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Comment by Paul S.on MondayDelete Comment

My son's flight left for Great Lakes on Wednesday late afternoon, Feb. 8th. Today, Monday Feb. 13th I receive the letter of information regarding his mailing address (Ship 02 Div 921) and his PIR date of April 6th in the mailbox. Then as I was reading the information, the Fed Ex truck pulled up to the house and dropped off (the kid in the box) minus the kid of course. I was surpised all this happen today. I just got back from the post office, in which I mailed some letters that I wrote over the past four days. I feel better today that the last four days.  

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I started this discussion group to see if anyone else had a son or daughter that is in Ship 02 Div 921. So welcome aboard and join in. PIR is 4/6/2012 and I am very proud of the fact that my son has join the Navy. I can't wait to hear from him via US snail mail or phone call. It's been a week now since I receive the 30 second call last wednesday night on Feb. 8th. I keep hearing no news is good news. (It still sucks though) but I do understand the process in which the Navy develops our recruits into the finest sailors, the world has ever seen. God bless America and the US Navy.

It just has been posted on the RTC site that 7 Divisions will be graduate on Apr. 7 th

Hi Paul S. My son is also under Ship 2 Div 921. Just like you we just received the letter of information regarding his PIR date of April 6th. Although his package was sent to us 3 days after he left. My son left for Great Lakes on Feb 7th. I also felt much better although we have not received any letter from him yet. I check on the mailbox everyday hoping to see a letter from him. Wondering when would that be? We are very anxious and eager to hear what he has to say about BMT.

Hi Edwin, thank you for your reply. It's my understanding that the recruits can only mail letters on Sundays. This Navy Dads site is a great tool for sharing information. My son played the tuba/bass through school. Keep in touch.  

Hi Paul S. Thank you. Yes you are correct they can only write on Sundays or holidays so hopefully, they are able drop some notes for us this weekend. All the best and I am sure we will both be in GL on April 6.

My son called today about 4:00 PM, the reason being he needed additional information for his National Sercurity Clearance. He sounded a little overwhemed, but that is to be expected. He said today, was 1-1 day in his training. He hasn't received any letters yet and that his division won't be able to send any letters out until this upcoming Sunday. So their is no sense stalking the mailman this week. He also said they made him a section leader. One day at a time.

Wow. I am sure everyone in that division are all overwhelmed!

Thanks for the info Paul.

I hope this is the week that us parents who have recruits in Ship 02 Div 921, will be fortunate enough to receive a letter from our loved ones. By Wednesday I'll be stalking the mailman.

Anxiously waiting for a letter from my son as well. This week should be it. I hope. Does anyone know when they are suppose to be able to make phone calls too?

Hey there members of Ship 02 Div 921, I received a letter today from my son. Overall it was mostly positive. The food is good. He passed his PFA. He' s a section leader in his group. He says the RDC's are angry most of the time. Also he says their is a lot of IT (intense training) because some recruits act like they don't want to be here, which hurts the division. Most of the division are starting to get sick, but there is no way to avoid it. The letters he receives are important and to keep them coming. It was good to here from him after three weeks.

Same here. We got the letter last night after work. Ship 02 Div 921. Good positive news. Same info, good food, RDC's are tough but that is to be expected. Intense Training but enjoying himself. Good division mates he said. Letters they receive are very valuable and gives them strength to do good. Staying focus on his objective. Weather sucks however. Overall, positive and can't wait to graduate.

Hey members of Ship 02 Div 921, I received about a 20 minute phone call from my son around 6:00 PM est. He sounded good. Boot camp is tough, the RDC's make the recruits work hard and standards are very high. Letters are so important. It was good to hear from him.



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