Pete Mullally


Barrington, IL

United States

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Proud father of a newly enlisted son.
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My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Mark Smith

    San Antonio. He is HM Corpsman. 15 weeks, than off to San Diego for FMF combat training with the Marines, whom he will eventually work with. Congrads on your SR decision, good luck to him. He is in great hands. No worries dad.
  • Mark Smith

    Thats awesome. We live in Washington State. We had a great time in Chicago and GL. We were very fortunate in that our son was on the last plane out to SA. Some left at 2:30 am on Sat. We were with him Friday after PIR and all day Sat. Until 5:30 when he boarded. We took him from the airport to downtown on the orange line. Spent all day at Navy Pier. The whole experience was more than we could have hope for. All this on dad day weekend. Perhaps your son will interact with mine as he arrives a few weeks later. If nothing else we can can correspond and support one another.
  • Mark Smith

    They take them to the airport 12when hours before departure. They are not allowed to go anywhere in a personal vehicle. Its funny, RTC stated no family at the airport, no cell phones can be given, etc.... but when they get to the airport the rules relax and they okay things. The USO was very informative and helpful. Allowing families to go through security to the gate. Everyone was awesome, and very family is important minded. Our sailor never really had any difficulty with what he was physically challenged by. The initial weeks were mentally draining and it was evident in his first few letters. However, by the time he graduated he was enjoying himself and very positive about his choice and excited about the future.