John B


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Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a proud and patriotic American and I trace my lineage in these United States back to before the Revolutionary War. I am proud that my son has chosen to serve and want to support him in any way that I can.
Though I did not serve, I have always had great respect for those who do. Freedom is not free nor is it guaranteed.
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving, My son is recently enlisted
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud and grateful.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
Search engine. Typed in navy dad.

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  • Van Jaggers

    John,  I know you were excited as we are now waiting to hear from our sailor. My wife is baking cookies ,Brian's favorite, chocolate chip and is making hot browns to take as well for lunch or dinner. If you don't know what hotbrowns are I will send you the recipie. They are very very good, but due to the calories have to portion what you eat.

                                 We are staying at the resident inn in wakashah which is supposed to be fairly close to the base. What time did you have to be there to get good seating?  We are driving over with my daughter, her husband and our grandson who will have to be in a car seat thus reason for driving.

                           I am not sure when Brian will actually be flying out, but the Chicago visit sounds pretty cool. Where did you go and what did you end up doing.

    Look forward to hearing from you, will post as soon as we get the call.

    Proud Navy Dad Van

  • Van Jaggers

    WE HAVE A SAILOR! My wife said I guess this is we have a sailor call and he said this is it. He has been up since 0800 monday morning and from his voice you could tell he was tired. He said everyone in his division 921 all 87 men were going to graduate. He said everyone worked as a team and really bonded. He also said he got a bravo zulu from the chaplain he was working with.

    Graduation cannot get here soon enough!

    keep in touch

    Proud Navy Dad Van

  • Van Jaggers

    Brian was so tired when he called because he said they had been up from 8 that morning as well as the time spent going through battlestations. He  called around 18:00 and was soon going to bed at 20:00 , which he couldn't wait for.

                              He said that he didn't have any trouble with his physical training test. He was in good shape before he went in anyway due to the recruiters keeping him on point early on.

                            We asked him what he wanted to do , and  he said all he was wanting to do was rest and hangout. One of the sailors is probably going to be alone due to his mother not being able to be there for graduation, so we are going to take him with us as well.

                         I plan on taking lots of pictures and will post them on this site as soon as I can.

     Keep in touch, thanks for the information

    Proud Navy Dad Van