Diane(Alyssa's Mom)


Phila PA

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Alyssa is a 3rd Class Petty Officer and a CTR in Augusta GA
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am very proud of my daughter...she has come a long way in the last 854 days!! She is now a mommy of a beautiful baby boy who was born in September. She currently is stationed in Augusta, GA at Fort Gordon...lives off base with her fiance in their beautiful home!
What Brought You To This Site:
My daughter is recently enlisted
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Are you serious?

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
Navy Moms!

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Diane welcome and thanks for joining us. When my son joined the Navy I found N4M's in searching for answers. I started navydads.com so us dads could also be involved in our children's journey in the Navy. So please jump right in. We are here for the moms as well. Thanks again. EG
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Diane if you need any advice or answers from us men feel free to lean on us. Bootcamp will be tough on you because it was hard on me and I'm the dad. Just know that Alyssa is in good hands. The instructors are normal people just like you and I. Just not as easy on them as we are. They will not push her any farther than she can go. Keep me posted on her progress and lean on us if you need to. We are here for you. EG
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    This was an answer about liberty after graduation.It depends if he is a grad n go, where he will go to A school, or whether he has guard duty. Generally after the graduation ceremony you will here the greatest words spoken ( "Liberty" "Liberty" "Liberty" ) they can leave with you right after graduation and return by around 9:00 p.m. that night. The next day you can pick them back up around 7:00 a.m. and return again that night. So most of the time the weekend. If he stays in Great Lakes for A school those kids left graduation and returned back sunday. All they had to do is call in to report. I've also heard of people only getting to spend 30 minutes with their sailor before they had to leave for the airport to report to A school immediatley. Alot of factors add in to what your child's liberty will be. I would say most of the children had liberty the entire weekend to spend with family. If you have questions we will try our best to answer them. EG My son graduated Friday as everyone does and flew to Pensacola Sunday morning. When they get to P'cola they have three phases. You can always visit them but they will not come home untill after they graduate A school. You will be able to talk to your daughter everyday while she is in A school. Anything you need to know feel free to ask.
  • Cindy

    Diane I am Cindy EGs wife. I read what you wrote on the poem page I know she will start to write again Evan wrote alot at boot camp and in a school we just have not shared them yet I know a little selfish we just treasure every thought he has. We are all here if you need some peeping up these dads on here are a great support and of course us moms are the best... You are in my prayers I know what it feels like to let a child go I do promise the end result is very rewarding you will be more proud of her than you ever dreamed.. If you need to talk just send me a note we are always on..ttyl
  • Rick

    Diane, It is hard. I can't pretend to know the bond between a single parent and an only child, but my oldest left for B.C. on June 5th, and just graduated last Friday. The day he left, was a VERY emotional one for me. I saw my son growing up before my eyes. He wasn't going to be around for me to watch out for anymore. He was going out on his own, becoming an adult. Nothing can prepare any of us for that. The thing that I guess was one of the best things about B.C., for me, were the letters. Every week (we got ours on Wednesdays) you can expect a letter from Alyssa. They're great! You get a glimpse into the adventure she's on, and yes, it is an adventure. And when the day comes that you're the one sitting in the audience, watching her at her PIR, you will feel like you're going to burst with pride. Look for those letters, and make sure you write back, weekly if possible. My son told me that he really enjoyed hearing about what was going on at home while he was gone.
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Thank you very much for your support!!! And I am very proud of Alyssa...I think at PIR I will cry more than I did at her HS Graduation in May. I never really thought she would go in to the Military...but as along as she is happy. I am sure she is homesick...and cant wait to get her first phone call. I cant wait to get the first letter!!!!!
  • Rick

    Diane, I'm sorry, I misunderstood how many kids you have. I'm sure that 1, 2 or 10, really doesn't matter, when they leave home for the first time, it's scary, and when it's the baby, it is even worse. (For the parent especially.) We just need to remember that they're probably safer there than on a lot of the city streets around America, and the work they're going to do is going to help them and our country! I actually have 3 boys, and Dillon is my oldest. The second is already talking about joining the Sea Cadets, to get a kind of a jump on what will be expected in the Navy. Keep your spirits up, and like Terry said, she'll definitely be looking for your letters. No matter how much they grow up, they're still our kids. We love them and they love us.
  • Rick

    By the way, do you have any idea of her division or ship yet?
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Anyone know how to get the ship or division...her recruiter said they have no idea.....who would Know????
  • Cindy

    Hey,How are you doing? I know what you mean this to me was the hardest thing I have ever gone through with any of my children,I would cry all the time when he left and I would try to be strong then I would break down again.. I know each time you talk to them you feel better but it is hard not seeing them everyday and hugging them.And by the way we are suppose to be selfish I think haha..Hang in there if you need to cry just let it out..we are all here to listen.God bless you.Cindy
  • Frank

    I know how you feel. I was the Dad/Mom and my son just graduated 08/1/2008. He had a tough time but made it through. He is now in Virginia Beach and says that it is much better there. They have a rec Hall, a movie theator, semi private room and a 10 minute walk to Virginia Beach.
    I miss him allot but know this was the best thing he could do for himself. You will love the graduation ceremony and don't worry about getting there at 6:00am in the morning. You can go at 8:00am and still get a seat. I suggest taking a cab in as they really do check all the cars going on to the base. If you ger dropped off you just walk in show your ID and your good to go.
  • Rick

    No, you shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks.
    After processing (which could take a week,) they have time every sunday to write. I think they (the RCD's) actually make them write. You know the old saying patience is a virtue? Whoever came up with it, wasn't waiting for their first letter from boot camp. That letter is going to seem like it's the brightest rainbow you've ever seen, and you'll treat it like it was made of gold! My family and I ALWAYS looked forward to Wednesdays, since they were letter days. The only time we didn't get one, we had a phone call, telling us ahead of time.
  • Jon

    Just stopped by to say Hi,and how ya doing?When my son ,,Jason ,was in boot-camp... I got my first letter on week 3..Then they came every thursday after that..Yup..I used to look forward to thursdays.Jason said that he was bored in boot-camp.. And its not that bad.. Jon
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Hi Dads....Alyssa is in Divison 361 Ship 5...I got the form letter on Monday, and a phone call on Tuesday, but only because she needed me to fax info for her security clearance. She wants to be a Crypto Tech...
  • Rick

    I'm glad to hear that you heard from Alyssa. I was the same way with the letters. Now, I have to admit, I think people are getting tired of me. I have my sons' graduation picture, and I carry it and show it off to everyone! Keep in touch, and ask questions. Make sure you get a DVD of the PIR. You'll think (at least I did) that you can do the ceremony justice with a camcorder, but you'll get so wrapped up in seeing her, that you'll forget to tape it.
  • Cindy

    Hi Diane, I am so glad you got to hear her voice that is the best feeling. Evan said the 1st of bc is the hardest bc they break you down and then they build you back up.Why I do not know but it works for all of them. Try to write atleast everyday to help her,my mother in law and I would try to send him something every day even if its a joke something funny helps makes her laugh so will you when you read it I would always try to let him know what was going on at home so he did not seem so far away.. She will get stronger every day I promise it is all so real now... Always get the phone they call from all kinds of #'s one time Evan called from a resticted # I almost did not get that one then my youngest son thought it was cute so he started calling me and restricting the # I wanted to kill him I would get so happy thinking it was Evan and it was the youngest.. Ha .Hang in there I will pray she calls sun..ttyl
  • Cindy

    Diane, How are you doing? I hope all is well with you. have you heard from Alyssa? Today is letter day hope she is doing good..
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Got 2 letters today, I am a happy mom,,,but still miss her!!
  • Cindy

    I am so glad she is doing good.. she sounds like she has a great sense of humor she will be fine.. Evan said that it is hard to get along with alot of people there are so many kids there from all over so it does take them awhile to learn each other they do get close (some of them). well I am glad she is good stay strong yourself!!
  • Cindy

    Hi Diane. Another Cindy to talk to. Welcome to the Navy Mom's group on Navy Dad's! I noticed you and I have something in common, we both came to Navy Dad's looking for a different perspective. I'm glad to read that Alyssa is doing fine. Morgan's division had the same problem, and they were an all male one! He was a gymnast before entering, and when I hugged him at his PIR (8/15), my first comment after that was 'you're so thin'. He'd lost all his muscle! He had great one's, too. He stayed there in GL for A school which will start 9/1. He's going into health/medical (HM) and then would like to be an FMF (Fleet Marine Force), which means he'll go off and train with a marine division then get stationed wherever they go. He'll have to be in the top 2% of his class for that to happen. If he doesn't make it, then he'll get stationed somewhere as a nurse. Welcome again.
  • Cindy

    33 days seemed like 66 to me! Now I can't believe it's been a week since we last saw him. It wasn't so hard saying goodbye this time, because I knew I would be able to contact him on a daily basis if I wanted to. He was fortunate because he moved across the street for A-school, so I was able to leave his cell, laptop, some clothes and tennis shoes with him. Hey, if her division wins the Captain's Cup, like Morgan's, you may get a call! We were suprised as Morgan had told us, in our previous conversation, that if we heard from him before the 12th of Aug. it wouldn't be good news. My heart stopped as it was before then. Since they has won the Captain's Cup, their reward was a call home. ttyl
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    do i have no luck...alyssa tried to call me 2x around 715pm..I missed both calls, I was at work, and the split second I had to tend to a patient...I have been waiting 2wks...I havent stopped crying all night, I feel like I am worse now, than when she left. I feel like I let her down. She left a message, but I feel like such a failure now..... :( How do I make this pain stop?
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Help please...I got a letter Friday, and my daughter doesnt sound very good, she sounds like she wants to give up. She said she thinks she was crazy for joining...I hope maybe it was "her time of the month" and is just having a moment of "jitters",,,anyone else?? I wrote her back told her in big letters... LISTEN TO YOUR MOMMA...YOU CAN DO THIS...YOU HAVE 21 MORE DAYS.... please Moms..Dads...give me feedback!!!
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    This morning I got a 2 min phone call....I g uess it will hold me til PIR on 9/26
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hi Diane- PIR approaches!!! I started a Daughters and their Dads group, but sure would like to have you as part of it.....those of us with daughters in the Navy are a special group. As PIR is concerned- it'll be an awesome experience that you will always remember. Enjoy it and savor the experience!

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Diane only four days to PIR? Time sure does fly by. I'm glad that Alyssa has made it. Has she finished battle stations yet? Are you going to PIR? Let me know how she's doing. I was a little worried at the start. How are you doing? Are you excited? keep me posted
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to Daughters and their Dads Diane!! Be sure to take a few minutes and let the group know how Alyssa is doing. I'm sure she is pretty excited about PIR- it'll be an amazing experience for you both. Get there a early as it fills up fast! You'll see seating sections for each division. We sat in the top row as I could stand on the seats for photos-- but I'm pretty tall as is the ex. It's a madhouse in the hall when liberty is announced and finding your sailor may be tough...I let out this HUGE Corona yell and both Kat and Eric were able to orient themselves to where I roughly was......think everyone sitting next to us thought "this guy is crazy...."!

    Anyway it's going to awesome and I hope you will come away from it with the same sort of pride as did I.

  • Michele

    Diane - Woohoo PIR is over!! I am sure you are so proud of Alyssa :). Job Well Done Alyssa! I hope you have lots of pictures to share and your story of the experience. Now the worry will lift tremendously because both of you can finally talk daily. Where will she be doing her A-school? God Bless, Michele :)
  • Cindy

    Diane, Hey I am so glad for pir's I know how proud you are..Great pics,love them Alyssa looks great.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    So Diane you must share with us how PIR went. I bet you had a great time finally seeing Alyssa. Please blog and let us know about your experience.
  • Michele

    Oh you look so so happy and proud! My son is in Pensacola until Oct. 31st for now, after he graduates A-school I don't know how long the wait will be for him to be assigned to a fleet and then off too C-school. He says he is in 'The Blue Angels' part of base down there and in Charlie Barracks, next to the female barracks. The base there is huge and I guess it is Navy, Air Force, and Marines base. Do you know how long her A-school is expected to last? I am so happy for you both that the wait is over and you all can talk again :). Congrats Diane & Alyssa!