C) via Career Waypoints. Lateral conversion packages from AC to LN and NC ratings are still being accepted. ACs facing forced conversion should contact the ECM prior to submitting a package.

    Billets are now available on the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) for E-6 and below but not advertised on CMS-ID. Contacting the detailer prior to entering the CMS-ID window is highly encouraged.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    You have Personnel Questions – They Have Answers, and if you are in PACNORWEST, they are coming to You...

    A select team of BUPERS 3, OPNAV N133 and NAVERSCOM personnel from the enlisted community management branch and career management departments will conduct a fleet engagement team (FET) visit at Naval Base Kitsap (NBK), Naval Station Everett (NSE) and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI) on 10-13 February 2014. All personnel are encouraged to attend, reservations are not required.

    This visit is intended to help command leadership teams with current manpower issues and programs, as well as promote the professional and personal development of our sailors. The team will focus on navy force shaping initiatives to include a leadership brief, enlisted force management/career waypoints brief, nuclear distribution/enlisted update, "pathway to success" overview and a nuclear enlisted community health update.

    For more information, and a detailed schedule, please go to:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Are you a Navy Veteran who retired/separated PRIOR to 1995 and need a copy of your DD214? Request online at:

    Please note written signature by mail or fax is still required when completing the online process. If you prefer to MAIL your request, please download the SF-180 using the link above and MAIL the signed and dated request to address listed below. If you prefer to FAX your request, please download the SF-180 using the link above and FAX the signed and dated request to (314)-801-9195. Also, please use the link above to view required info, emergency requests/deadlines info, response time, etc.

    For additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) link for more information at

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Your opportunity to advance is based on manning needs at the next-higher paygrade. NAC rank-orders Sailors by their FMS, and advance a number of candidates based on quotas for each rating and paygrade. Check your rating's Enlisted Community Manager page to see manning trends. (N32)


    Advancement candidates can earn two points for an associates degree and four points for a bachelor's degree. Transcripts must be mailed to the Virtual Education Center (VEC), which serves as the Navy College Program's central location for answering and processing inquiries dealing with all off-duty voluntary education programs and services. The Center also serves as a hub for requesting the Sailor and Marine Corps American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART). Their call center is open five days a week, 15 hours a day, staffed by academic advisors, ready to fill your requests for SMART and answer questions about all components of the Navy College Program. (N32)