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Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a single mom of 3 sons. Trey will turn 18 in BC, Rowdy is 24 and Levi is 26. My guys have been my life. We love camping and fishing together and just hanging out when we can.

Other than working and now being an empty nester, I enjoy stained glass, wheat weaving and walking the boardwalk.
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What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud, Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Cindy

    Hello Sindy! Thanks for thinking of Morgan and I. I think of you everytime I'm on Navy Dads. Being busy is a good thing, most of the time. Things are going well, other than the heat that won't seem to let up! Heading to Denver with Kelson for Sectional USTA Jr Team Tennis mid August. It should be interesting as I'll be flying with three teenage boys and sleeping in a hotel room with three teenage girls! They should both be entertaining in their own ways. How's Trey?
  • Cindy

    Hey Sindy! Denver was great fun, but hot. Hotter than Boise was! Boy, did I get a burn the first day, more concerned about the kids burning and not thinking of myself. Ah, tis the way it goes. The kids played awesome. There was 9 teams in their division and Borah (our team) took 2nd place. First time an Idaho Team has placed that high. There were teams from Colorado, Nevada, Montana, and I'm not sure what other states. If they had taken first place, they'd be headed to Atlanta in November. Morgan's doing well. He'll be deployed in the spring. He's had a few exciting moments recently. A funny...a couple of weeks ago he called to say he'd finally had something stolen. When I asked him what it was, he replied all his clothes including his uniforms. He had gone out to eat while his clothes were in the dryer and was gone for about an hour. During that time the petty officer threw his clothes in the garbage! When Morgan found out who it was, he went to the duty. Long story short, he told the po that if he came into his hospital any time soon...darn, they guys records would be missing and he'd have to have his shots all over again! Can't yell at the guy cuz he's of higher rank, but he can say what he said and not get into trouble. Gee, those docs have some power at times! How's Trey doing.
  • Cindy

    Hello my friend! I'm afraid it's my turn to say "I am so sorry"! I haven't been on Navy Dads or N4M's in forever. Oh my goodness, where to begin with my Morgan. He got married on Nov. 13th in a civil ceremony in California. He and Ally met the first night we moved him to Seattle. One of his team mates on the UW gymnastics team was a friend of hers and he introduced them. Ally and I are getting to know each other. Morgan is set to deploy in the spring. His first deployment. At this time, he is in 29 Palms and has been there since the beginning of this month. He has another week out there, then heads back to Camp Pendleton. I haven't seen him since the wedding and that wasn't for very long, so I'm looking forward to him being home on predeployment leave. That's a very basic quick update of how he's doing. In other news, Kelson may be a daddy in April. We won't know for sure until after the baby's born and a DNA test has been done. So, I became a mother-in-law and a possible grandma in a matter of 6 mths. I'm doing well. I quit my job about a year ago. It was causing health problems and I felt I needed to be home. I am so thankful to the Lord that I am able to stay home. Finances are tight but I wouldn't trade going to Kelson's school tennis matches and being home for nothing. You can't imagine how many kids I didn't know I had last tennis season. It was great! I'm looking forward to the tennis season again. I have images of having a grandson in a stroller! It sounds like Trey is enjoying himself now. That is so good to hear. Thank you so much for checking up on me. I look forward to hearing from you.