Navy Dads

Gentleman, I'm sorry to air this dirty laundry here but I couldn't find my way to the ship 5 club. My son has sufferd a knee injury and is being separated from the navy. That's all well and good, the navy has certain standards that must be met during boot camp. BUT once a recruit gets sent to SEPS they seem to be treated like damn common day criminals !! I honestly apologize for my bold language but it has become more than any one person can take without having their say. My son like many others has sat there for days on end with no information what so ever and being put on lockdown for one persons lack of good judgement! Now after a week of sitting day in and day out PLUS marching and taking stairs with bone fragments and severe arthritis in his knee, they claim the printers are down and they will not try to restart them until Tuesday. I have nothing but pure respect for any and every military unit and man and woman that has made the decision to put themselves and their loved ones thru the painfull process but rewarding pride that it takes to be in the US military. I come from a long line of proud Navy personel. But the way our recruits are being treated if they are being separated is beyond shameful and honestly makes me more ashamed of our government than I have ever been. These kids tried and just because one thing or another kept them from completing boot camp doesn't mean that they should be treated with the disrespect that RTC shows them. Once again, I apologize for this rant but I have looked everywhere and talked to everyone for answers and all they want to do is pass the buck. I want to wish each and every recruit my heartfelt thank you for your guts and determnation that you have put forth to protect our great nation.

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here is a link to our ship 5 group- there are numerous numbers and links there.  Let them know.....maybe you can influence how they treat those slated for sep in the future:

Thank you Paul, I was really worried about voicing my feelings here but it sure helps to have a place to vent. Thanks again for the link.

That's the nice thing about Navydads- since we are not affiliated with the Navy we have a little more latitude with what we can say and not.   There is a lot of info at that link...Jim is our Ship 5 expert and can probably give you more info for contact info if you need.  As well, I went out on a limb and posted your comments (don't worry- it has my name on the post) to RTC's FB page.....let's see if that shakes a few things up

Lol, lets hope so. It's great folks like you and everyone on this site that aren't afraid to stand up and get things done. I can't thank you enough, God bless.

David, sorry to hear about all of this... Good Luck and God Bless!

Thank you Gary

Sorry to hear this!  If he hurt it in boot camp and it wasn't pre-exisiting, I would have him talk with a lawyer before he signs anything as this could cause him problems in the future.   I know they can easily separate for any reason the first 2 years, but it he was hurt might be worth fighting for.

David, you vent with dignity and professionalism! Anyone reading what happened to your son would feel the same way and many of us would probably not handle it as well. You have every right to be upset because this is not just any SR, it is your son! I know there are no words that will console you or your son at this time. However, I am reminded of a great quote "Many want to stand on top of the mountain, but few are willing to climb it." While your son did not make it to the top of the mountain, he sure was willing and tried his best to climb it. That separates him from the vast majority! It also says a great deal about his character. So while this is a very difficult setback for him at the moment, I have a strong suspicion that he will emerge a stronger person and will find another path in life that will lead him to success. You have every right to be proud of him for his willingness to serve our country. God bless him and you as he seeks that new path!
Sorry to hear about your son's situation. I would like to think our government could do better. Thank you to your son, his family, friends, and yourself for making the decision to enlist, and wanting to serve for our country. I will probably never meet him, but would love to have the honor of shaking his hand, and telling him thank you! With the world, and our government the way it is today it takes a lot of courage, heart, and dedication for a young man or woman to enlist! My hat is off to your son, and family!

Talk to a lawyer? Seriously?

Troy Baker said:

Sorry to hear this!  If he hurt it in boot camp and it wasn't pre-exisiting, I would have him talk with a lawyer before he signs anything as this could cause him problems in the future.   I know they can easily separate for any reason the first 2 years, but it he was hurt might be worth fighting for.

Yes, I would not leave for a medical reason unless it is properly documented, especially if it happened in boot camp.  It is like a workplace accident and there could be future issues and costs. Even a Navy lawyer can help, they are at your service.  And if you want to fight you should be able to.

Brad said:

Talk to a lawyer? Seriously?

Troy Baker said:

Sorry to hear this!  If he hurt it in boot camp and it wasn't pre-exisiting, I would have him talk with a lawyer before he signs anything as this could cause him problems in the future.   I know they can easily separate for any reason the first 2 years, but it he was hurt might be worth fighting for.

Thank you too everyone for your words of encouragment and wisdom,they really did make a huge difference.Tuesday will start a new week with high hopes he will make it to legal and be home soon and we can start to put this nightmare behind us.I think we may start off with a week of fishing and snorkeling in Panama City Beach Fl. I think I deserve it.......well he does too I guess. lol. He is going back to his job at Lowes and finish his schooling to be a surgical tech. I will keep u informed on the upcoming week. Once again thank you all. You guys are AWSOME!!



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