

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Corpsman HM3 FMF
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Father of two sons, proud of both, one in the Navy. I look on his enlistment as a good thing, will aid in his educational endeavors in the future and a great adventure right now.
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Pride, excitement, sense of direction for my son. ->Deployed to Iraq Feb.'09. Returned Sept.'09 ' in good shape.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
thru NavyMoms

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  • Cindy

    Your in Idaho?!! How awesome is that. I'm in Boise. I know what you mean about being cautious. That is so very important. If your wife joins the Idaho group, I can send her a welcome message asap. We've had two gatherings here in Boise. The first meeting we had a mom drive in from Jerome just to meet everyone. I'm trying to find a half way point so that all the Idaho moms can get together for a weekend. It has been very difficult and we still don't have a place. Sorry, I wandered there for a minute. Morgan had a very easy time at bc. His RTC had the most experience so they didn't do a lot of IT when they got in trouble. The RTC said they were there to become Sailors, to learn, and to train, not have to go thru a bunch of IT. Morgan actually said if he had the chance to take bc over again with the same RTC's, he'd have a lot more fun. He is so ready to be training again, he's really tired of paperwork even though he's head admin. I look forward to staying in touch with you and your wife. For your daughter-in-law, I believe there's a group for her, too. I'm guessing Thomas is stationed at Camp Pendleton when he's home. There's a group for Camp Pendleton moms as well as wives and girlfriends.
  • Daniel Melia

    I motomailed my son to be on the lookout for yours as I am guessing that they are in the same battalion.
  • anita soto

    thanks ron, i probably needed that reality check, things seem so out of focus for me,mostly because i don't understand nothing about the navy yet, god i just have so much fear in my heart ron,johns sister is down syndrome, how can i answer her questions, if i don't no myself, as a single parent i always thought i had all the answers, well between john and the navy i found out just how wrong i was, i cant put a band-aid on this and fix it, educating myself i'm finding helpful, but harder then i thought all the codes numbers and aka,like RTC, FMTB, ABE, ETC ETC, but i;m in for the long haul, i again thank you so much for your kind words and your straight forwardness, i do have many questions but do to a very rude comment on this site,I've kinda coward away from asking, i feel stupid enough without anyones help, i guess that person never heard the saying why kick a dog when he's down. ANITA