Navy Dads


Just got the form letter yesterday - thought everyone was joking about the form letter idea.... funny. So, my son begins the journey. Anyone else got a recruit in the same division? I heard they would put all the special ops guys in the same division at RTC so that they could work them out harder. True?

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What a great week this has been. I got a 40 minute phone call from my son this week and he was actually quite talkative! Woo hoo! He asked me if I had gotten his letters. I said, "No, you'd have to write some for me to do that!" LOL But the next day we got three from him and was quite informative. 

He's got a low-grade fever for a couple of days and hasn't gone to medical yet - thought it would go away.... He also has shin splints - didn't think he would be running so much, I guess. But they are running every other day, swimming every other day and doing PT on other stuff. Mostly he said it's pretty mundane and routine (one of the reasons he joined the Navy was because he didn't want to do the same thing every day....)

I guess it's not just an adventure, it's a job.... :-)

I am still looking for some type of correspondance this week. I have a grand total of one real letter and no phone calls. My daughter has been on the Navy Moms page and we knew several in this divison were calling home.. You have me jealous now, and now I am starting to invent reasons why my son as not called. Like he screwed up..Maybe today?

punishment is by division and not by individual.......

I can't take not talking - even via text or email! Sheesh! Did he get over his fever? Did he get rolled back? Did the Shin splints go away? I feel like I'm living in the middle of the last century using snail mail and phone calls rarely.... LOL. (Calm down dad...I'll all be okay in time....)    :-)

Just got a new letter from my son. His bunkmate a friend from our home town just lost his SEAL contract this week because of a head injury when he was 15. The RDC is helping him fight it, but doesn't look good. Too bad, because he's in great shape and a good candidate for the SEALs, and just a solid guy that I've seen his work ethic and his physical ability. I hope he gets it reinstated. Guess we'll find out more soon.

We leave on Sunday to begin heading to GL for the graduation (a few stops on the way). We going to see anyone else there. We all ought to wear something to tag us as NAVYDADS.COM people so we can hook up!

Yes, I am driving (35 hrs!). We have family in Michigan so we'll stay in the area for awhile too. Maybe we'll get to connect then.

Its my understanding that several have now lost their contracts for a variety of reasons. We all knew this was going to be tough but I didn't realize so many would go out during bootcamp. My son's part- time training partner also lost his contract during bootcamp from an earlier class. He was released from the Navy and is back in our hometown. Guess he kind of broke down mentally.

rog said:

Just got a new letter from my son. His bunkmate a friend from our home town just lost his SEAL contract this week because of a head injury when he was 15. The RDC is helping him fight it, but doesn't look good. Too bad, because he's in great shape and a good candidate for the SEALs, and just a solid guy that I've seen his work ethic and his physical ability. I hope he gets it reinstated. Guess we'll find out more soon.

We leave on Sunday to begin heading to GL for the graduation (a few stops on the way). We going to see anyone else there. We all ought to wear something to tag us as NAVYDADS.COM people so we can hook up!

Yeah, I didn't think they would lose it in Boot Camp. And my son says about 4-6 guys have and another 2-4 should... But not this guy, wow. The only thing I can think of with head injuries is the dive training would be a potential hazard. 

My son's PST's have slowed down due to sore knees and shin splints that won't go away. They keep telling him it will get better in Prep. Hope for his sake they will, or he's doomed coming into BUD/S.

got the phone call. My son - your sons too - passed Battle Stations 21. Hooyah! They or officially sailors as of this morning. Can't wait to see them on Friday. I'm expecting a show and it sounds like they are really tired and worn out, but glad it's over. My son's friend who lost his contract signed a contract for Corpsman today - is that a medic with the Marines, but still in the Navy?

Hitting the road today and nearly all packed up and ready to go. 35 hours to drive - but I have 6 more kids besides my wife and I - can't fly for that one! LOL.

Going to see anyone there on May 11?

We have a friend in this PIR class who is going to Corpsman school in San Antonio. It sounds like a great program and is actually what I wanted my son to do (who knows he still might). One possiblity is being attached to a marine unit upon graduation from school. The school is a year long and supposed to be a really good program. Anyway glad he got lingked up with something pretty good.. Save travels, Mark

Stacy, don't know if you have seen the SWCC Hot Extraction video I posted, just click the blue link.

PIR was great today. It was even better to see my son. He came back to the hotel with us and slept for like 3-4 hours! He looks great and we are ver proud. I live blogged on my Facebook page. It's gonna be a great weekend. He's pretty excited about getting his phone back.



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