Navy Dads

Navy Dads Needed at Fleet Week BBQ in Staten Island NY

Good Evening Navy Dads, I joined this site for selfish reasons...I have a BBQ for 100+ Sailors and Marines evey Memorial Day...I have many Navy moms but only 2 Navy dads helping with the setting up and cooking every year...we are in need of more navy dads..Please join us this year, see the event page

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Comment by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin on April 20, 2011 at 6:32pm


I hope you can attend to represent us dads and I'm sure it's awesome to see all of those Sailors enjoying a BBQ in their honor. Maybe I can make this event one day as well.


Also, Susanne if you email me a letter about the BBQ, a brief discussion on what, where, & why, I will broadcast a message to all of our members. I checked my Analytics and we have visitors from 158 cities in the state of New York. So I'm guessing we have some dads in the area.

Comment by Susanne Walsh on April 20, 2011 at 5:58pm


I hope you and your family can make it

Comment by Dan C on April 20, 2011 at 4:41pm


My wife grew up on the Island and is itching to get back will talk to her and see if she wants to go and help with our two younger sons.  Will let you know.

Comment by Susanne Walsh on April 6, 2011 at 6:56am

Sorry you can not make it. If you would like to see pictures of the past two years and what actually started it all (two Sailors walking around in SI hoping they would be invited to a BBQ) you can check out my FB page.


Comment by AT1 Nicholas Hughes on April 6, 2011 at 1:45am
Sorry, but I live in Houston, Tx.  I have been to 2 Navy week celebrations in New York.  I worked with transportation.  I actually got to drive Admirals and Generals to the different events.  I retired from the reserves in 2009, so I don't get to enjoy NYC anymore.  I pray you get some participation and your event is blessed!


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