Navy Dads

I just heard from my son who is getting medically discharged and I want to give Navy Dads alittle info concerning ship 5. My son says they treat them lousy, they are ridiculed because they couldnt "cut" it. He says there are several fights a day due to frustration. Where is the leadership in that place? People who are hurt cannot help that fact. I feel responsible for my son being there, ya see he is following my footsteps as well as my brothers and father all the way back to WW2. I never in a million years would have thought that the Navy would treat shipmates like this. I am a disabled veteran of 3 services myself and I used to tell my son how great the Navy I am having second thoughts now. That stuff should not be tolerated, there should be the same discipline in  ship 5 as in the other ships. Basic training itself is not bad so ship 5 needs to shape up. I wouldnt wish it on anyone from what I hear and it is not only from my son but others there as well. Just wanted to let you know in case it happens to your child.

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Paul - I am sorry to hear that your son and the others are being treated so poorly.  I agree with you, it isn't right.  Please thank your son for joining and trying and remind him that there is another plan for him in life.  Maybe he can try re-enlisting (if he so chooses) down the line.  And just to let you know there is also a "Ship 5" group on the Navy for Moms website and I know they have a secret face book page too.  You might want to look into joining it so you can get more info to help prepare yourselves for the separation process.

I wish your son the best of luck in whatever the future holds for him......

Good Luck to your son. His effort is far more than most can ever say they even tried.

thanks all for the support

Hi I feel your pain my grandson is now in ship 5 due to panic attack witch caused rapid heart beat and blood pressure was very high. Going on nine days without a phone call, the navy sugar coats everything but from what I understand they let these macho petty officers with the little blue rope on their shoulder do what they damn well please, we don't know if he is well or not so I have to assume he is not allowed to call his parents, if we don,t hear from him soon I guess we,ll have to contact our congressman to get this thing settled. so much for truth and honesty shame on RTC for allowing this sort of thing happened.

They suppose to allow 2 calls a week. I contacted RTC's Public affairs office and he responded to me promptly. I will see if I can find out the address again and let you know. I am so sorry for your troubles. I have Tachycardia which is a rapid heartbeat and I know how he feels, I take medicine for mine it is a scary thing.


Terry I found the address of the Public Affairs guys I wrote his name is Brian Walsh and his email is Write him and tell him what  is happening I will bet you get to talk with him that day.... Let me know how it goes, hope it helps


Thanks Paul If we don't hear from Jake by tuesday 30th we will give this a try

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