
Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I'm a father of 4 two boys and two girls ,I own a Automotive retail store in San Diego and on my free time wich is very little It's all about the Family.The only Military experience i have is my father ,he did 6 years in the Airforce and loved every minute of it, he would be very proud of his Grandson.My son is the first in my whole Family wich is huge, to join the Military since my Father so this is a very big deal for us.I'm a very very Proud Father
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud and supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Lee

    Mike, I haven't heard from Kevin in a few days, but we have been communicating via email. He said they have Internet service in port, but at sea, they don't nor do any cell phones work. When Michael gets there, for the first couple of weeks his shipmates will take him out to see the city of Sasebo so he can adjust to his new surroundings. After that, he may begin to do some chores on the ship not related to his A school training. Kevin has been cleaning the head as well as sanding and painting of the deck. He was to have shipped out to Australia on the 12th, which explains why we haven't heard from him recently. As an FYI, I understand there are cell phone providers in the area that have plans that include unlimited calling back to the U.S. for about $30 a month. Kevin said he hasn't had a chance to get one yet as they were getting ready to ship out and there was a lot to do aboard ship. Tell Michael this will be a great experience and he is gonna love it! i wouldn't be surprised if Kevin doesn't decide he wants to move to Japan once his military career is over. Yes, he is feeling anxious but this too will pass...Kevin felt the same way and the departure at the airport was harder than any of us expected, but trust me...he is gonna have the time of his life!
  • Lee

    Mike, it isn't easy is it? I wish Kevin had been home Sunday, but he wasn't and he wasn't able to call, but I did get an email from him. Michael is going to do great and he is going to have a blast. My son is totally enthralled by Sasebo and is now on his way to Australia and is very excited about it. Hang in there....it does get easier every day.
  • Lee

    Hey Mike! Just checking in. Talked to Kevin for about 1 minute last night online and he said they had left Okinawa and are on their way back to Sasebo. I am assuming the Essex will be right with them. Have you heard from Michael yet?