Navy Dads

My son will be sworn in tomorrow at MEPs in Atlanta. His mom was told we would be in a separate room and watch on a monitor. Is this true? I spoke with a cousin that told me when his son was sworn in at the Jacksonville MEPs they were in the room with him.

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In Shreveport, LA we were in the room. In the back and they let us come up front and take pics the entire time.

Marvin, Thank your son for his service.  No you will be allowed in the room during the swearing in. But you cant take pictures/videos.  You can take pics after the ceremony (re enact). We were in NY



My son was also Sworn in in Atlanta. You are in a separate room until all of the paperwork is complete. But you can watch the actual swearing in in person. His recruiter will most likely be there, Find the recruiter, let him know you are there and he/she will let you know when the ceremony takes place.

Be prepared, it's a long day. But it's worth it.

My son was sworn in in Charlotte and we were in the same room also.

Thank you all! We are at MEPS, checked in, and have been assured we will be in the ceremony room. Got here early, and was standing at the visitors desk, turned around and my son was standing there smiling!!! He is ready, I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice!!

Marvin, Our SR swore in at MEPS Atlanta on 20Mar13.  The Recruiter took him to Ft Gillem the afternoon prior to update his physical and such.  We met him at MEPS the following morning around 0830 and waited in the family waiting room.  Ryan was allowed to come and talk to us as he wanted.  Around 1000, we were paged to the ceremony room (across the corridor from teh family room) for the Swearing In ceremony.  After that, his  group was bused to the airport for travel to Boot Camp.  Entering Ft Gillem, Be sure to have a photo ID at the gate.  The entrance is off Flankers Rd, off Metcalf Rd, off Jonesboro Rd (Hwy 54).  It's the first road on the right after Forest Parkway.  The gate guards do a 100% ID check when you enter.  Make sure that all personel in your vehicle have their IDs prior to leaving your home.

Hope this helps!!




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