Navy Career Planning

Navy Career Planning: This area deals with the choices that our sailors have to make about their Naval career and what happens after.

Around the world around the clock, in defense of all we hold dear, back home...

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  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    NAC checks candidate eligibility each advancement cycle, and processes advancement candidate status changes daily. Changes can be based on an advancement candidate meeting Time-in-Rate requirements, security clearance changes, early promote recommendations or other status changes. Profile sheet updates occur after advancement cycles, as well as when a candidate's status impacts advancement standing. (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Navy-wide advancement exams are always scheduled on a Thursday.
    E6 - 06 March 2014
    E5 - 13 March 2014
    E4 - 20 March 2014
    Check NAVADMIN 312-12 for more information on advancement Cycle 223. (N32)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Navy-wide Advancement Exam
    -- Naval Station Norfolk VA

    All E-6 candidates will report to Bldg. CEP-58 (McCormick Gym inside of Gate 5) on Thursday, 6 MAR 14.

    The exam site is a gym and will be open at 0530. The exam will begin at 0800 and candidates reporting after 0800 will be considered late and sent back to their command.

    Parking is very limited and candidates/commands should plan accordingly. Arriving past 0800 due to traffic or lack of parking is not a valid reason for a substitute exam.

    Command uniform of the day is the correct uniform. Civilian clothes, coveralls, command issued clothing and flight suits are not authorized at the exam site.

    All candidates are reminded that cellphones, beepers, Palm Pilots, Blackberries, watches, food, drink, backpacks, purses and weapons are not allowed at the exam site. Only non-programable calculators are allowed for use at the exam site.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Active Duty Cycle 223 E6 advancement exams will be administered Navy-wide on Thursday, March 6. For more information on the March Active Duty exam cycle check NAVADMIN 312/13. Good luck to all advancement candidates! (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Career Sea Pay Increases...

    Story Number: NNS140304-08Release Date: 3/4/2014 1:42:00 PM
    By Chief of Naval Personnel, Public Affairs

    WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus today announced an increase in Career Sea Pay (CSP) and Career Sea Pay Premium (CSP-P) for eligible Sailors and Marines serving aboard ships whose primary mission is conducted at sea.

    "Those Sailors and Marines on sea duty, deployed away from home around the world, are the backbone of the Navy and Marine Corps, and enable us to provide and maintain our global presence," said Mabus. "This change to Career Sea Pay will both improve critical sea-duty manning and reward those who take these challenging sea-going assignments. This increase is long overdue and is meant to reward our Sailors and Marines for their continued sacrifices as part of 'America's Away Team'."

    CSP and CSP-P are funds earned by Sailors and Marines on top of their base pay, to compensate them for time at sea. CSP rates are based upon a member's pay grade and cumulative years of sea duty. CSP-P is an additional incentive for members who exceed 36 consecutive months at sea. By law, CSP and CSP-P may not exceed $750 and $350 respectively.

    All pay grades with at least three years of cumulative sea duty will receive a 25 percent increase in regular CSP, while service members who exceed 36 months of consecutive sea duty will receive an increase in CSP-P from $100 to $200 per month.

    Consistent with current policy, in lieu of receiving CSP-P, Sailors and Marines in grades E5-E9 with eight years of cumulative sea duty receive a higher CSP rate, equivalent to receiving CSP-P whenever assigned to a ship regardless of consecutive sea time.

     to view the new CSP table.

    This is the first increase of CSP and CSP-P since 2001. Approximately 100,000 Sailors receive CSP and approximately 13,000 receive CSP-P; this special pay increase is expected to cost $66 million/year.

    Pending final coordination with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, it is expected that the new CSP and CSP-P rates will take effect early this summer. An announcement on the exact date is forthcoming.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck today for all those PO2s taking the Petty Officer First Class Navy-wide Advancement Exam!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck today for all those PO3s taking the Petty Officer Second Class Navy-wide Advancement Exam!

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Increased Assignment Flexibility Allows Detailers to Fill Anticipated Vacancies

    MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- A change to personnel policy now allows detailers to write orders directing the transfer of Sailors up to six months prior to or after their Projected Rotation Date (PRD), according to NAVADMIN 058/14 released Mar 13.

    Additionally, shore duty Sailors in paygrades E-4 to E-9 may be pulled for Early Return to Sea Duty, after having completed at least 24-months ashore.

    A change to MILPERSMAN 1306-104 gives Navy detailers increased flexibility in filling anticipated fleet vacancies on time with a fully trained and qualified relief. Although the use of the Voluntary Sea Duty Program, Sea Duty Incentive Pay, and the Chief Petty Officer Early Return to Sea programs have made progress in improving fleet manning, there are times when the number of fleet vacancies and/or the associated training requirements for those positions do not align with the number or availability dates of Sailors in their orders negotiation window.

    PRDs will not be adjusted and the current Career Management System/Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) application and detailing policies remain unchanged. Sailors will still enter their CMS/ID order negotiation window nine months prior to their PRD. However, when they are selected for their next assignment, their orders may direct transfer earlier than the previous three months prior to four months after their PRD allowed. The actual transfer date will be determined by the commencement of training for the prospective job and the date of the anticipated fleet vacancy they are being ordered to fill.

    Additionally, when the number of critical fleet vacancies exceeds the number of sea duty rollers, detailers may contact shore duty Sailors that are approaching or beyond 24-months ashore, and consider them for an early return to sea move. When being considered for an early return to sea requirement, Sailors will be contacted by their detailer, and their current command will be contacted by their placement coordinator, and they will be afforded a 30-day window to submit an impact statement for consideration regarding their early transfer.

    Also, nuclear enlisted sailors will have their initial sea tour PRDs set in accordance with their prescribed sea tour lengths. This change removes unnecessary administration from the ships, allows for more accurate personnel inventory reports and provides our Sailors with more accurate PRDs upon receipt of orders to their initial aircraft carrier sea tour.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck today for all those E3s taking the Petty Officer Third Class Navy-wide Advancement Exam!

  • Bill Greenlaw

    Gary, I am waiting to hear what my son, an E3 taking the Petty Officer Third Class test today, feels about how he did. It is hard to believe that its been less than a year since he left for RTC. It looks his sister may join up soon. What a year!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Bill, I'm thinking this should be released right around the week of May 19th for this March exams cycle. We'll all know by then the final results. Crossing my fingers for all of us heheh...

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    CSP and CSP-P Increase begins May 1...

    Story Number: NNS140414-08Release Date: 4/14/2014 9:54:00 AM
    From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

    WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The increase to Career Sea Pay (CSP) and Career Sea Pay Premium (CSP-P), announced in March by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, will be implemented May 1 and eligible Sailors will see the increase in their mid-month paycheck according to Navy officials.

    In addition to base pay, CSP and CSP-P compensate Sailors and Marines serving aboard ships whose primary mission is conducted at sea. CSP rates are based upon a member's pay grade and cumulative years of sea duty. CSP-P is an additional incentive for members who exceed 36 consecutive months at sea. The increase to both pays is part of a larger Navy-wide effort to reduce gaps at sea by incentivizing sea duty.

    "Those Sailors and Marines on sea duty, deployed away from home around the world, are the backbone of the Navy and Marine Corps, and enable us to provide and maintain our global presence," said Mabus in March. "This change to Career Sea Pay will both improve critical sea-duty manning and reward those who take these challenging sea-going assignments. This increase is long overdue and is meant to reward our Sailors and Marines for their continued sacrifices as part of 'America's Away Team'."

    All pay grades with at least three years of cumulative sea duty will receive a 25 percent increase in regular CSP, while service members who exceed 36 months of consecutive sea duty will receive an increase in CSP-P from $100 to $200 per month.

    Consistent with current policy, in lieu of receiving CSP-P, Sailors and Marines in grades E5-E9 with eight years of cumulative sea duty receive a higher CSP rate, equivalent to receiving CSP-P whenever assigned to a ship regardless of consecutive sea time.

    Click here to view the new CSP table.

    This is the first increase of CSP and CSP-P since 2001. Approximately 100,000 Sailors receive CSP and approximately 13,000 receive CSP-P; this special pay increase is expected to cost $66 million/year.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    On the Minds of the CS Detailers:

    Are you are taking advantage of ALL of your career opportunities? Don’t risk becoming a NON-VOLUNTEER for a set of orders by not using ALL of your application opportunities in CMS-ID. Only applying for 1 or 2 available orders DOES NOT mean you will get one of those two available orders. Become familiar with NAVADMIN 226/12 and fully exercise your prospects. Applications must also be at the same pay grade you currently hold. This applies for ALL enlisted pay grades.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    The Navy Advancement Center has received answer sheets from the Fleet after the administration of February and March Navy-wide advancement exams. The rank-order list of candidates in each rating is based on the Final Multiple Score (FMS), and those lists are now being finalized by the NAC staff. Currently, the FMS is made up of elements that include your Performance Mark Average, exam Standard Score, Service in Paygrade, Awards, Pass Not Advance points, education and Individual Augmentee points. Results are anticipated to be released around Memorial Day. If you have any specific questions about the upcoming exam cycle, contact your command Educational Services Officer. Good luck to all candidates!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Did you know: You can save time by making an appointment for ID Card Services and DEERS updates?

    • Two forms of approved government issued id are required. For specific information, visit this link:;

    • Make an Appointment:

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Congratulations to all those selected to advance to Master Chief Petty Officer!

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    A key element of the Final Multiple Score for E4-E6 advancement candidates is the Performance Mark Average (PMA). The PMA can be worth up to 42% of an E4 and E5 FMS. A 4.0 PMA for an E6 will earn up to 47% of the total PMA points. Check the Cycle NAVADMIN for PMA dates, and make sure all your evaluations are entered in your personnel record. (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Active Duty (Cycle 223) and Reserve (Cycle 094) E4-E6 advancement results are expected to be released around Memorial Day. Quotas are normally released a day or two before results. Good luck to all candidates! (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Each rating has a number of vacancies to fill during an advancement cycle. A candidate's opportunity to advance depends on two primary factors - vacancies (rating quotas) and your Final Multiple Score (FMS). The FMS is used to rank-order candidates... (N32)

    The NAC rank-orders Sailors for advancement. What does that mean?

    NAC uses the results from enlisted exams to assess knowledge at the next-higher paygrade and compute an individual Sailor's Final Multiple Score (FMS).  The FMS is used to compare all Sailors in the same pay grade and rating.  NAC rank-orders Sailors - the highest FMS score is the number one Sailor for advancement, second highest is number two, etc. - so the most qualified candidates are advanced given the number of vacancies (quotas) in a particular rating.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    The Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) announces a change to the advancement notification process... Answering Advancement Questions

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    New Rules for Advancement...

    The Navy announced significant changes to the current advancement policy, including a new formula for the Final Multiple Score (FMS) that will be in effect for the next advancement cycle in fall 2014.

    5 Changes You Need to Know About

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Cycle 223 E4/5/6 Advancement Results Notification Dates:

    Command triads will be notified via BUPERS Online (BOL) of their command's results today.

    Individual Sailor advancement notification on BOL, Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) and Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) will occur May 23 in the morning, Eastern Standard Time.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    NAVADMIN 111-14 announced Cycle 095 Navy-wide examinations for advancement in rate of Reserve personnel. Reserve exams are administered during the month of August. To calculate your Performance Mark Average (PMA) for Cycle 095, use the following dates:
    E4 exam - 1 January 2014 to 31 July 2014
    E5 exam - 1 June 2013 to 31 July 2014
    E6 exam - 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2014
    Refer to Chapter 3 of BUPERSINST 1430.16F for more information on how to calculate your PMA. Good luck to all candidates! (N32)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)


    The following fleet commissioning programs were combined to create the STA-21 Program:

    • Seaman to Admiral
    • Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP)
    • Aviation Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP)
    • Nuclear Enlisted Commissioning Program (NECP)
    • Civil Engineer Corps Enlisted Commissioning Program (CECECP)
    • Fleet Accession to Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC)
      • (Includes Nurse Option)
    • Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training (BOOST)

    What makes the STA-21 Program so different from most of the other commissioning programs is its fairness to the Sailor. Some of the previous enlisted commissioning programs required Sailors to pay their college tuition by themselves. Others removed the student from active duty status, thus taking away any source of income. The STA-21 Program will keep all participants on active duty at their current enlisted pay grade. This means they will receive all the pay, allowances, benefits, and privileges they currently enjoy and will still be eligible for enlisted advancement while in the program: Time spent in school will not count towards retirement, however, it will count towards pay purposes.  Sailors will receive up to $10,000 per year to cover tuition, books, and fees. The Sailor will pay any costs above $10,000 per year. Participants attending inexpensive universities that do not require use of the entire $10,000 for any year will not be able to keep the difference.

    Although the applicant's history of fleet performance will receive consideration during the selection process, emphasis will be placed on the identification of those applicants who possess the academic and leadership potential necessary to become outstanding Naval officers.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Your performance is a key element of the Final Multiple Score, and greatly influences where you end up on the rank-order list of candidates eligible for advancement in your rating. Make sure you know what dates are used to calculate your Performance Mark Average (PMA) by checking the advancement Cycle NAVADMIN. For more information about evaluations and PMA calculations, refer to section 309 of BUPERSINST 1430.16F (Advancement Manual). (N32)

    Your Performance Mark Average (PMA) uses only the Promotion Recommendation block (Block 45) from evaluations in the current paygrade. For E4, your ESO uses evals from the past 8 to 9 months. For E5, the past 14 to 15 months are used, and E6, the past 36 months. Block 45 marks are added together, then divided by the number of evaluations used in the computation.


    Promotion Recommendation Point Values


    Early Promote = 4.00

    Must Promote = 3.80

    Promotable = 3.60

    Progressing = 3.40

    Significant Problems = 2.00


    Example for PO2 Participating in PO1 Exam:


    Evaluation Ending Block 45 Mark

    09 March 15 EP = 4.00

    08 March 15 MP = 3.80

    07 March 15 MP = 3.80


    Add 4.00 + 3.80 + 3.80 = 11.6, divide by 3 = 3.866


    Round up to 3.87 = PMA

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Good luck to all CPO eligible candidates! ( N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    FY-15 Chief Results are Out!
    FY-15 active-duty chief selection board results have been released...

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    The Navy Advancement Center (NAC) will no longer use Sailor social security numbers. All correspondence sent to NAC should contain a Department of Defense Identification Number (DOD ID) to identify an advancement candidate. Correspondence with SSNs will not be processed, including: Navy-wide Advancement Exam discrepancies corrections/additions, E8/9 board validations, E7 selection board waivers, E4/5/6 individual augmentee missed exam computations, exception to policy requests, and any other Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) correspondence.
    The NEAS system change aligns with the broader social security number reduction plan being implemented throughout the DOD.

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    The Active Duty Chief Petty Officer exam is administered on the third Thursday in January. On January 15, approximately 17,000 E6s around the Fleet will be tested on their rating knowledge. Good luck to all candidates! 

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    New Career Transition Options Announced for the AWF/AWV Community

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Navy-wide advancement exams will be administered for eligible Reserve component E4-E7 candidates in February. You should compute your performance mark average (PMA) using all evaluations in your current rank with an ending date that falls within the following time periods:
    E4 exam - 1 June 2014 to 31 January 2015
    E5 exam - 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015
    E6 exam - 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2015
    E7 exam - 1 February 2012 to 31 December 2014
    Refer to NAVADMIN 238/14 for more information. (N32)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Seabees sought for master-at-arms jobs...

    Officials want to persuade more Seabees to switch ratings to master-at-arms, whose ranks are set to grow in the next few years. Force Master Chief Christopher Levesque talks to Seabees in Gulfport, Miss., about decommissioning some Seabee battalions.(Photo: MC1 Michael C. Barton/Navy)

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary


    Approximately 18,000 Active Duty First Class Petty Officers will be selection board eligible (SBE) for Chief Petty Officer this year. The NAC staff is currently scanning and scoring thousands of exam answer sheets as they come in from the Fleet. Each candidate's performance mark average and exam standard score will be calculated to determine the Final Multiple Score (FMS). NAC will publish the SBE list for each rating once 95% of the rating exam answer sheets have been received. Candidates who have a rank-ordered FMS that falls within the top 60% in their rating will be SBE. NAC anticipates publishing the SBE results in March. Good luck to all candidates! (N32)