Navy Dads

Finally the day came, all of our fillings, anticipation and worries came down to one day, "PIR", Graduation. As I sat there in the bleachers with my wife and other Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Love ones we were waiting for that moment when the Big Door would roll up and we could get a look at our sailors for the first time since they left for Boot Camp. But leading up to that moment they entertained us with the music of the Navy Marching band, Color Guard with all the different Flag of the State that was represented at PIR, the Drum Core, The sailors with the Rifle Drill and that female sailor that sang, wow, what a voice. Then came that moment we were all waiting for, the Big Roll up Door to Open, a friend of mine that had his son graduate a couple of weeks ago from PIR ask how hard was it to hold those tears and my response was; I found it hard to keep my camera steady cause my throat kept tightening up, it took everything in power to hold those tears of joy from starting. The Door Rolled up and the new Sailors started to march in, what an exciting moment it was and what a great ceremony it turned out to be. I will remember this day for many years to come. Wow, when they declared Liberty has started what a mad house, not in a bad way, but all the parents and sailors were trying to find each other, I know it took us at least a few minutes before we were able to find our son, but boy when we did, what a filling, I couldn't have been more Proud of our son.
At this time I would like to thank all those involved with Navy Dad', it truly made a difference in the long weeks of waiting. Allot of good information was available which helped tremendously, and being able to talk and make friends with other Dads helped as well. I would recommend this sight to any of the Dads that their Sons or Daughters are going into the Navy Boot Camp.

Thank you again,
One very Happy and Proud Navy Dad,
Marco V.

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Comment by Dale Strong on November 15, 2013 at 3:51pm

oops, sorry Marco, I called you Ron by mistake. Must be "Old man's syndrome."

Comment by Dale Strong on November 15, 2013 at 3:48pm

I recently joined this blog Ron, and just read you and your son's story. Wow, I can understand and appreciate what you both went thru. I'm an old Navy Seabee and know what it means to work diligently when exhausted to meet a goal or deadline. Congratulations to you and your son!!!

Comment by Randy Lewis on July 14, 2013 at 4:25pm
PIR is truly an amazing experience. Glad yours was just as exciting! Hope all is well with you, your Family, and your Sailor.... Randy Lewis.
Comment by Nicholas Casamento on June 20, 2013 at 5:03pm

My wife and I were at Great Lakes on June 13th to see our daughter graduate. The ceremony was as moving as you described it. We were filled with such pride for our daughter and country. She is now at NAS in Pensacola for her A school.

Comment by Ronnie Tyner on June 9, 2013 at 2:42pm

Marco I'm very happy for you and your family. I plan to see my son also this week for his graduation.  I can't believe it's finally time, it's been a long 8 weeks. Ronnie

Comment by Hello2u on June 8, 2013 at 11:58am

Congrats!! and God Bless, and I still tear up when I see my son's dvd from his Feb  :)


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