Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom


Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Completed her 4 year enlistment as an MA2
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Management.....Total Sports fan
What Brought You To This Site:
my daughter is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud as a peacock
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
In searching through info regarding Basic Training

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  • Eric Seelig

    Tom;  My son Trevor left for Navy Boot, on June 13,2016.  We know he has arrived safely, spoke to him that night. But now we're in the quiet time, when we can only imagine what he is experiencing. This site and the Navy Moms Site have been founts of information for my wife and I.   So we wait for our first letter and next phone call.   Thank you, for all you do.                           Eric Seelig

  • Toby Moss

    Thanks for the add Tom. I dropped my son off at Navy OCS in Newport this morning!  I'm so excited for him!  I look forward to reading and contributing to the group.

  • jerry darrow

    thanks tom we dropped travis off this morning he should be in great lakes tomorrow sometime he was very excited us not so much but we will get used to over time and thanks for all the info on here i have been checking it out for the last couple hours keep up the good work will chat soon

  • Curtis Benes Sr

    My son got to boot camp on June 1, 2016. He is on ship 11 division 273, anyone have their son or daughter in that division.
  • Curtis Benes Sr

    Thanks for the add Tom. I dropped my son off at Navy Recruiting center on Tuesday May 31 I'm so excited for him! I look forward to reading and contributing to the group.
  • Corey Brooks

    Thank you so much Tom. Thank you for being more of a blessing in helping to cope with my daughters future endeavors in the United States Navy.
  • Darren G. Henin

    Thanks for the add. I want to thank you for having such a great site in order to learn more about what she will be going through. 

  • Russell

    Thanks for the quick response. I look forward to communicating with everyone.

    My son is in his first full day today as yesterday was the travel day. The only question I would have at this point is graduation info so arrangements can be made.Thanks for the support

    Russell Goodson

  • Russell

    Definitely attending. Thanks for the Info

  • Christopher J. Miller

    Thank you for the warm welcome Tom. I look forward to the fellowship. BTW- in response to your comment - due to the current situation with our military funding etc. it was almost impossible for Matt to go to OTC in the AF, the Navy recruiter helped pave the way into the Navy OTC.


    Thanks so much Tom! 

  • Rich

    Thanks Tom, my son chose MA as well.  Look forward to digging into this site further.

  • Grizelda Lopez Hess

    David's journey began as a great one...he was made flight leader for his group leaving MEPS to Great Lakes on Monday. Wednesday afternoon he left me a message saying he was being separated from his division for medical reasons. They told him he had a seizure. He does not have a seizure disorder, so I was baffled. I am trying to understand the process of separation and what he is supposed to do. He said he wants to fight it and stay in the Navy. I am not sure what outcome will result, but he thinks he will meet with Legal Wednesday or sometime this upcoming week.

    I am so lost. He was lost too, but he has always been the type to ask questions so I think he has been asking around what the process is. He asked me to send him a copy of his EEG he had in 2010. He had collapsed due to heat exhaustion at summer camp when he was 12 and so me, being overly cautious, asked the doctor to test him. His EEG showed he did not have a seizure disorder. I am not sure that this information will get to him on time, or whether they will allow him to use this.

  • Jonas Berman

    Zach's going to be a naval aviator, so I guess that's NFO, right?

  • Jonas Berman

    Thanks for the link, Tom!  I'm not from a military family (though my dad was WW2 Airforce), so this is all very new to me.  Zach's wanted it for a long time, though, and I'm very proud of him.

  • Craig Hines

    Thanks for the info Tom, he's in a brave new world now but I'm sure hell be fine.  Thanks for the links so I can see what he will be experiencing. 

  • Stacy Songer

    Thank you so much! I have been all over every video and blog site to get an idea of what he's been doing. Today marks one week since he left, I understand it's a process and no news is good news but I miss him terribly. I did however receive his cell phone and dirty clothes in the mail yesterday, I guess a mother's job is never done. I'm patiently waiting for the form letter with his division and graduation info :)
  • Carol Harrington

    Thank you. I tried, but they are not accepting new members and this site suits me better.
  • Mike Holland

    Thank you for the acceptance. Joshua is set for PIR July, 29 2016.
  • L. Paul Saltzman

    Thank you for doing this. Really will help us after he ships out. Now it was great seeing what his future duties will be. I'm impressed by his choice and totally over joyed. As it is said: HOOYAH!
  • Erik Ronald Derr

    Thank you for Jonathan's well wishes as he started recruit training yesterday. Lots of emotions in the last 24 hours. Fortunately I served in the Army reserves so I have a some sense of what his first few weeks will be.
  • Tim collins

    Thanks for the add! Jonathan is currently at OCS Newport 17-16 class NUPOC. Started the 10 of July.
  • Greg Schueller

    Thanks, and I have a question right away.  Being a proud Dad, I want to post on social media news about my son's orders.  Are there guidelines about what is appropriate and not for social media?  Thanks.

  • Kellie Mullen

    Thank You!!
  • Dirk McCoy

    Thanks for the add. You might have mistaken me for a musician by the same name lol. My kid is 17 and thinking about joining the Navy. I got out in 1993 so it looks like things are a little different these days. I'm sure as much as things have change, they are still the same. 

  • Paul Monton

    Thanks so much!
  • Lisa

    Thank you for welcoming me! This looks like a great website. I am excited to be apart of it. Thank you again
  • Philip Silevinac

    Thanks Tom, I look forward to exploring the site and learning more about the Navy. I have always had a fascination with the Navy and considered it when I enlisted but I just couldn't get around "All that water" I joined the Army.

  • Rick Weir

    Hey Tom,  My son just left for Basic.  Ship 04, Div 320.  I will be going to his PIR on Sept 16.

  • Kimberly Ohl

    He is at RTC Ship 14 Division 298
  • Christopher Alfson

    Yes ect is all i knew. He has been in for 3 years now. So proud of him but i did not serve so following the ranks are not easy for me. lol. thank you so much for the great site

  • Juan B. Botero

    Hello, Tom! Thank you, it's definitely not easy to let go. My son is doing well, he misses a lot of things from home but he is growing into an incredible young man. Thanks for the encouragement and please thank your son too for his service. JBB

  • Juan B. Botero

    Correction! Please extend my thanks to your daughter! I have a friend from college whose son is wrapping things up on the Carl Vinson.

  • Dustin

    Thank you for the warm greeting, Tom. I'll take your advice and start with the Boot Camp group.

  • Stan

    Thanks for the Add Tom, yes I have my hands full but it is better than when they were six months old. I wouldn't do that part again if you paid me to! I looked and didn't see any groups specific to Divers, do you know of any?
  • Raul Borrego Jr

    Thank you for the reply Tom, my name is Raul Borrego from Corpus Christi,Tx.  My son just left for boot camp on 8/09/2016. I am very proud of my son and look forward to attending his graduation on 09/30/16. Although it was tough to watch him go, I know it's what he wanted and he is looking forward to his future !!

  • Carlos Acosta

    I have joined the boot camp group and it has already made me feel better seeing some of the videos including the first one showing what they going through!  When my son left I had feelings where I was thinking that I am a father and should be this emotional but I was.  I was not ashamed but this led me to looking for pictures on the internet which was one link leading me to another with eventually led me here.  I am very happy that I am here now and I am also very thankful to the members that have already made me feel welcome!  Thank You!

  • Hubert David Cook

    Thanks for the welcome Tom.

    Just to confuse everyone, I go by my middle name-David, and my OCS son goes by his middle name-Tower. Tower's class is 01/17.

    I read somewhere that photos of them doing their activities are available weekly. If that is true, how do I access them?

    David Cook

  • jack barker

    Had fantastic Tiger Cruise and learned ton about the Navy as well as my son. Couldn't be prouder of him or more grateful for his service to our country.

  • Craig Carlson

    Thanks for the note.  We are excited and somewhat with a "deer in the headlights look" as this is all new to us.

  • Wayne Allan Franck

    Elisha (Eli) is about halfway through Prototype.  His grad date is currently 12/17/16.  Hopefully 30 days off and then he will be deployed to an aircraft carrier that has yet to be determined.

  • John C. Lingsweiler

    Thank you so much!!


  • Glenn

    I have a question maybe you can answer. I got a call from my daughter . She had Alergic reaction to something she ate. They took blood test waiting for results. She is so worried she going to be told she has to leave. Any comments would be appreciated
  • Chuck zousel

    thanks for the message w e are holding out as long as we can i just hope she gets to call sometime this weekend not having any info is hard and i didnt exactly get to talk to her when she made the scripted call , mostly i just want her to know we love her and are proud of her.

  • Dan Mountjoy

    Thank you, Tom -- I've been reading and watching videos for the last few weeks, and I look forward to learning more from folks on this site.

  • Donald Haren

    Tom, Thank for including me on this site, not sure why I didn't discover it sooner.  My son is currently deployed on the Eisenhower and is sweating it out with the other Nukes in the reactor department.  He'll be in 3 years this coming December and recently re-enlisted to do another 2 years for a total of 8. 

  • Larry Pronovost

    Thanks,  Tom.  With a ship date of March2017, I have a lot of time to see what is coming.  I think I am doing for research on what to expect then Joe is.  That is the grey area of parenting, knowing when to step back and let them go!  This will be hard, knowing there will be ups and downs he will face.  But the military is the right thing for him now, at this point in his life.  I can't wait to see where he goes from here!

  • Matthew Bement

    Thanks, Tom. I have been watching the videos of rtc for a couple of weeks and doing a lot of reading.My son is in week 3 ,and it is so nice to see what his  training is week to week. What a great site and so much info!

  • Glenn

    Got phone call from daughter today. Test went well. Can't wait for 23rd graduation an see her. Thank you for positive words.
  • Glenn

    I just seen first picture of my daughter. She looked so good. I can't wait to see her at graduation