Navy Dads

Hello Everyone,

Can anyone tell me when you find out about Division and Ship info? We're a close family that celebrates everything and we're trying to have shirts made with my sons division/ship/div flag on them for a family gathering before he goes to RTC. He reports end of March.


Also, I've seen a lot of discussions regarding graduation passes requesting more than 4, but no answers. We have NAVY grandfathers that would love to see their grandsons graduation.


Thank You!

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Welcome Scott! Ship and Division assignments happen after arrival at RTC as the Training Groups are formed for Basic. You'll have to go with Navy Tee's for the sendoff....LOL! As to Graduation passes....each SR is allowed 4 passes for guests ONLY! Additional guests are allowed in after everyone is seated if they can be accomodated. When you get a date for P.I.R., you can look up to see how many Divisions are graduating that day....this will give you an idea of attendance. Once you get over 12 or so....seats fill up quickly! The Navy will make every effort to get the additional guests in....

Thanks Tom for the info. What is this letter that is sent out prior to start, stating division info that I've read about? I found this link for tee's that will screen the division flag and info on the back, so I thought it would be cool for everyone. Also Thanks for the info on graduation day. We live in the Chicago area, so going there with a couple extra is worth the gamble.

did you look in the PIR group?  This is posted in the top area ot the PIR group:

Extra Guests for PIR: 

The recruits have until about a week prior to graduation to make any changes to the access list. If it's too late to make any changes, then the additional guest(s) wait inside the visitors center until after the guests on the access list have been seated. If additional seating is available, then the additional guests will be allowed into the drill hall on a first-come, first-served basis as space permits.


There are PIR's like the one in March where RTC is limiting access to ONLY 4 guests as there are 14 divisions that day.....


Thanks Paul. I missed the extra guests info on the PIR site. doh!

Scott....About 10 days into Basic, you will be receiving a Form letter. In this letter will be the address for your SR (Ship & Division), P.I.R. date, and other information that you will need for entry into the Ceremony (password to download a Gate Pass). There will also be a few personal lines from your SR. Once you get that....let the letters fly! Write as often as you really helps the recruits get through it all....and it is good therapy for you! :) Note that it will be about 3 weeks before you receive your first letter from him....These weeks are the worst! You will go through the gambit of emotions....We call it the "Roller Coaster" here on Navy will understand soon.....Best of luck to your Son and family!

Thanks Tom, Your info has been very helpful. It's the interpretation of some of the rules that starts more One last question and then I'll sign-off, I read that Navy Retiree's can be added to guest list but does not count against the max-4. Does the Retiree's spouse fall under him or is it counted against the max-4? The devil is in the details....Thanks for the help from everyone!

....Now that one I am not sure of....although I would assume that the spouse is granted the same privilege as the retiree. Perhaps someone else has that answer for you!

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