

Brandon, Ms

United States

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Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am E.G.'s wife and the mother of Evan. I am so proud of our son and all he has accomplished this far.Also, of my husband for starting this site.
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud, Supportive, Worried
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Chrystal

    Well hello miss smarty pants:)and thank you. I know I'm not a navy dad, but I figure there's a wealth of information and support on/for both sites. I love it and am glad to join up. Our sons PIR is on 08-08-08 so I'm in countdown mode...29 days :p
  • Cindy

    A 3 yr old. My niece exhausts me after a few hours! Then again, if she were my child, it would be different. Cherry Grace knows I'll do anything for her!
    That's so cool about the Ask a Sailor group. I'll definitely check that out. I had a ton of questions for Morgan. Now I can give him a little break and Ask A Sailor instead!
    Morgan as always been a very shy quiet kid. He said he talks to about 7 - 8 guys in his group. They've lost 6 and now there's been fights breaking out in the barracks. He thinks it's the alpa male thing starting! I know he's just sitting back smiling and thinking how dumb it is.
    I'm hoping that he'll be a little more assertive when he graduates, but at the same time, I still want to see my quiet kid who has a heart of gold! That's not asking much is it?
  • Cindy

    Thank you so much Cindy. Your responses are always so warm. Can't wait to read what Evan said. I was surprised to find Morgan's PIR packet in the mail today. I'm starting to make reservations now. Now I'll be watching my blingyblob even closer. Our youngest is going to be so sick of hearing me say..."Hey Kelson! 1 month, 4 days...,"! He already says "that's nice." He says he's just going for the plane ride. I hope by the time PIR is here, he'll be happy to see Morgan. They were never close (little over 4 yrs. between them). Oh, how I miss Morgan. It seems forever and a day since I've seen him. So is EG on the board for highschool football?
  • Cindy

    I hope you're right about Kelson. Morgan's already mentioned he's ready for 'freedom' and the first shower he takes is going to be a very long one! Once I make the reservations for PIR, I'm going to be very excited. The problem is I'll fall hard afterwards. When Morgan moved to Seattle, my sister-in-law said to hold your tears until you've turned your back and are walking away. He knows what's happening. We didn't have a real goodbye at MEPS. They were being moved, very quickly, from their travel briefing to lunch to the airport. Martin had to tell the lady at the desk that we needed to get his backpack and say goodbye. I wish we had known that was going to happen. We would've taken a lot more pictures when we had the chance. Enough about that. How do the boys like their little sister? I bet she's treated like a princess.
  • Michele

    Hey Cindy - I read where Evan said he only had about 17 days remaining, he will probably be gone before Wes gets there :(. I believe things are unique for each job because I know the ones in the medical field aren't as strict with freedom either. Also which ship (dorm building) you are in, Wes was fine when he was in the USS Franklin but they have moved him into the Cole now. When I left him that Sunday to head home after PIR he had said he would be moved to the USS Whiskey in a week or two but it never happened. I didn't get to chat online with him last night so I don't know if my words of encouragement helped. I pray it has. . .
    Thank you for your concern and support :).

    God Bless,
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy ~ Morgan's always been strong...physically! I do know this will bring about a much more confident young man. I'm just happy I won't have to be the one paying the water bill for that shower! Oh, I can't wait to see him. He's not been one to show a lot of emotion, so I hope he wraps me in his arms and gives me the biggest hug he's ever given me! My mother-in-law still cries when her out of state kids leave to go home. I've tried to get a letter out to Morgan every day, unfortunately, that didn't happen today. It's been started! I'll be sure and tell him what Evan said too.
  • Billy garrett

    thanks for your note. Ricky got to call for the first time today and he said it was alot of fun. I am taking my wife to Denver in the morning to see a doctor there. So I wont be on here again untill we get back on friday. Thanks alot...BJ
  • Michele

    Thank you Cindy, Wes has always had an eye for photography. I was glad to see him in this newest batch of photos! Wes is going to be an AT, he has quite a bit of schooling ahead of him still. I talked to him briefly on Sunday but he is doing better (at least before I woke him up with my call lol). By the time Evan starts classes my son will be in Pensacola and they can at least see each other before Evan leaves. At least I hope they can :). God Bless, Michele
  • Sindy

    Hey Cindy ~ First I want to thank you and EG for the warm warm welcome. I been a single mom for 18 years and cherrish every bit of it. Second ~ This site as been very kind and the most helpful I have been on. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you better and hearing all about our sailors.

    Thank you again,
  • Cindy

    Hello Cindy! This is so tough. We got a letter today. He said that BC is starting to get to him. Michele told me to focus on the positive. That's hard to do when you know he's getting down, plus being sick. I pleaded with my family to send him some encouragement, either in the form of a letter, card, anything. He confirmed that he'll be FMF out of A School. I'm not happy about that, but I know that he's a grown man, and he's choosing the course of his life. My only prayer is that he's in the Lord's will. On the positive side, he said he was promoted, but didn't take it because he was the 'stick' person for their division and that it was very prestegious. I have no clue what that means, other than he'll be in the front row for PIR. He's not one to make a lot of friends, he said he talks to 7-8 guys, but thought he'd only stay in contact with a couple. From the very beginning, it has always been a prayer that either he'll find a good friend or the Lord will bring someone to him. I think I deleted a message from me to you on accident. I thought I was on my page, but I found out it was yours. So sorry, at least it was something from me! How are you doing since Evan's been home?
  • Cindy

    Wow Cindy! Me? Strong? I feel like I'm just a bundle of nerves and a puddle of tears if I find out things aren't going so well! I cried for a good solid half hr today after I read his letter. Thank you though. There is a guy in his div. that he's known since before they were sworn in. He said they do hand signals across the room to talk to each other! I thought that was great. They should be going to HM together as well. Thank you, that's a praise! It so easy to focus on the tough rather than the good. I hear you want to play Fantasy Football too. Any clue how it works?!
  • Luis

    Cindy I just threw it out there to see if the Navy4Dads members would like to do the Fantasy Football. I think that what I am going to do is start the league when it becomes available and then I will post a message inviting folks to join. I can already see that you are a feisty-competative gal.

    God Bless you.
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy~I was thinking about you today. I'm doing better. This past weekend was rough. Just one of those times. Sunday's was our day to call Morgan and talk. I've been checking out FMF. It sounds like Morgan has a very intensive 6 months ahead of him. Once again, the only thing I can do is watch from afar, support and encourage. So, you're a feisty-competative gal huh! How are you doing? Shounds like you're keeping busy. Since you're the Mom, it's been great having James answer questions.
  • Michele

    First off, Thank You, I like being involved on this site and it is a blessing to be able too. My phone call with Wes Saturday night was awesome. . it seemed like I had the old Wes back, we used to ramble on before he went in the Navy about anything, no matter how silly :). He has been staying very busy with classes, even taking Sat. classes now, plus volunteering for Watch Duty. He said he actually has about 2 - 3 hours on the weekends of real free time but it isn't bothering him too bad. He is still looking forward to Pensacola cuz he says it is too cold in GL lol. He still doesn't know specifics like Evan seems to know. I am much more comfortable now that I know my Wes is still there :). God Bless, Michele
  • Cindy

    Hey Cindy ~ I don't know how much more of bc I can take! Morgan's letters are more discouraging every week. He's got a little over 3 weeks left. Asked James what to say, but I'm asking you as well. What can I say to encourage him? I'm running out of thoughts.
  • Cindy

    Thanks Cindy. Evan did respond and so did James! I will continue to encourage. Martin wrote him last night too, so hopefully that will help. I just had a Mom asked if she could send him encouragement. I decided to let her. Maybe hearing it from someone else will help him. I know he can do this. It would help if he'd go to sic call, but I don't know if he will. He doesn't like doctors and he wants to be a nurse! Go figure.
  • Cindy

    Cindy. (((((Hugs))))) I feel for you. This is the farthest Morgan has lived away from home and it seems like he's in Australia (which is where he'd love to go!). Poor Evan, he must feel like I'm going to melt into a pool of tears. I must admit, I really don't like hearing that. That's why I stayed home instead of going camping this weekend. So, I could be home in case he called. It did put my stomach in knots. If I might ask, why do they wait this long, and why is this the most difficult week? You can ask Evan thatand make him write me! ;) All of us parents have made reservations for 8/15. Grrrr Love my country dearly, but this is aggravating. I'm going to find a positive in this for you since you've been such great support for me. James will be able to call and email you at least twice a week, from what I hear. Therefore, it won't be like he's in BC where you can't talk to him at all. He'll be out of A school, so his new career adventure will be starting for real. Does that help? You can tell Evan he can double his prayers for Morgan now!!
  • Cindy

    By the by...husband's are such great consolers aren't they! Your picture looks like a gi and a black belt. I just realized it's probably a Sailor's uniform.
  • Cindy

    Cindy. I'm home by myself all weekend, so I'll be on a lot! Another question for your hubby (that's what he gets!). If a person is in bad shape, physically, due to BC, how do they know if that recruit is Navy worthy or not? Why do these sailors want to go to Australia? I want to go just to hear the men talk (love their accent!), so what's so great about being stationed there?
  • Cindy

    You are great. You're the second Mom that's told me she feels in her heart that Morgan will make it. When his second rack buddy left, he told himself he was going to make it for all those that didn't get the chance. I told him to do for himself first, then the others. Boy, California via Australia. That is the long route! Cleaning...yuck. I'm going to paint a wall in our bedroom. Martin doesn't know it. I've had the paint, just haven't gotten around to it. I told him we were going to have a chocolate/mint room!
  • Cindy

    Gee thanks. Happy cleaning!
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy. I hope you got a good nights rest last night. My whole day just opened up. I can't move the bed to paint! Wish it were that easy to say about cleaning. Was thinking of you so that I check in to see how you were doing.
  • Cindy

    Afternoon! I really was hoping to paint cuz I wouldn't have to clean! There was a method to my madness...really. Glad to hear you slept in. I did too. It will be a warm one again, lower 90's. Haven't had any rain since a week ago Thursday. That was the first time in over a month. I'm counting my blessings though...I'm not in Arizona! Well, I really should start my cleaning. I am going to treat myself and go see Mama Mia today. Had to watch Hairspray by myself too!
    Hi E.G.!
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy ~ Thanks for asking about me. I'm doing good. Let Evan know since he was worried. I'm trying to remember that 'no news is good news'. I've also been in contact with a couple of Mom's who have sons in Morgan's division. They haven't received any calls either. I also started training for my new job today, so I think these last few weeks are going to go by much faster. I had a soccer game tonight right after work, so by the time I got home, and checked my messages, most everyone was off already! I received a phone call from Michele tonight. It was really good to talk to her. Hope your day was a good one.
  • Cindy

    Cindy ~ I'll be more than happy to send a PM with my cell number so we can talk. I'm expecting a letter tomorrow. Thanks for knowing in your heart he's okay. I think he is too, I just need verification from him. I'd be so happy with a positive letter. I'm going to have Kelson text me if it is! 16 more days! How are you doing? Any news as to when Evan's leaving?
  • Cindy

    I'm surprised Evan gets that little R & R time. I thought he would get more time than, oh, I don't know, until I'm ready to let him go? hehe. I'm sure he's ready, who doesn't want to go to Australia. Thanks for the info on battlestations. I'm glad for that answer! I'll send my number. How's your week been so far?
  • Cindy

    I won't get off work until 7:30 your time, so I'll call you after I get home. You need an escape room in the house! I'm sorry to hear it's been a long week already. Tomorrow's hump day, and one day closer to 8/13!
  • Cindy

    It was such a pleasure talking to you. I'm sure hubby is saying 'bout time!' ;) Have a good day tomorrow!
  • Sindy

    Cindy ~ Thank you for asking how Trey is doing. I received another letter from him today and he sounds really good. In his letter he mentioned his RDC is recommending a promotion for him. What the promotion is I'm not sure. He has already been put on division staff, so I am assuming it is something else. He seemed excited about it. How you and your guys doing?
  • Haley

    Hey! I know..I have been thinking about the girlfriend group..I told Evan I was going to make one soon. I am relieved and sad to be back. My job was okay it was just really busy, and I definitely wasn't used to working that hard ha. But it was definitely good getting to see Evan a lot. He looks so different, but he is still the same adorable Evan on the inside. The tattoo is okay ha..I told him one was enough, but it is a cool one. I will definitely come over and visit yall one night soon. Well I hope all is well with the family. Tell everyone I said hey. Ttyl!
  • Michele

    Hi Cindy - Thanks for checking in on me :). I am doing good, getting lots of things done around the house (although it never looks like it lol). I talked to Wes last night and he sounded defeated again but by the time we ended the call he sounded more hopeful again. He is anxious to get to fleet but knows he still has several months of A-school to go. I had to remind him why he chose that rating and paint the 'big picture' out so he is still looking forward to the future and not letting little set backs dominate his thoughts. He said he is hoping to be in Pensacola in 3 weeks if he isn't put on hold in GL. He said an instructor told him that GL is the most uptight base of all of them and for him to hang in there because soon he will see the better side of the Navy. It pains me to hear all of this but I am glad he is calling me! We also talked about one of his favorite subjects, the history of D-day. He really comes to life when we talk about history of wars :).
    How cool is that that Evan gets to go to Australia!! Tell him to take lots of pictures and post them on here :). I don't fly so I can't see the country lol. Did Evan say how long the ship ride would be from Australia to San Diego? How are you holding up? Why won't he get his full 2 weeks leave before going to the fleet? God Bless, Michele :)
  • Michele

    Yes there is a lot to learn from this site especially when there are several ex-Navy personnel here too :). I received Wes' Bootcamp Book today (it is like a yearbook). I spent almost an hour looking at it and trying to find him in some of the pictures. Your son looks good in there too :). Hey do you know the web address for the NEX store? I want to see if I can still order the DVD of graduation. I missed a lot of it because I was filming myself and couldn't take the camera off of Wes for long lol. Tell EG he is braver than I if he flies to SD! lol
  • Michele

    When they ordered their picture packages in bc that was in one of the packages, Wes knew I would want it so he ordered the biggest package, $135!! (plus or minus a few dollars). That is a great idea. . I will go over there right now and post it :). Thanks!
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy ~ I'm hoping you're out on the boat enjoying the day. Just wanted to thank you for all your encouragement, even our phone conversation. I didn't realized we had talked that long! Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today. Not long before Evan gets home.
  • Cindy

    That is so awesome that he could come! I figured you'd wear yourself out, cuz I would too. My birthday was good. We went to see the new mummy movie. It was good, but not as good as the first two. Went to dinner at a new place and ordered bbq baby back ribs. They were probably the worst I've had! Spicy sauce, meat tastless, and was tough. The dog loves it though! Don't worry, I scraped off as much sauce as I could. We'll go back and give it one more try. 11 more days, less for you. Don't worry about crying either, it happened every time I had to say goodbye to Morgan when he left to go back to Seattle. My mother-in-law still cries when her out of state girls leave. We're just Mom's!
  • Cindy

    Hey Cindy! Have you been able to figure out how to sign up for fantasy football, or did you get some help from that hubby of yours? Keeping busy?
  • Cindy

    Hello! I just left a message on his page. I told him you and I would set up a team based on names we like or team colors. I do have a few fav's, so they will be on my team just because of that! It's for fun, right? School's starting already? Or, are you adjusting their sleep habits? Kelson starts on the 25th. I finally quit trying to get him to bed at a decent time. He's a night owl, so he'd go to bed at 10, but stay up reading or listening to music until midnight or later. I'm glad he can get himself up now, especially since he's hoping to get a zero hour class...english non-the-less. Yuck! I am getting so excited to see Morgan and yes, we did get a letter from him today. I told EG that I'm glad he called on Saturday, because he was much more positive than the letter. I won't tell you everything I told your hubby. I'll tell you stuff I didn't tell him! He was talking about how he realized how muched he missed being around females, then he writes "don't worry, I know the right thing to do." Now, what does that say to you? I'm puzzled. Anyway, I'll let you go, was up late last night so I need to get to bed early. I overheard a conversation today that they're going to have me doing most of the transactions tomorrow. Not sure I'm ready, but oh well! ttyl
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    thank you so much for your support...and thank ur husband for starting this site. I am hoping somehow i stop crying...i miss my daughter..i know im being selfish...i know in the long run...the tears will become pride but it just hurts so much to miss her...
  • Cindy

    Cindy, I just realized I had written this on my own page and it's Saturday night at 11:00 pm! Anyway, this was written in regards to your last comment on my page. Why would they start school on a Friday, or do you homeschool them? It should be fun watching Morgan then, he talked about going to Six Flaggs...maybe that's why. He'll need to see a chiropractor after the weekend from all the head turning checking out the girls. He'll get them too, who wouldn't want to take a second look at a sailor! Evan home on Tuesday, I was close. I was thinking Wednesday. We fly out a week from tomorrow, so I could say 7 now (if I think GL time). Work was better. My trainer had me doing transactions while she watched. I work for a local credit union. They started it for teachers, students, or anyone affiliated with education. It's a great office....except I could the mother to every single one of the tellers! Kinda weird thinking that the person training me could be my daughter. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I'll try and give you a call this weekend....if I remember. I haven't called Michele yet, like I said I would. I've been too busy. Will you be out on the boat this weekend?
  • Cindy

    Cindy....did you know that your husband is onery? It's okay, I love it. I'm getting excited for you. I know you're looking forward to having that son of yours home. I left a longer message on EG's page. I told him to pass on the info I was giving him. Can't believe we leave on Thursday! Getting really excited. Talk to you soon.
  • Cindy

    Hi you! I remember those days of school shopping. I've been able to take registration day off and take them shopping until this year. We'll be in Chicago for Kelson's and then it's back to work. Bummer. I'm ready for Martin to make that million so I don't have to work anymore! I was in the chat room for quite a while tonight. A gal that works there came on line. She answered a lot of general questions for us, which was awesome. Now I have to decide if I want to sit in the balcony for a good view or on the floor so I can be one of the maniac moms diving to hug their kid. I'd love to talk to you tomorrow night. I do have a soccer game at 9 pm. I'll need to leave the house be 8:15 so I can get a good 1/2 hr. stretch time in. So, if you call, I'll be home around 8:15 your time. These couple of days are going to be nerve racking for you aren't they. You are so excited and I don't blame you. Cry away when you see Evan. By the way, is his first name Evan or James?
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy! Dare I ask if you're back on earth yet or are you still floating on cloud 10? Just needed to share a little. I'm so bummed. Morgan called, about 10 min. or less after I got back from lunch, to tell me he had passed. I had received permission to talk to him when he called. I got to talk to him maybe 5 min. Told him to call Martin and talk to him. He ended up leaving a msg. on Martin's voicemail because Martin thought it was someone else and didn't answer the phone! My poor boy. He had 47 min. to talk to someone and I had to go back to work. Very, very bummed. He even called Ally, and ended up leaving a msg. My heart aches. I hope he was able to talk to someone. Other than that, I'm really excited, and much more so now that I've heard from him. Enjoy your time with Evan. I'm so happy for you that he's home to stay for awhile.
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Hi Cindy, I got the form letter on Monday and a call on Tues..I actually spoke with her for almost 20 minutes. She said its much harder than she imagined and it doesnt feel real. I am hoping when she gets into the swing of it she will be ok. She had to go to sick call already because she got a really bad headache (after she got her shots) while they were training, and she said she tried to push thru but the pain got worse, then she broke down in tears...(that kills me not to be there) but she cried when she called, all I heard was a little voice say "MOMMY???" I screamed so loud Lyssie is that you??? (who else would it be) and to think I almost didnt pick it up because I didnt recognize the number...
  • Cindy

    Hi Cindy! Haven't had the chance to even breathe since we've been back. I'm on the tail-end of lunch, so I'll have to write more tomorrow night (it's my grandma's 90th birthday today). Hey...if you go through Boise, you had better call. That's exciting you'll get to spend that time with him. Been thinking of you with Evan being home and also leaving. Tell your hubby I said 'hi'! PIR was great. Had tears when the door opened...had tears before then when they were showing the newbies going through p-week! I'll write more tomorrow nite. When are you leaving for cali?
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Hi Cindy, I got 2 letters today, she actually wrote them Aug 6 and 11..and I spoke to her on the 12th her letter on the 11th was so funny, she had me laughing...she told me the food is NASTY...that she misses home and wants WAWA...(like a 7n11 not everyone has them) but she said not to send her food, weapons or porn...(thats my girl trying to make me laugh) she said her division has a problem with authority and talking...she will be coming home with body builder muscles because of the shipmates that dont listen...but all in all she sounds ok!!
  • Cindy

    I hope you got some sleep. I should be home tomorrow, but I gave you my cell so anytime is pretty good. I'm babysitting my niece on Sunday afternoon, so that wouldn't be a good time. She pretty much expects my attention 100% when we're together. My fault, she's so adorable, 3 yrs. old. We're going to dinner and a movie ourselves tonight. I'm bummed you're not going to Cali. Hope you enjoy your dinner.
  • Cindy

    Hey my friend. I was thinking about you wondering how you're doing. I'm guessing that Evan has a few more days and then he's gone. Give me a yell if you need to, I know it's going to be difficult saying goodbye. I'm here for ya!
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Hi again....well i am making my reservations etc for PIR...I hope nothing changes...I cant wait to see Alyssa! Today is Sunday, I am hoping maybe she calls me today! I miss her voice!!! I think her letter was so upbeat because she is worried about me. She said in her first line...How are you holding up...better than I hope you are?? She knows I miss her without me even saying a word. This is the longest I have gone without talking to her!!! Ok..I am getting teary.....
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Alyssa is going to A school for Crypto Tech...I know that was a question many moons ago.....
  • Michele

    Hey Cindy - So glad you made it home safe...just in time for the hurricane :(. How are you all fairing with storms? I can't wait to hear all about your trip cross-country with Evan! I am sure you will treasure that forever :). Did you take any pictures? Well stay safe in this storm my friend. God Bless, Michele