Navy Dads


Just got the form letter yesterday - thought everyone was joking about the form letter idea.... funny. So, my son begins the journey. Anyone else got a recruit in the same division? I heard they would put all the special ops guys in the same division at RTC so that they could work them out harder. True?

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800-Series divisions are SEAL, SWCC, Spec Ops, Etc. and yes they get double the PT......

When my Grandson went through BC, they would get up early and do PT. By the time the rest of the guys and gals woke up they had done push-up, pull-ups, ran, and swam to make sure they were awake and ready for the first meal of the day. He will enjoy it or at least my GS said it was the highlight of their day.

cool. My son was afraid he would get out of shape at RTC! LOL. He wants to be in tip-top shape for BUD/S (looks like late July or Early August?)

While they get extra PT in Boot they will still get out of shape. Boot and Pre-BUDS are light on PT compared to BUDS.

Hi rog! Yes, they do group the spec op candidates in the same division(s). However, I can't confirm if they work them harder. The RDCs would have to answer that question. My son just finished: PIR 3/16/12. The graduation was great! You're in for a real treat on 5/11/12.

My son is in this same div and is in SWCC program. He too was afraid of getting out of shape. Glad to hear they are getting the special ops guys all together. Our recruiter had told us they quit doing that and that all the navy recruits were now mixed together. I received my form letter yesterday as well.

I'm finding the recruiters don't know as much as I would like them to know... But all good. Would love to meet you when we get there Mark!

Our recruiter just isn't knowledgeable about Special Warfare. Its just a different animal for them I guess. But we made it this far. I was begiining to wonder as it took sooo long to actually get to MEPS. Do you have any idea how many recruits are in this division or in a normal division? Would be fun to meet.


I don't have any idea, but I think the norm is for about 88 SR to be in each division. I don't know about the special ops divisions though. We should find out, as I think it would be like a giant family reunion at GL. LOL. Our kids would all be standing around going, "How do these guys know each other????" :-)

Yea, that would be funny.

 I have asked my son several questions but he is not the best communicator in the world, so we will see how many answers I get and I will pass them on when I hear from him.

Yours too???!!! I can't figure out where my son learned to be such a poor communicator. (LOL) I communicate for a living with large groups of people and individuals. But then I stop and watch how well my dad and I communicate and I realize my son hasn't fallen far from the tree.... :-(
My son is SWCC and in this division has anyone received a phone call yet? And do you know if SWCC stay at GL for additional training like seals do or do they ship out to Coronado immediately after graduation?



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