

North Miami Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Navy Veteran
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Happily married to my high school girl for the past 27 years. We have two wonderful kids of which one is a Navy Veteran. Love all Miami sports team and #1 Charlton Heston fan. Above all, I am madly in love with the carpenter from Nazareth, my Lord and my God.
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Luis thanks for joining. I found navyformoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads wouldn't feel guilty interacting in a woman's world. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. My son and his navy brothers and sisters will also use this site to interact with each other. He started his graduating group on here so that they could find each other once they get settled in A school. So please tell your son or daughter. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud navy dads just like myself. Good luck and thanks again for joining. E.G.
  • Luis

    E.G. Nooooooo thank you for starting this wonderful site. I agree that we men have to be active and involved in our children's world. I truly believe that the Military Mom and Wives are the fabric of America but we play a vital part in this. Thanks again for starting this site. God Bless. Luis
  • j. freeman

    welcome home.. sailor..
  • Kevin

    Hi Luis, Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. Sounds like we have similar interests (apart from the 'Canes and Dolphins).

    I look forward to hearing more about your family, especially Mr. Trouble :-)

    Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    That's showing a lot of initiative, joining these groups even before he goes off to GL. Is your son currently on DEP? What rating is he contracted for? My son was really interested in SEALS, then SWCC, now in GL he has changed his mind and said something about Seabees...who knows, as long as they challenge his youthful energy and keep him focused. We're praying for the Lord to really show Himself strong in Luke's life.

    As for sports, I was raised in Baltimore, so I'm an old Orioles fan and I don't really follow football since the Colts left town. Mom sent me a Ravens shirt when they won the championship several years ago, but I haven't even watched 1 game.
  • Kevin

    Yeah, I can relate to your frustration with youthful foolishness. It sounds like he's a smart kid (maybe too smart for his own good?), but you're correct in figuring that the USN will apply a little "leadership" to his life. I have a strong background in Aviation, so if you or your son have any questions please consider me a resource. Some things may have changed since 2004, but probably not too much.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Luis, got a letter from Andy today. It was a great letter. He talks about the good and bad. His first letter had me just a little nervous, but today, he's doing fine. The first two weeks are over and the routine has settled in. Tell your son to get ready, but it's worth it. Andy said, "I hate this place, but I'll love the results." He said the food was good and he's getting stronger and healthier.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    No Luis, that is not my house. That is a museum at Cumberland Mtn. State Park in Crossville, Tn. We were there the week before Andy left for BC. Andy is doing well. He has been in GL for 3 weeks. He was on Wk 1 Day 3 on July 10th. I am also a Gator Hater. My favorite team is the Vols and any team playing Florida, except maybe for Al. If Fla. and Al. play I hope it ends in a 0-0 tie.
  • Cindy

    Do I get to ask how to play when you let me know!
  • Kevin

    Gotta love the patriotic hat! Thanks also for the pics at Pearl, those battleships are impressive. I had my retirement ceremony on the after deck of the USS Wisconsin. How's "Trouble" doing?
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Love the hat Luis. My younger son , Ethan is in Destin right now with the NJROTC unit. He's the C.O. and they are there having their yearly staff retreat and planning meetings. It's a rough life to fly to one of Florida's most beautiful beaches just to plan the school year.
  • Lisa@ N4M

    Hi Luis
    Love the rush picture, today was his 20th anniversary!
    you guys have done a great job on this site!
  • Lisa@ N4M

    Oh a fan of the King too~ Geez we are twins seperateda at birth!
  • Frank

    Hey my son just graduated on Friday. It was a great ceremony.
    He said it was not easy so that makes me even prouder that he made the grade. He will be flying out today (Tuesday) for Virginia Beach. He is going to A school for NAVY Intel.

    He got to play cymbals in the band that performed at the ceremony. It was impressinve that the sailors put on such a good show expecially considering the time constraints they are under.

    I stayed at the NAVY lodge which was actually a pretty nice Motel. They have a Microwave and fridge in each room and the staff was very helpful with directions (where can I get a six pack) etc. They could use a pool though.

    Lake Michegan was very nice, you can go to the State Beach and swim or just take pictures.
    Just thought I would pass this info along for all those whose sons or daughters have graduations coming up. The rates at the NAVY lodge were good also at $62 with not taxes.
  • Frank


    You may need those tissues it is a very proud moment. Having lived in Holywood FL for 8 years I can tell you to buy some ice skates for the pool and you may want to rent a snowmobile instead of a car at the airport. Chicago is like Alaska in the winter.

    I was going to try to fly down to Miami for the Patriots Dolphins game this year and try to meet my son there but the game is over the holiday (thankgiving) so they jacked the airline prices up.
    You can't get near a ticket up here for a Pats game. I actually used to like it when they were'nt so good because you could actually get tickets for the games.

    As you are a Dolphins fan you can apprecaite that I was at the game at the Orange Bowl when they beat the Bears the same years the Bears anihilated the Pats in the superbowl.
  • Frank

    Sure but I don't know to much about fantasy football. I think my son plays.
  • Alan C Evans

    Luis I'm not much on fantasy football but I'll see if josh would like to join.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    I tried to sign up. I must be doing something wrong. It rejects the ID#. I think I need a coach. :(
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    OK Luis. I got past the join a league part. I was clicking the wrong league. Told you I needed a coach. Now it says the password in the email is wrong. It is "GoNavy" right?