Navy Dads


Recruit Division Command Structure




How recruits fit into division staff at RTC:


Recruit Chief Petty Officer (RCPO)


The RCPO is the primary recruit assistant to RDCs and is responsible for:

  1. Maintaining good order, discipline, and security within the division at all times.
  2. Ensuring compliance with standing orders and regulations.
  3. Assisting RDCs with implementation of schedules.
  4. Reporting any abnormal condition to RDCs, including violations of good order, discipline and security, when RDCs are not present.

Recruit Leading Petty Officer (RLPO) (RPO1)

The RLPO is responsible to the RCPO and RDCs for:

  1. Assisting the RCPO.
  2. Ensuring compliance with standing orders and regulations.
  3. Assuming duties as RCPO when required.

Recruit Master-at-Arms (RMAA) (RPO1)

The Recruit Master-At-Arms is responsible to the RCPO and RDC's for:

  1. Configuration and cleanliness of division spaces.
  2. Procurement, proper stowage and use of all cleaning gear required by the division.
  3. Supervision of the division in the absence of RDC's, RCPO or RLPO.

Port and Starboard Watch Section Leaders (PWSL/SWSL) (RPO1)

The Port/Starboard Watch Section Leaders are the senior Recruit Petty Officers for respective watch sections.

The Starboard Watch Section Leader (SWSL) shall serve as the division's watchbill coordinator. Watchbills will be prepared and subsequently submitted to the RDCs via the RCPO.
The Port Watch Section Leader (PWSL) shall coordinate the rotation of the ship watchstanders with the RDCs.

Recruit Yeoman (YN) (RPO1)

The Recruit YN is responsible to RDCs for:

  1. Performing general clerical duties in the division and assisting RDCs with preparation and maintenance of divisional reports, records, class attendance rosters, mail pick-up and distribution.
  2. Coordinating with the Medical YN, Education Petty Officer, Athletic Petty Officer and Religious Petty Officer to ensure compliance with special schedule events.
  3. Attending the Mail Orderly, Medical/Dental, BMO/Testing and Physical Fitness Testing briefings.

Recruit Medical Yeoman (MYN) (RP02)

The MYN is responsible to RDCs for:

  1. Assisting the RDCs in preparing and maintaining recruit medical documentation.
  2. Coordinating appointments with the Medical Liaison.
  3. Tracking the status of all special physicals.
  4. Attending the medical/dental brief.

Recruit Dental Yeoman (DYN) (RPO2)

The DYN is responsible to RDCs for:

  1. Assisting the RDCs in preparing and maintaining recruit dental documentation.
  2. Coordinating appointments with the Dental Liaison.
  3. Tracking the status of all special physicals.
  4. Attending the medical/dental brief.

Recruit Section Leaders (SL) (RPO2)

Section Leaders are responsible to the respective Watch Section Leader for:

  1. Supervise and assisting the recruits in respective sections.
  2. Monitoring personal cleanliness, military appearance, clothing care and watch standing for recruits assigned to respective sections.

Division Laundry Petty Officer (LPO) (RPO2)

The LPO is responsible to the RMAA and RDCs for executing proper laundry handling procedures. The LPO is also responsible for maintaining the Cash box and division expense log.

Recruit Education Petty Officer (EPO) (RPO2)

The EPO is responsible for assisting RDCs in administering and mustering night study and mandatory night study classes. The EPO will attend a BMO/Testing brief.

Recruit Athletic Petty Officer (APO) (RPO3)

The Recruit Athletic Petty Officer is responsible to RDCs for:

  1. Assisting RDCs with Physical Readiness Training.
  2. Providing non-participation or substandard performance documentation to the MYN.
  3. Attending a Physical Fitness Testing brief.

Recruit Religious Petty Officers (RPO) (RPO3)

There will be at least a Catholic and Protestant RPO appointed for each division. If a division has three or more recruits of the same religion, a religious petty officer shall be appointed to represent that faith. RPOs are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring all recruits who desire to pray are afforded such an opportunity at tattoo
  2. Attend mandatory meetings at the Chaplain's Office Thursdays at 1900 commencing on the first Thursday following 1-2 DOT and continuing until graduation, with the exception of FAST Cruise and Recruit Reception Night.
  3. Report to the chapel each Sunday 30 minutes prior to the scheduled service to serve as a chapel assist or usher.
  4. Ensure all personnel desiring to attend divine worship services are aware of location and time of services.

Recruit Mail Petty Officers (MPO) (RP03)

The MPO is responsible for pick-up and delivery of all mail. Designation as MPO includes special qualifications at mail orderly orientation and custody of a mail orderly card.

Recruit Damage Control Petty Officer (DCPO) (RP03)

The DCPO is responsible to the RMAA for:

  1. Correcting any fire hazards.
  2. Maintaining division fire extinguishers, to include proper location and working order.
  3. Assisting RDCs with minor repair and general maintenance of the compartment.
  4. Documenting any material discrepancies on the MDCOL that cannot be corrected.







Views: 6426

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Paul, thanks for the chart. I hear these terms and they just fly over my head. I have bookmarked them so I can find them quickly. My GS was RCPO and Div. Honor Recruit. I knew what the last one was but did not have a clue about the first one.



Thanks for the chart, I talked to my Son last nite and learned that he was appointed MPO!


This is a great chart but I have one question... Do you know where an XO would fall in the Chain of Command?  I found it in the "Lingo/Slang" section but that only defines it.  Thanks

mind you this chart is for recruit command structure while they are at not believe an XO would fall into this command structure...I met the XO on the USS Abraham Lincoln and he is the Captains "right-hand" man and is an officer (Captain rank) while the highest ranking enlisted is a CMC or Command Master Chief

Thanks for the chart! How quickly are these roles filled, and does anyone know what criteria they use in the selection process?


Thanks Paul...the only reason I ask is that my son is at RTC now and the last time he called he mentioned something about it but I didn't have a chance to ask him to explain what that role entailed at RTC.

My SR was appointed APO for having the fastest 1.5 mile in his division.

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