Clayton Norwood


Rumney, NH

United States

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Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
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My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
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  • Craig G.

    Clayton, great to hear from you. Happy to hear everything is going well with your son & DIL. My Sailor is doing really well in Groton. He's getting into a routine and has made several good friends who will be together for at least a year. Youngest son's deployment to USMC boot camp was postponed 1 week. He leaves on 7/21. We held an open house on Saturday for all his friends & family. Huge turnout, busy day, lots of fun. Amazing what we've all been through in only 4 months. Thank you for you kind thoughts about the boys. Please stay in touch

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, hope everything is running smoothly for your son & DIL. Our Sailor seems to be adjusting nicely. He's managed to earn his second level liberty card and is working toward his third. 10:16am yesterday (Sunday) morning our youngest left for MEPS in Sacramento. Today we're waiting for the "I've arrived call." We've re-set the countdown clock, we're now officially counting down to USMC Graduation (October 26th). THe advenure just seems to keep going and going and going. No wonder once our kids become adults we retire. You guys take care and I'll keep you posted. 

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, busy here too. S.A. graduates SubSchool today. Youngest is in his 3rd week of USMC. Just like GLs, all the boys are getting the crud. Moim & I are adjusting to "Empty nest." S.A. has been calling about every other day. I think he's worried Mom & I are just sitting around pining for them, we're not...sort of. Big changes for all our kids. Hope your S.A. & DIL are getting settled. Best chance for visits for us is mid-October (Marine) and maybe, just maybe X-Mas for S.A. We're hopeful. Hope all is well and your family can huddle together in the future.