Navy Dads

PIR 30 December, 2009 "Navy Boot Camp Graduation"

It appears that there will be lots of us at Great Lakes on this date, God willing. I've read lots and lots of great tips for the graduation from this site and Navy4Moms... Maybe we can keep each other advised as we move forward. My son, David is in Ship 09, Div 038. I understand that PT starts today and swim test is tomorrow. God bless them all.

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Hi, My son James is in ship 09 div. 035 with his PIR 0n 12-30 - got a phone call from him last night sounds alot better this time then the last(cried) he's having a hard time remembering things and get's yelled at alot from the chiefs - he's hoping to pass all the test as he doens't want to be set back what ever that means. just glad he sounds better
Hello Vicki:

My son is ship 09 division 34. with the same PIR date. how is your son doing on his test up to this point? I know that Sean said that time is sure starting to go a lot faster now and said they should be getting into some of the technical training starting next week.

Vicki Kaun said:
Hi, My son James is in ship 09 div. 035 with his PIR 0n 12-30 - got a phone call from him last night sounds alot better this time then the last(cried) he's having a hard time remembering things and get's yelled at alot from the chiefs - he's hoping to pass all the test as he doens't want to be set back what ever that means. just glad he sounds better
Don't worry too much... It's the Chiefs job to yell at the recruits. First they tear everyone down as individuals, then they build everyone up as a team. Being set back means that if they decide that it's in his best interest to be held back a week or so, they might do that- but know that they want your son to succeed. My son is in Ship 09, DIV 038 with the same graduation date. Good luck to you and your son!

Vicki Kaun said:
Hi, My son James is in ship 09 div. 035 with his PIR 0n 12-30 - got a phone call from him last night sounds alot better this time then the last(cried) he's having a hard time remembering things and get's yelled at alot from the chiefs - he's hoping to pass all the test as he doens't want to be set back what ever that means. just glad he sounds better
Got a quick call from David today... He's doing great, says that they got into trouble today and could only make a one minute call. Passing all his tests and looking forward to seeing us on the 30th. Great to hear from him! Hope all is well with all the recruits!

Shane Snyder said:
Hello Vicki:

My son is ship 09 division 34. with the same PIR date. how is your son doing on his test up to this point? I know that Sean said that time is sure starting to go a lot faster now and said they should be getting into some of the technical training starting next week.

Vicki Kaun said:
Hi, My son James is in ship 09 div. 035 with his PIR 0n 12-30 - got a phone call from him last night sounds alot better this time then the last(cried) he's having a hard time remembering things and get's yelled at alot from the chiefs - he's hoping to pass all the test as he doens't want to be set back what ever that means. just glad he sounds better

Mark said:
Got a quick call from David today... He's doing great, says that they got into trouble today and could only make a one minute call. Passing all his tests and looking forward to seeing us on the 30th. Great to hear from him! Hope all is well with all the recruits!

Shane Snyder said:
Hello Vicki:

My son is ship 09 division 34. with the same PIR date. how is your son doing on his test up to this point? I know that Sean said that time is sure starting to go a lot faster now and said they should be getting into some of the technical training starting next week.

Vicki Kaun said:
Hi, My son James is in ship 09 div. 035 with his PIR 0n 12-30 - got a phone call from him last night sounds alot better this time then the last(cried) he's having a hard time remembering things and get's yelled at alot from the chiefs - he's hoping to pass all the test as he doens't want to be set back what ever that means. just glad he sounds better
Happy Holidays to all. To the PIR 30 December group we are almost half-way there. They should be going into weapons training soon with alot more classes. My Daughter called last week for about (15 Min) and was very excited. Was very proud wearing the new Blue Cammies, has gotten past the blisters from the new boots (had to wear tennis shoes for three days). Has past the swim test and did great on the PT test and presumes she past the first test because she didn't have to take it again. They obviously don't tell them they past the written.
The Navy is well known for the Thanksgiving and Xmas Meals. Tons of Turkey's don't survive around our sailors :). Enjoy the Holiday our sailors will be enjoying a relaxed day, Kinda like Sundays where they should be able to get a few extra letters written. The PIR 4 DEC is the group that gets adopted for Thanksgiving while our has the chance to get adopted for Xmas.
got a letter and a phone call from the boy today. He is doing great other then his wisdom teeth still hurts from when they were pulled last week. He said Thanksgiving dinner was okay other then almost all of them were getting very homesick by the time dinner was over. Other then that he sounded good.
That's great news, Shane. I love to hear about the letters and the calls. We too got a letter from David today- but no call. He said that he was doing great. That some of the recruit section leaders in his division were demoted but that he had survived. He described their group as heading into the second phase of the process and was looking forward to graduation where he could see all of us. But the thing that really sticks out in my mind is this- and I'll write it as he did: "Every day, I wake up and still cannot comprehend that I am on my way to becoming a true sailor. The honor I have is mammoth. Now, when I read about naval history or salute the ensign for morning or evening colors, I get goosebumps. I am so lucky to have this chance- to truly become a part of the Navy's rich history. Unbelievable." Geez- love that.

Shane Snyder said:
got a letter and a phone call from the boy today. He is doing great other then his wisdom teeth still hurts from when they were pulled last week. He said Thanksgiving dinner was okay other then almost all of them were getting very homesick by the time dinner was over. Other then that he sounded good.
Thanks for the update. It's great hearing from you since you've lived it yourself. We were hoping for a call on Thanksgiving but didn't get one... but we did get a letter today (see below). All the best-

Paul said:
Happy Holidays to all. To the PIR 30 December group we are almost half-way there. They should be going into weapons training soon with alot more classes. My Daughter called last week for about (15 Min) and was very excited. Was very proud wearing the new Blue Cammies, has gotten past the blisters from the new boots (had to wear tennis shoes for three days). Has past the swim test and did great on the PT test and presumes she past the first test because she didn't have to take it again. They obviously don't tell them they past the written.
The Navy is well known for the Thanksgiving and Xmas Meals. Tons of Turkey's don't survive around our sailors :). Enjoy the Holiday our sailors will be enjoying a relaxed day, Kinda like Sundays where they should be able to get a few extra letters written. The PIR 4 DEC is the group that gets adopted for Thanksgiving while our has the chance to get adopted for Xmas.
Hi Mark, my son is in the same division as David. I have gotten a few letters and 1 very quick phone call but not a lot of information. Our boys may know each other.
My son is also on ship 09, div 038.....His names is james rodriguez

michelle said:
Hi Mark, my son is in the same division as David. I have gotten a few letters and 1 very quick phone call but not a lot of information. Our boys may know each other.
1/2 way there for the 30DEC PIR group. Getting excited about the trip to Great Lakes. I asked my daughter what she wanted to do on Libery. Her response was "Go to the mall" , Watch Star Wars Movie's in Hotel room while eating Reeses and drinking Barq's root beer. (we'll bring Civilian cloths for her to lay around in) Sounds like she is missing the simplest things in life right now. She clearified that they can only mail letters on Sunday. That explains getting letters every Thursday for our house once they started arriving. She spends nights during the week writing them whenever she gets the chance leaving Sunday to get all her other things done after church. I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday.

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