Jacki O


Palmerton, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Mom of 3, prior military, married to retired military. Sports fan: Phillies, Eagles, and high school wrestling (my two sons wrestle)
What Brought You To This Site:
my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Thought it was the next best thing, after the Air Force of course.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Michele

    Jackie - Great to have you on this site and also another parent that is in the same rating as my son :). I have been getting most of my information from Kevin (USN logo as his picture), he is a retired Chief and was an AT also. I noticed you have ATO as your son's rating, what does the 'O' stand for? My son called me last night and said he finished A-school (Wed. 10-29-08) and will have their ceremony Friday (Halloween). He said that he will probably still be in Pensacola for awhile 'on hold' waiting for his orders of his next command and C-school. Will your son be going directly to Pensacola or will he stay in Great Lakes like my son did for the computer based part first? I will be here for you if you have any questions :). I usually get to check my page at least once a day, my teenage daughter has it all the other times lol. Well Welcome Aboard! God Bless, Michele :)
  • Michele

    I see, my son never mentioned the O or I. . .I am guessing he must be the O also, because he will be off to C-school eventually due to the hold up. He told me it could be a month or two before he gets his orders. I will have to ask him which letter he is next time I talk to him hehehe.
  • Michele

    Howdy Jackie - I apologize I have been busy on another website that my son has gotten me addicted too lol. Anyways I did find out that Wes is also an ATO but says they don't mess with the 'O', probably why I didn't know about it hehe. How is Nick getting along in Pensacola? My son told me the other day he may have his orders now before Thanksgiving so that means I still won't get to see him :( , I was planning to drive there for the holiday. Hope you are doing well also, let me know what is new. God Bless, Michele :)