

Statesville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Wes (Discharged on 8-17-09)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ATO - Aviation Electronics Technician
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a very proud mother of my sailor from Div. 223, Ship 11 - graduated June 20, 2008.
Seven years ago I began my dream career of teaching school. I am a Certified Teacher's Assistant & Substitute Teacher, currently enrolled in Western Govenors University as a Math Major/Teacher 5-12 to become a licensed educator.
I have 4 wonderful children, 1 son and 3 daughters ranging in age from 22 - 12 yrs. old. All of them continually bless me and make me proud in all they do and accomplish! Their names would be: Wesley (22 y.o.), Amber (19 y.o.), Makenzie (15 y.o.), and Shana (13 y.o.).
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud & Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, glad to know Wes is feeling better...that's an answer to prayer! Sorry to hear he failed a test today (Saturday school?). If he's going above and beyond in trying to learn they'll probably give him an extra chance. Some guys don't even try, or care, so he's a step above them. Best advice is to really study the material, and ask questions of it to himself to see if he understands, before testing. If he's still stuggling with a concept, he needs to humble himself and ask the instructor to explain it to him. Just not too often.
    Sometimes they offer study skills classes, maybe that would help. He could ask.

    We didn't talk with Luke today, although Katie chatted with him while we were busy doing something else. Have a great weekend!
  • Cindy

    I love the pictures too. My fav is the one where he and Martin are fighting over the ice cream. It was taken in the Rain Forest Cafe in Seattle the last night we were together as a family before he left. I hate Sunday's at the moment. They are really the toughest day for me. I was hoping he'd get to call, but it's past their holiday liberty, so I don't know if it will happen now.
    I am really glad to hear Wes' back is better. Those spasms can be very painful, I know. If it's still bothering him, tell him to alternate cold and heat. I believe, it's start with the ice and end with the heat. That's what my chiro. has me do. Sorry to hear he didn't get his liberty. My mom mind is saying that's not right, when you're sick, you're sick, cut some slack. Kevin would remind me that isn't the military way! Right Kevin? ;-)
  • jeff

    justin left july 23 and will graduate this moth on the 22nd from great lakes (bootcamp)...cant wait , thanks for the Hi.
  • jeff

    yes , recieved 3 letters and one phone call saturday afternoon. .
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Michele, You did welcome me. Andy is doing well. We received three letters so far and had a 30 min. phone call on 21 July. He's OK but homesick. He likes the food, and he's a big eater. How are things on your side?
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ after talking to you I read your comments! At any time, if you think Wes could use a little extra encouragement from someone other than his Mom, let me know. I will send him a note. I can tell him that we met on this site and have talked over the phone. There are a couple of N4M's that are sending Morgan a short note of encouragement to keep him going. Let's say it would be a 'pay it forward'. Once again, it was a joy talking to you. I can now put a voice to a name!
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Michele, Thanks for the info. It seems that bc was so long ago for me. Ships were still made of wood I think. I do remember having "Mandatory Night Study" when I was in Basis Electricity & Electronics. They do stuff to you to get you motivated. Pride is a big motivator for most men. I had a Chief tell me I was not going to make it through school. I said I would show him. I thought then he was being a horses rear. I know now he was getting me motivated. Lesson that come hard aren't easily forgotten. Tell Wes to hang tough. God Bless. Phil. 4:13
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, don't mean to be nosey but I was checking out Bob's page and saw your comments about Wes' meeting with the Chief. Mando may be a bummer, especially if it messes up liberty, but if he applies himself and learns his job he won't be reassigned to scrape and paint the hull of a ship!
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele ~ After I told you I'd love some 80 deg. weather, guess what we had today! Partly cloudy skies, a breeze, and cooler weather. My offer is open ended and I didn't mind you being a jabberbox! I was glad I was able to be there for you. You've been there plenty for me! Hope you had a good one despite the heat and humidity. How was Wes today?
  • Cindy

    Hey how are you doing? How is Wes? how soon until he gets to Penn.? Evan will be home 8/13 I am so ready.... He will go to Australia and catch the Ronald Reagan then he will be in San Diego Calf. ALONG way from home I am happy for him..I just wanted to check on you and Wes..
  • Cindy

    Hey, I am glad to hear about Wes just keep him in good spirits that's what I think we are here for.haha Stay strong! You sound like you are learning alot from the site, these dads are very informative people I do love that.I am good I think I canstay strong until he leaves then I will probably lock myself in a room and cry for days.I am just looking for the time we will have with him when he comes home on 8/13.He will get to stay for about 2 weeks.Oh yeah I will tell Evan to take lots of pics.EG does not like to fly either he said he would try when Evan gets to sd but that is as far as he thinks he could fly..Hang in there we are all here for you..
  • Cindy

    Did you order it? I would love to get him one..I do not know what the web add. is.I will ask EG. Put that question in Ask a Question group in case there are more people with that question or answer I may have it at home I will check and get back to you..I know what you mean I did not take my eyes off of Evan either..
  • Lisa@ N4M

    Hi I'm a NC Mom, our son Sean's PIR was 6/13 he is in a school for Mass communications at ft meade
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele ~ I'm still trying to figure out why I didn't feel my phone vibrate when you called. I was holding it in my hand! Martin took me to see the new mummy movie for my birthday, that's where I was. By the time we got out, and finished dinner, it was almost midnight your time, so I'm writing instead. Sorry about not letting you know about Morgan's letter. This being my first week at work and training, I can't remember which way is up and which way is down! I hope things are going well for Wes. Is there any particular reason why he decided to cancel his cell? I'd just set my foot down and tell him he can't do that. Besides, he's making the big bucks now! ;-) I'll try to call you tomorrow. If not then, for sure on Sunday.
  • Lisa@ N4M

    Dallas, NC which is near Charlotte, Ft Meade is in Maryland
    we went up for the fourth! had a great time
    heres a link to my N4M's page
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ I'm beginning a new career in the 'banking' business. I'll be a teller at a local credit union. You'll like this one, you have to be a teacher, or associated to a teacher, in order to be a member. The Mummy movie was good, it wasn't as good as the other two, but good. As usual, there was a lot of action throughout it, with a surprise or two. There's a new Evie, she wasn't as believeable as the original! I'm glad to hear Wes is thinking things through. Will he have to pay a bundle to get out of his contract? Morgan's is up in December, I believe. I told him he needed to get his own after that, he could afford it. Plus, it'll save me a bit. Besides, he really is out on his own now. Morgan called today, I was surprised. I almost didn't answer my cell because it came from an area code I didn't recognize. Then I thought maybe it was you since I don't have you number in my phone yet. So, I answered it. Was I happy when I heard this 'hi'. "Morgan!" (all caps). Conversation went on from there. Martin and I had just pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, so I was able to put my phone on speaker. It's the first time he's heard or talked to Morgan since he left. Morgan said he's having the best day he's had since he's been there. I was so happy about that. Still having knee problems, but he's not going to say a word until after graduation. Their battle station test is scheduled for Monday 8/11. I can't wait to get that last phone call telling us he passed! I bet that car looks like new, bummer about the a/c though. That has to be miserable. I can hear you telling me it is, but it's a car that works! heehee! Talk to you tomorrow.
  • Cindy

    Thanks Michele ~ I kept hoping all day yesterday that he would call. Today's just as good though! If it eases Wes' stress to pay $125 to get out, than that's great. Yeah, you could be a member. Ready to move to Boise? We have 6 branches and they are all here in the treasure valley. 12 more days!
  • Rick

    Thanks Michele. I think all of these Sailors deserve our utmost respect and pride. I can't believe that there were 804 of them graduating on Friday. And to think that they do this EVERY WEEK! That's part of the reason we have the greatest military in the world, the other is the people that support them. Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives and even girlfriends and boyfriends. We're all a part of it.
  • Cindy

    8 more days! Can you believe it! It's finally coming to an end. We did get a letter from Morgan today. I'm glad we talked to him on Saturday because he was more positive than the letter. The first one was the weekend I stayed home from the camping trip. It was better than the one we had received before that, but gosh, he did sound good on Sat. I didn't hear any undertones in his voice to make me wonder if he was trying to hide something. He told us that Sat. in chow line, there was a bunch of kids in p-week and that he could see the fear in their eyes. He turns to the girl behind him and tells her things will get better and time flies by. On whose side?! Another page, he tells me about FMF and how he'll be trained to kill people. Compassion then killing? Oxymoron, I'd say. VBS, I remember those days as a kid. Had a great time. I'm glad to hear your daughters are enjoying it and asking questions. Best time to introduce the Bible to them and let them know Jesus died for us. Are you exhausted? I would be. A week from tomorrow we're flying out! Yeah! Sad part, on Sunday I'll be thinking gee, a week from now will be our last day with Morgan. But....at least I'll get to talk to him, text him, email him. So much better than BC. Gotta go, I overheard a conversation at work today that they want me to do most of the transactions tomorrow. It was a late night last night, so I had better get some sleep. I apologize for not having called you yet, but it sounds like you're busy this week as well. ttyl
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Michele. I have not forgotten about you. I will try to email the form to you monday. You might want to write me a note as a reminder. I forget things. So how is Wes? when will he make it to P'cola? I know he will love the freedom there. Evan has loved it.
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele! Haven't got much time, I'm on lunch break. PIR was great! I was really excited to see the door open up. We got there around 6:30, and a girlfriend of a guy in Morgan's division was sitting on the front row. Needless to say, we sat there. Martin took pictures of the screen because he couldn't see anything! Seeing Morgan for the first time brought tears to my eyes...wasn't the first time. I was crying watching what the newbies had to go through their first week! Gotta run. Need to leave a couple more messges. It's my grandma's 90th birthday today, so I'll be at my parents tonight. I'll write tomorrow night!
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele! It's 9:10 pm, and I still haven't eaten dinner. I think I'm going to make you my last message. PIR was awesome. I was a bundle of mixed emotions all weekend. I was thrilled to meet all the Mom's who've helped me through bc hell. That was amazing. I'm really shy and quiet, but Martin would probably tell you I was a social butterfly! I don't know that I've still put all my emotions and thoughts together. I do know it was an experience I won't ever forget. Seeing Morgan again, wow. Being able to hug him and know that he made it through bc with grit and determination, that I didn't fully realize he had. So many of you made comments about when the big door opened. I know what you mean now! After sitting there for about 3 hrs, then realizing I was minutes away from seeing my sailor, wow. We didn't take as many pictures as I thought we would. Morgan didn't want to do a lot, so we visited a couple of malls and that was it. He moved across the street on Sunday, so we didn't see him until around 2. When we did, he couldn't leave without his buddy's. We were planning on taking the train into Chicago, but ended up in the commissary and Wal-Mart while the buddy's purchased things like irons, ironing boards, alarm clocks, etc. Quality not quantity, right! Sounds like you've been very busy and should be one tired lady. Did you get everything done? How is Wes? Ya know what, I'm really hungry, I'll write more when I hear back from you!
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele! I've talked to Morgan almost every day since we left GL. They had to class up, so he won't start A-school until next Tuesday. His knee is giving him problems again. Talking to him last night he said he was going to try and see the doc today. He's not doing a lot, other than cleaning, securty, and watch. There's three groups waiting to class up, so they have weekend watch every 3rd week. He'll have liberty again this weekend. I'm sorry to hear about Wes and his back. My thought is to go to a chiropractor, they'll be able to help him more than any other doctor. They probably don't have a chiropractor on base, though. One is needed! He must be really excited about leaving GL. My job's going okay. I'm thinking my brain cells, due to my age, are not kicking in as fast as they used to. Remembering everything I'm suppose to do is difficult. Easy, day to day stuff is not difficult. It's when you've been trained, verbally, and don't apply it daily that I get into trouble. Are you getting ready to head back to work? Is this hurricane coming going to affect you at all?
  • Cindy

    Wes must be happy to know he's done with BC and A-school...or does he continue in Florida? Glad to hear you missed the brunt of Fay, especially with all that yard work you just did! All that rain has probably cooled things down for you all immensely or did is it more humid? Keep me posted. It would do Wes some good to see a chiropractor, too! Honest. Martin gets his feet tingling and I've had my fingers tingle, and both of our legs have gone a little numb. We know, then, that we need to see our favorite doc's. My brother happens to be a chiropractor, so we can get free adjustments; I go see our doc that I've been with for over 20 yrs. My Dad's a Certified Massage Therapist, so I get those when I need them. Yeah, I got it made. I just need an md, dentist, optomitrist, pt, and mmmm...maybe that's it! If I have all of those, I'm set! I'm trying not to worry too much about work. I think I'm just a little paranoid after my last job experience. Idaho is an 'at will' work state, so if my manager doesn't like the clothes I'm wearing that day, she can fire me and be totally within the law. Anyway, life goes on. Has work started for you?
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Michele. Hope all is going well. Evan and Cindy arrived in San Diego today. They have put in a long haul. Cindy will fly home Sunday. Hope Wes makes it to P'cola before the storm comes in. It has be crazy around here. Everyone is acting like it has already hit. It is what it is. Hurricanes and tornados are things we must deal with in the south. ttyl
  • Cindy

    Must be nice to be able to pick and choose when you work! So with the humidity, what's the temp like? In talking to EG, it sounded like Gustav was headed more their direction....maybe that's towards you too? I'm horrible with knowing where states are. You'll have to tell me whether or not there's much difference between Florida and where you are. I'm guessing it might be cooler in Fl, but still humid. I'm thinking Morgan will be in a-school forever! Not really, but it sure seems that way. He hasn't started school yet and his knee is killing him. He went to siq call today, told me that they didn't do anything but give him some stretching exercises and take it easy. I found out, if they're not sick, they are sent to a physical therapist! How crazy is that? His only option left is to talk to his commanding officer to get the ok to see a md. I know he's hurting when he wants to see a dr. I'm just glad he's done with bc.
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ You and EG's family have been in my thoughts much today. Please let me know how you are doing once it's over and, of course, I will keep you all in my prayers. This must be a scary time, again, especially since Katrina is still so fresh on everyone's mind.

    We talked to Morgan tonight. When I talk to him again, or maybe I'll text him, to go see the physical therapist. We have the best military in the world, why wouldn't they let someone who really has a problem, go see the dr. they need to go to. That's like having someone come to me and I ask them if they'd like their money to go into their savings or checking acct! PT's should not be looking at a sailor who has a knee injury before the sailor's seen a dr. who's had the training to know what the problem is. Ggggrrr! I feel your frustration, that's for sure.

    Once again, let me know how you're doing after these storms.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hi Michele, just wanted to tell ya I'm holding up. Mr Mom has done a fine job in my opinion. I haven't lost a kid yet, house is still standing, kids were feed, what more can my wife ask. Like I just told Cindy it looks like a repeat of Katrina just not as massive. Katrina hurt and Gustav looks like it will to. My bet is it will put New Orleans underwater again. That's a shame we visit there a lot and love it. We will get a lot of rain and maybe some tornado's. Wes will probably be on hold but once the storms pass he will be on his way to the beach. HooYah! All in all I'm prepared for what comes of this hurricane. I've been busy getting ready and Cindy comes home this afternoon! HooYah! Hope all is going well with you and your family. ttyl
  • Dana Cochrane

    Hi Michelle!
    Yes, Josh graduated on Aug 15th. His division was the only one to win the Hall of Fame! His commander has brought every one of his divisions to the hall of fame. Josh was very p;eased about that honor. Anyway, he is now at sub school, and we just got back from visiting him. He looks great in uniform! We took lots of pics and had a great time! We plan to go down for his graduation from sub school. We got to tour the Nautilus at the museum while we there. Wow, it's amazing how tight the subs are. And they say the new ones have the same size living quarters or smaller! Josh thinks it will be fun, and I ENVY HIM!!!!! We hooked up with one of the Navy for Moms moms while we there, and we all went to lunch together. That was fun, too.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele we should be fine. We are about 150 miles north of New Orleans. We felt Katrina like we were sitting on the coast. This one doesn't look near as strong as Katrina.
  • Dana Cochrane

    I have posted some pics of Joshua, and of our visit with him this past weekend. His sub school is only a few weeks, and I'm not sure about the A school. He really has no preference for where he'd like to be stationed yet. He's still getting oriented to it all, I think, and sub school hasn't even started for him yet, but maybe this week. We do plan to go down for his graduation. Can't wait!! It sure is nice to see how he has matured and seems so proud of where he is at, as we are, as well!!! I hope that it will be possible for him and his twin brother in the Air Force to come home for Christmas, so we can get some photos done of the two of them together. That would be great! But it's a long shot at this point.
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, I am sooo glad I made it home before the storm hit we are all ok. We are just having alot of rain we will take the rain instead of the hurricane..I had the best time on our trip I am so glad I had the chance to go we had so much fun on the trip..It was very hard leaving him I was all alone it was very hard I was never more happy to see the rest of the gang at the airport..How is Wes? did he make it to Penns? Hope the rest of your children are doing well.I really hope you will be safe with Hanna on the way up.. I do have pics. I need to put them on we took most of them of the travel not many of ourselves we were so amazed at the ride..ttyl
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    PIR is pretty amazing to see and experience. Unless you've gone through it, it is difficult to explain to non-Navy folks just what it means. More to the point though, I've told many people that is a reaffirming event that has givien me hope for the future. I've had the honor of attending two graduations at RTC: my daughter Kat in Oct '05 and my son Eric in Mar '07. And in both events I felt blessed to see that our Country IS in good and trustworthy hands. Every time I hear someone despair about where the youth are going and what the future holds I simply nod to myself and think back to seeing all those sailors stand at attention and recite the Sailor's Creed- I feel much better then...............

    It changes not only your children- but it fundamentally changes you as well.......besides it made me laugh to see all those newly minted sailors strut while on liberty around the Chicago area!!!!!!!!!

    And I've found other changes in myself as well. With all that is going on in the world I was worried about the "what-if's" when the kids would go on cruise to the Gulf. I recently had an e-mail from a Vietnam Navy vet that I've never had the honor to meet in person. He was trying to re-assure me about the improved firefighting skills and other imrpoved safety issues and I realized...I wan't worried about that anymore because I've understood that all of our sailors are professionals- they are trained to handle those things and they are part of a team that is committed to looking out for one another.

    So ... to all you parents out there that still have youngsters in DEP or at RTC....don't fear. When you see your son or daughter walk through that door in the drill hall you'll feel the same pride and joy that we've felt. May you all have fair weather and following seas.
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, I hope everything is good.I hope Wes will be safe in Pens. with Ike coming keep us posted on how he is.. We will all be praying for his safety along with all the others there.. well EG just turned on the tribute to America Awesome I will write later..Take care
  • Cindy

    Michele....asa matter of fact, I have lost your number. I keep forgetting to put it in my cell before I erase all my calls. You'd think I'd learn....nah. Our kids grow up so fast don't they? For me, it really didn't happen until the boys reached jr. high. When that happened, the years flew by. I'm so sorry to hear about Wes. He can't seem to get a break can he. I'm guessing that he still has room inspections, so it wouldn't help if he just plunked the roomie's stuff on his bed. Morgan seems to be doing ok his class. His first test is Wednesday and he knows he needs to pass it. He's been studying for it before they classed up, so I hope he does well. His knee does okay if he doesn't do a lot of running or anything like that. They had a lot of rain from Hanna, so didn't do much PT stuff. One of his friends found a couple of bars which Morgan realized he can use as parallel bars. He was so excited about that. Said as soon as he saw them, he got up and did a hand stand and a piroet (spelling?!), but lost his balance because he had his boots on. Made is day. He's never lifted weights in his life, so was happy to see there was a way he could start conditioning and getting his muscle back. Now he just needs to be careful. I'm relieved to know that the storm didn't hit you. I've been talking to a mom on N4M's who lives in CA. I've never had to worry to much about hurricanes before meeting all you Mom's! Send me your phone number again and I'll be sure to call you. I've got to get Cindy called, too, so I'll have to set aside a night just to chat with you both!
  • Cindy

    I'm sure Morgan will get some practice in. I texted him early this evening and asked how he was doing. He said he was stressing a little about the test tomorrow. I told him not to overstudy and pray. Wes is really in a tough position. This guy shouldn't be doing what he's doing, and if I ended up trying to trust him to watch my back, I don't know if I could that. You're a brave Mom to tell Wes not to call you for a few days. Talking to your or not, I hope he's out there meeting other sailors. I wish I could tell you about fantasy football, but I can't. I had to change my password, and can't find my team now. I'm hoping Luis can help, we'll see. If I can't I'll just sit on my couch and watch NFL and my BSU Broncos. God Bless you too!
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, How is the family? Mine is good. Evan is now on the Ronald Reagan he is very excited. I am sorry I have not wrote back been very busy.. Evan did have some issues at a school not alot, I think Wes is in a different part they were not that tough on Evan I wish sometimes they would have been more. He had alot of leverage. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got a call from Evan he is there.. He is with one of the guys from a school so he is ok.He will be on the flight deck working on the catapolt.. ttyl Cindy
  • Jon

    Hi Michele,,It has been awhile. Jason is doing fine.He just passed his 12th test at corpsman school last week.He called yesterday and told me he got his orders. His graduation is October 22nd..Then he is headed for Camp Lejune in NC.for FMTB training. He is attached to the 2nd marine Logistics.Iam very proud of Jason. He has accomplished so much already. Keep in touch..Jon
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ I haven't forgotten! Weekend got really busy, and I haven't been feeling well. Took yesterday off. I'll contact you on yahoo.
  • Cindy

    I thought I'd send you an email! The chat line is down, that's where you gave me your email address.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    o'tay Michele!!! I started a disucssion on Shellbacks and found some photos of Kat's Wog Day in April and set those up as an album on my page......Paul
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele that photo of Wes at the end is priceless. They did a great job getting that one by the river. I'm glad you liked it.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    I'm not sure what part Evan stayed in. I do know it was the worst group of kids. lol I'll ask him. If you put up an Army video I would hope no one would care. One of my best friends has been in the Army for 17 years. I as everyone should respect all of the branches of military. I'd love to see it. ttyl
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    PIR was awesome, amazing....and I was so proud...I was so happy to hug my girl!!!!!!!
  • Diane(Alyssa's Mom)

    Oh and the tears......tears at PIR and tears when I said goodbye again!! the good bye tears shocked me...they just happened.......
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Michele- since reading your post this morning I've been trying to come up with a terribly patriotic and supportive response to help ease your worries and concerns---and I finally realized that I cannot and rightfully so. Nothing I could say can make you feel better about the possibility of Wes being in Iraq before the holiday season. But you need to know that you have my personal prayers and support and I'm sure that I speak for all the other Navy dads...and moms....as well in collectively offereing our prayers and support any time you need. NavyDads is a great way to share our concerns for our Sailors and please use us for any support and comfort you may need during this difficlut time. My son has indicated that on return from cruise he may very well also sign up for IA...I tell you this to show that you are not alone in your worries. I have to place the future in His hands and rely on the training and committment that Eric and his shipmates show to each other. Please keep the faith Michele! My best regards and support- Paul
  • Cindy

    Michele? What is this I just read about Wes possibly being in Iraq before the holidays? When did you hear this news? Did he tell you why he chose to sign up for IA? How are you doing? Obviously, you are worried, who wouldn't be.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Michele-- ya gotta keep your humor!!!
  • Luis

    Michelle, I hear ya about what you are going through. I see myself as American first, Conservative second and then Republican. I agree with some of what you have said. All I can say is that McCain was not my first choice. With Sarah Palin I feel a Hell of a lot better about voting for him. No matter who wins it is going to be a tough four years. BUT, I feel that Obama will really hurt our country with his Socialistic views. Pray about it and see what the Lord tells you.
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ you always have my support. I'm confused about why their rating puts them into IA. If I understand correctly, because his grades were good enough he qualified for C-school, which is a good thing. Yet, it seems to be a bad thing as well. It would be awesome if he got stationed closer to you, and like you said, you could spend more time with him. I've also heard that the election results will have a big say as to what comes next with us in Iraq. I'm really happy that he'll get to see his baby girl, that will be a great boost to him. I'm also betting that Wes was planning on telling you, not your ex. There's a lot of men out there, not on this site, that have no heart or tact. But, you did find a good one....right! Will Wes be home for Christmas? How does Wes like training with the Marines or is that when he gets to C school? I have tomorrow off, so I had planned on calling you.