Navy Dads

NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza's Comments

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At 10:52am on September 27, 2019, Matthew Bagley said…

Jim thanks so much.  My son Connor is my first military son.  My oldest son is in college.  Two of my uncles and one grandfather were in the Air Force.

I never served.  I was a police officer for 25+ years just recently retiring and now working for our county prosecutor.  

All is good but I do miss him already!!!

I'm going to take some time and delve into your website.  I already read about the taxi to graduation.  Great stuff.  He graduates sometime in November and stays in Great Lakes fro his A school.

Thanks for sharing about you and your family!!

At 6:04pm on September 22, 2019, Brian Lee said…

Thanks Jim

My son Ben is my first. My dad a Vietnam era Vet I never served. 

I’m new to this and worry but an so damn proud. Bens PIR is set for now for Oct 25. 

Thanks again


At 8:26pm on September 18, 2019, Anne Marie Janosko said…

Hi Jim.  Thank you for responding back. I have mixed emotions on my son leaving. I just spoke to him and he should be in silverdale, WA tomorrow. I will check out this site for sure.  Have a good evening.  Anne

At 6:33pm on August 19, 2019, Bob Crawford said…


Thank you for reaching out, it's been lonely here with my son away at Basic Training. I am grateful and somewhat overwhelmed by the support that I have received in just my few short days of signing up. I'm so happy that I did. I feel like that I have new family members. Thank you for your words in easing me into my new family.

Bob Crawford


At 7:54am on August 14, 2019, Blair Blinkhorn said…

Thank you Jim.  Not just getting started as we've been through PIR, A School and now my son is in his Reserve capacity, resuming college next week.  He will have a two-week deployment in a while and then a longer one later on.  As a Seabee, he's land-based.

Appreciate the welcome.

At 8:34pm on August 2, 2019, Freddie trent said…

Thank you and im.looking forward to keeping up with him and enjoying the experience 

At 11:39am on August 1, 2019, Timothy M Osborne said…

Thanks Jim, 

I am happy to join this group.  I am a proud Navy Veteran and Gullf War Veteran, so when my baby girl took an interest in Navy JROTC 5 years ago, I was excited.  She embraced and excelled in this program over 4 years in high school, and has been Pro Navy since she started.  The fact that she chose to follow in my foot steps is the greatest honor to me as a parent.  She enlisted early in her senior year of high school, and left for basic training on June 19th.  She will PIR on August 16th, and I am one proud Dad.  I'm sure Great Lakes will look very different than it did when I was first there some 36 years ago, but I can't wait to go back.  My son also serves, but he is in the Army National Guard, and is also a police officer, so the military pride runs deep in our family. All of our young men and women in the Armed Forces make great sacrifices for the freedoms we enjoy and too often take for granted.  I am proud of, and thankful to each and every one that serves.

At 3:03am on July 18, 2019, Robb Middleton said…
Thank you! I’m nervous for my son, but am sure he’ll do great. My father was also Navy, a hospital corpsman during the Vietnam era, serving in the Mediterranean. Long family line of service members in the military, reaching back to the revolutionary war.
At 11:34pm on July 3, 2019, Robin Lady said…

Thank you, Jim.  I still kind of shocked right now, to be honest.  I read many of the discussions on this page including all of the information about separation on this page and on the boot camp page.  I mailed a letter today that requested Michael sign a HIPPA form.  I have not called legal yet or the separation administration office.  I am hoping Michael will call tomorrow so I can get a little more information from him.  Do you recommend I call either one of them to get more information?  Thanks again, Robin

At 1:42pm on June 6, 2019, Rich Tate said…

Thank you, Jim. I was beaming with pride when he made his decision to join, and only got nervous about a week before he shipped off. The not knowing how he is doing is unsettling, but we have to let them go sooner or later. Taking it one day at a time.

At 6:57am on May 12, 2019, Bernard Jonathan (Jon) Anders said…

Thank you very much for your warm welcome.  Speaking of past lives; I too had a brush with the Marines back in the Vietnam era.  My draft number was  at the top of the list & I thought  don't just get drafted, join an outfit  you want to be in.  I passed the Marine tests (height by 1/2 inch) and was all set to report the next week.  Then they stopped the draft & i yielded to the chorus of ALL of my friends urging me not to become a monster., so I did not report.  Regret that now.

I am very proud of my son and the choices he's making.  Week before shipping, he was nervous/scared, but knew that it was the right path at the right time, so went ahead.

He is in Dicv 934 and from what I hear that may mean that he may not march in at graduation..   Any clue about that?

At 8:42pm on March 15, 2019, James Dale Wilson said…

This morning our son phoned home to wish his mother a happy birthday. In our brief conversation he mentioned a Tiger Cruise coming up for the Stennis (CVN-74), and I'd sure like to know more about that.

At 1:46pm on March 12, 2019, Bob Barbaro said…

Thanks Jim..we friend requested them..waiting for a response. Heading to the commissioning  ceremony in July..should be exciting 

At 2:36pm on March 7, 2019, David A said…

Thank you Jim!

I have a counter on my phone that now says 4-days before boot camp!

I am excited for him and sad he is leaving after 18+ years

This Sunday we will be celebrating with friends and family.

Thanks for the welcome,


At 10:04am on March 7, 2019, Will R Santillana Jr said…

Thank You for the warm welcome Jim!

At 9:37am on March 2, 2019, Thomas Case said…

Thanks, Jim

At 7:26am on March 1, 2019, Thomas Case said…

Thanks, Jim,

It's pretty coincidental: After my son told me he re-signed again I was cleaning out some stuff in my bookmarks and re-discovered Navy Dads.  

Once I stumbled upon it I remembered what a great support resource it was when he was in boot camp.  Simply scrolling through and reading others who had the same questions I had was a big help.

Now that my son has announced an intention to make the Navy a career, I have taken Navy Dads out of the depths of my bookmarks and placed it front and center on my bookmark bar.

Thanks again for the welcome back.


At 2:27pm on February 7, 2019, Victor G Baumzweig said…

Thanks so much for reaching out and the warm welcome Jim! We are are very excited about this new chapter in all our lives!

At 11:47pm on February 2, 2019, Robert Marshall said…

Jim, thank you good Sir for your reply, your outreach and your welcome.  It is certainly a new journey and between you, Paul and Navy Dads I feel I am getting caught up to speed.  My boy Christopher and I have had letters flowing regularly while he is in boot camp, graduating on Friday. Thank you, your son and your entire family. God Bless - Bob

At 9:07pm on February 2, 2019, Allan said…

Thank you 


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