USS Nimitz: This group is for Navy Parents, family, & loved one's with Sailors serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz stationed in Everett, Wa.

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  • Mark Smith

    Our SR Keegan Smith is four weeks in at RTC. Our good friends son is serving on The Nimintz. We are proud of you Kyle.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Scott

    My grandaughter is recently assigned to the Nimitz and just left for San Francisco. How does a family member participate in a Tiger Cruise? Guess I just missed this one.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    As Robert posted in the Lincoln group:

    It is entirely on your Sailor to sign you up, get you the paper work and inform you of what to do, so keep in touch and ask questions with your Sailor.

    Mind you these are only on return from deployment (if they have a TC) and that she would have to find a male sponsor for you for the cruise.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Cheryl

    I have always read that you have to have a sponsor if your child is the opposite sex, but I went on a TC last year and didn't have a female sponsor, my son was my sponsor.

  • Mike Scutt

    Watching the Youtubes videos of our Sailors coming into SF was amazing!!!! So So proud

  • Cheryl

    My son escorted me to my female berthing, helped me set up my bunk and put my things away. I had no co sponsor, which I thought for sure I would.

  • Cheryl

    Well I noticed that people brought things like blow dryers and curling irons, irons to iron their clothes with, that we were told we could not bring aboard. I followed the rules and a lot of the women aboard did not.

  • Pat

    Hello all, since the Tiger Cruise to San Francisco was not one where they were returning from deployment, the rules were more relaxed and there weren't 5000 sailors on-board. If the Nimitz decides to have a Tiger Cruise when they return from their scheduled deployment, it will be 2 legs, one from Pearl Harbor & one from San Diego. You will definitely need a same sex sponsor so that is something you can start working on now with your sailors, especially if they are new to the ship. In the event there is a family day cruise prior to their deploying, a sponsor will not be necessary. 

    Is anyone here meeting the ship in Hawaii while they are there for RIMPAC 2012? I was there 2 yrs ago visiting my other sailor who was stationed in Hawaii, during RIMPAC 2010, but unfortunately the Nimitz had mechanical problems and the Reagan went in her place. It's a great time to visit Hawaii with so many sailors from around the world.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Wow - 300,000th arresting gear trap since Nimitz was commissioned.

  • John J Carbone

    Our son has several more weeks to complete C-School.  Today he got his verbal orders assigning him to CVN-68.  Any advice regarding moving his wife and daughter to the area would be welcomed.

  • Mike Scutt

  • Dan C

    My son is being assigned to CVN-68.  Does anyone have any ideas on things he may need while out on deployment, looking for some Christmas gift ideas.  Thanks for your help.

  • Mike Scutt

    We sent snacks that he liked, nuts, cookies, jerky in package's, because you never know how long it will be before they get there. etc All kinds of sundries, because his brands may not allways available on the ship. As far as other things, check with him, because the have very limited space. I forgot Long under wear.

  • John J Carbone

    My son has been assigned to CVN-68 as well.  Thanks for the information Mike.

  • Dan C

    John- My sons fiance is moving to Everett after commencement, she said she found a nice apartment.  If you would like I can message you the info. 

  • John J Carbone

    Dan, that would be great.  Although before the deployment was delayed, my son and his wife decided that she and my Granddaughter would live with her parents in Southern California until the ship returned, and then move up.  I think they are staying with that plan.  But it never hurts to prepare.  Thank you.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Pat

  • Pat

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Joe Gillespie

    Where can I find info on watching the Nimitz set sail when it's deployed? Our son is stationed on her. Are we even allowed or is it just for spouses and their children? This is his first cruise and he isn't even

    sure. Thanks.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Underway, Shift Colors!
    The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) departed its homeport of Everett, Wash. today to embark Carrier Air Wing 11 for a scheduled Sustainment Exercise in preparation for an upcoming deployment.
  • George Nettles

    My son gave me an incorrect email address while he is aboard the ship.

    Does anyone know how I can get his correct address?

  • George Nettles

    I also would like the mailing address so we can send mail and packages


  • NavyDads Admin, Tim


          The email should go something like this : . as far as the mailing address for the Ship that one I don't know as my wife sends all of the packages to our son. I just write him letters and she does the mailing. I would ask her but she is fixing me breakfast right now and I stay out of the kitchen unless it's my turn to cook dinner.

  • Joe Gillespie

    Our son's e-mail is his first all are lower case. Hope that helps.

  • Dan C

    Hello Everyone, just an FYI, if you go to the ships official facebook page they are doing sailor shoutouts to their families, you may catch a glimpse of your sailor.  Also have found the Nimitz Omnibudsman updates to be very good.  Hope all is well with everyones sailor and families.

  • John J Carbone

    Check out Image #1 on Photos of the day on below.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Carla Lee

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • John J Carbone

    Navy advancement list for E-4, E-5, E-6 posted today:

    My son made E-5 and is now an FC-2.

    Very proud Dad I am, very proud

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    advancements can be seen in the Career Planning group:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    John and David's Mom Congrats!

  • George Nettles

    We have not heard from our son (AO Doug Nettles)
    Since prior to Mother's Day and my wife is frantic with worry. Can anyone contact a son/daughter who also on the Nimitz make contact with Doug and ask that he contact us?
    And please let us know if he is ok!
    I am hesitant to try official channels to save him from any trouble or embarrassment. Please email me at
    Thanks Navy Dads
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Deployments can be tough and you can go long spells with no contact- I went almost 7 weeks once without hearing from my son in '09 due to carrier location and security concerns regarding an impending visit by a VIP.  They also work VERY long hours at times and get involved with what they are doing......if there were a problem I'm sure you would have been notified through official channels.  Doesn't make it easier I know, but take a deep breath and try to take it in stride- it's all part of being in the military.

  • Jeff Young

    @George Nettles, I talked to my daughter this morning and she said that Doug is fine. He is in the same unit as her. I don't know if you have heard from him yet but she said she would let him know that you are asking about him and would like to hear from him. They arrived in Phuket Thailand yesterday. 

  • Jeff Young

    BTW, I have found that the best way to stay in touch with my daughter when they are not in Everett is through Facebook. 

  • George Nettles

    Thanks to all, we finally heard from our sailor. All is well.

  • Wayne A Bradford

    Hey everyone ...I'm not sure if anyone looks at some pictures from the USS Nimitz .... here is a link from the fleet   

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary