Machelle Timme

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
What Brought You To This Site:
My step-daughter is recently enlisted (Before PIR)
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Excited, Apprehensive, proud
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Step Mom
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

Comment Wall:

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to Machelle ! When my daughter enlisted in 2005 and left for RTC, I had virtually no knowledge of Navy life or how the Navy did things. By the time her PIR rolled around, I was starting to get the hang of things and understand some of the language and abbreviations, but still felt like a fish out of water when dealing with most topics concerning the US Navy. When my son enlisted and left for Great Lakes in 2007, I got serious about trying to learn as much as possible about the Navy. Now, several years into my journey, I’m blessed to say I have two sailors in the family - my son Eric (AM2) was on the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), was attached to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 37 (HSM-37) in Hawaii, and is now attached to VAW-125 ("The Tigertails"). My daughter Kat is now a Navy veteran and was stationed on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) as a Mass Communications Specialist(MC3). If were around in those early days, it would have made my first days as a Navy parent much easier!

    I'm sure you'll find as useful, educational and informative as I have over the past few years. Click How To Get Started for a guide on getting going in your experience! I hope you take the time to explore the site and make some new friends. Read the discussions and add your comments. Browse through the postings in the various groups or start a new one. If you have any comments, questions or concerns about your sailor and what she is going sure to post them! In my experience someone here can answer your questions or concerns or can point you in the direction to find out. And Machelle this is a great place to brag as well! So join in, get active, and be sure to let us know how your daughter is doing! Please remember that we talk about the Navy here and we must keep the security and safety of our sailors and the fleet in mind. On the right or starboard side of every NavyDads page is an area we call Key Information. Please take a minute and read through the Operations Security (OPSEC) link for some guidelines as to what we should not talk about in a public forum like

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what Alexis is going through. In the Navy Bootcamp group is a discussion called A MUST READ for all New Navy Parents. Read through this post as it will do a lot to give you some understanding about what your sailor is learning and why. And be sure to check out the videos available in the Bootcamp Group as well and as PIR nears be sure to spend time in the PIR group for hints and helps!

    Best Regards- Paul

    "To raise a child, who is comfortable enough to leave you, means you've done your job. They are not ours to keep, but to teach them to soar on their own"

  • Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom

    Hi Machelle....and Welcome to Navy Dads! I know that your Husband has recently joined....glad that he referred you to us. This is a great place to learn about what Alexis will be going through for the next 2 months. You have already started to link with other parents....perfect. That is what this site is all about! Feel free to ask anything!

  • Navy Dads Co-Admin Tom

    It is a very emotional time for new families. We call it the "roller coaster"....two months of highs and lows. Soon you will be camping out beside the mailbox. We have all gone through it. trust me when I tell you that the reward is well worth the ride! I hope that you are both planning on attending PIR. It is one of the proudest days of a parent's life! Alexis will have you both beaming!!!!

  • Machelle Timme

    Thank you looks like you are the creator of this site that has been so helpful to our family and so so many more!! Thank you so so much!!
  • Machelle Timme

    Yes!! Indeed we will be at graduation!! We are just waiting on the date....and yes...I bet my peacock feathers will be grand that day...thank you. It's both humbling and so proud to have a daughter to serve us all...and thank you for your daughters service as well and taking the time for all of us newbies!!
  • Kim StClair

    Hi Machelle! I am so glad you found me! Yes Thanksgiving was very different! I found myself getting weepy from time to time. I a, not sure how Christmas will be! I have two other sons who are still home and a son and daughter who have moved out but live locally. Brandon is 20. How old is your daughter? Do you have any other children? I look forward to talking with you more and seeing you at PIR
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    No, I'm not the Creator, but am part of your admin cadre!  Glad you've found the site useful- just remember, there is long journey ahead of your sailor and many new things you'll learn over the years----if you have questions, you be sure to post them!  We might not be able to answer everything, but we'll sure try! 

  • Kim StClair

    We are a combined family too! We "adopted" my daughter and her four special needs kids when she was an adult (we met at church instantly bonded and we have been mom and dad ever since! People can't tell we didn't raise her she fits in so well lol) Christopher is 21 and works as a local missionary with kids and an EMT, Andrew is 18 and is active in Civil Air Patrol (he wanted to do Air Force but was disqualified for having metal in is elbow), and Zachary who is 15 and autistic. My husband works for an armored car company and is also active in Civil Air Patrol. I manage a vegan cafe tat is about 15 miles from home. Brandon is going to A school in SAN Antonio for Master at Arms. Where is Alexis doing her school? I am also still learning abbreviations and lingo so what is IS?
  • Kim StClair

    Thanks! I haven't joined the boot camp group I will have to do that! Intelligence Specialist sounds exciting! You both must be so proud! I was especially close to Brandon he used to help me out at the cafe a lot so we spent more time together than me and my other boys it seemed. It is hard but I know he is doing what he wanted to do. I will just keep anxiously waiting for that first letter!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    I had posted this for need to read it as well-

    lest you think you are alone, this was posted by a dad to another member dealing with separation anxiety....

    "I know you have seen some encouraging comments from other members, but I wanted to weigh in here too. On 28 January, a month after completing college, my son was sworn in to the Navy DEP. It was a couple of days after that when it hit me....after 23 years of a daily relationship with him everything was about to change! I knew joining the Navy was going to be the absolute best thing for him. But in spite of that, I became very depressed. I had no idea what I was doing but googled Navy support groups. I found this site. I remember posting my first comments.....reluctantly because I thought others would think of me as less of a depressed I was already at the thought of my son leaving and he was not leaving for boot until 1 May. Well the responses were surprising! All the admins and a number of other members put me at ease when they responded that every dad on this site, if they are honest with themselves, experienced the same thing. I also followed the great advice from the admins to read as much as possible on this site. All of this really helped! But then came the week before he left. I became very upset and just wasn't sure how I was going to cope. It really took some work to get it under control. Then the day came to put him on that plane to Great Lakes. As the tears flowed, it was my son in a bit of a role reversal that said, "dad, it's going to be just fine." Well from that point everything happened just as it was described by the admins and other members on this site from receiving the "kid in a box" to the form letter to the first phone call. The best advice I received after his departure was to write often. I didn't really think my son would care that much because my son has always been very independent and not the "home sick" type. But I found out two things in writing the letters: he loved them and encouraged it and they were very therapeutic for me! In the 7 weeks after I received his address I wrote 16 letters. All typed, no spacing, and not one under 4 pages long! I would never have imagined being able to come up with that much to write about....but you will be surprised. It truly helped the time move along as well. Then believe it or not, PIR was upon us. My son graduated on 28 June. The only thing I can say about PIR is that as it relates to my son, it was the second greatest day of my life......second ONLY to witnessing his birth! When you see your sailor march into that hall and you realize he/she is now a part of something greater than themselves, it is an indescribable feeling of pride. A feeling that washes away all the tears and angst of the previous 8 1/2 weeks of separation. Now as I look back, I am amazed how time has passed so quickly! As of today my son has been out of boot camp almost as long as he was in it. He is in Pensacola attending IT A school. This is totally different from boot camp. It resembles being away to college as you can communicate freely (voice, text, e-mail) with the exception of when they are in class. So to wrap this up, as others have said, hang in there! You too before you know it will be in the same shoes as many of us....looking back wondering where the time went and posting comments to help parents going through that which you have endured. I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful this site is to help you through it.....from really good information to Navy FAMILY who are there for moral support. God Bless you and your son for his service to our great country!"

  • Kim StClair

    I am on the Facebook page as well! What is the other parents name? Yes it would be awesome to have a group of us be able to connect at PIR
  • Kim StClair

    Cool! I will look for him!