

Chattanooga, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Conner & Jeremy (son-in-law)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of lifes longing for itself. They may come through but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls should dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite and he bends you to his might that his arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; for even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable."


What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving, other
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Extremely overwhelmed with a sense that I did something right in raising my kids
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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    Have a greta day and may God bless our Military.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Ahoy Craig !! You are correct...sometimes the news we get really does say "you done it right!!". While I haven't heard from Kat in a while, Eric sent me a mail that while they are in port, and everyone else was planning on heading to Hard Rock and Mickey D's that he was planning on "doing a community out reach program helping a childrens education center with some work, painting and what ever else they need". You are correct- it doesn't get any better than that!!
  • Tim Hall

    Yes that is where he is going to A school at Corry Station. I was stationed there in 83 going to A school as a CT pretty good place to be or at least when I was there.
  • Tim Hall

    That would be great, there is another guy he graduated high school with that is in Pcola now he graduated from bootcamp in August. His name is Steven Blevins
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Man...I bet you're getting excited to get to Great Lakes!! Get ther early as it fills up really fast- last visit (Eric's PIR) I took the shuttle from the Marriott to the base....a TON easier than my first PIR when I drove on base. Consider if you are not within walking distance. There will be areas in the bleachers marked by division...those areas will be pretty much directly in front of where the division will be when they come to rest after they march in. At the end when they call liberty the place goes nuts with all the recruits trying to hook up with their families...I let out this HUGE Corona yell that helped Eric and Kat orient themselves to where we were. I've heard a bunch of folks that choose to sit in the balcony...pretty good view as you are looking down and can see the divisions pretty well.....I diidn't which maid photography kinda hard what with all the heads and stuff....get in early and scope things out if you can. And be sure you find out about buying a DVD of the PIR....Conner should have info.

    And listen...they'll be lots of testosterone flowing....still I think I had tears running down my cheeks for both PIRs. You're gonna love this!! Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    just another note...up at Gurnee Mall is a great place that will embroider almost anything for a very reasonable price.....that is where I got the Navy flag done with Eric's and Kat's PIR dates that's on my page. I aslo hace a few Navy Dad shirts and the like from there......besides they have a Bass Pro Shop there too!!
  • Chuck

    This is the week!!!! Safe travel!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    This is the week Conner has been workiing so hard for! Enjoy the experience and make note things-- get ready for Megans!

    Any last minute questions- you know where to ask!!

    Have a safe and wondeful trip- Paul
  • Chuck

    Nothing like double dip PIR! You are in for two trips to the windy city.
    Enjoy your time with Conner. The PIR is impressive! Soak it in. Take lots of photos! Take some family time to see the sites.
    Watch for the changes in Conner. There will be a different look to him, a new focus, an intensity, and a sense of a purpose.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    OK my've got to let us all know how PIR was and what you thought of the experience! I started a PIR-Tips and Helps group -- so as someone that went through it, add your thoughts and suggestions! Hope it was all you thought it would be. Paul
  • Chuck

    Well how was the trip? I looked at the photos.
  • Chuck

    I read your comments in the group PIR hints and tips. Isn't the PIR almost overwhelming? The Navy does a nice job with the ceremony. This event occurs week after week. I went on April 6 and you just went yet the intensity is the same. Those coaching our kids insure that the sailors and the families have one of the one of those memories that will be given a special place in your heart. I will be reviewing the photos over and over.
    Your second PIR is your daughter. My daughter is 15. I can not begin to imagine what your experience will be like.
  • Chuck

    Where is the Navy sending Conner next?
  • Chuck

    Andrew is waiting to class up for "C" school at Whidbey Island NAS.
  • Chuck

    What is your daughter's rating change to? Is she asking? Or does the Navy see something to cause them to think that another rating could be a better fit?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hey Amigo...have you settled down yet from Conner's PIR or are you still floating above the clouds! Just about the time you ease off the stories and photos for everyone you'll get all stoked again at Meagan's PIR. We've a special breed Craig...I don't know how many others have a son and daughter in our great Navy! HooYah my friend! Paul
  • Chuck

    I got a call from Andrew last night. I asked him about the rating change at boot camp. His answer was this is the Navy who knows. There is a possibility that if an A school is full they may place someone with a command for an on the job experience prior to A school? Andrew has told me of sailors waiting months to class up in Pensacola. Best to wait and see what comes from you daughter.
    I know that I took a battery of tests in boot camp and they told me that I had an aptitude for electrical systems. As if by magic I became an electrician’s mate.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    We do have a Ask a Recruiter group may be a good place to ask for clarification about these sorts of things! Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    yep---you've been infected with the Navy bug Craig! I've spent a fortune on clothing that says something about the Navy on it...Navy, Navy Dad, Pround Dad, Proud Dad of 2 Sailors, etc., etc.. I have Navy Dad stuff on my car, on my walls, on my computer, on everything!! I use Navy terms and abbreviations's a serious disease Craig---tell your wife to shake her head and accept............Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    HEE HEE- look at what I just happen to have a link to: Click It !</</a>b>
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    PLEASE don't give my address to your wife! I'd hate to have her come looking for me for helping you "tip over the top"! LOL
  • Chuck

    Getting those 2 together could be interesting. Normal policy is no leave while an A school student. I know what Andrew went through to get home for Adam's Eagle Court of Honor last June. Let see what happens Meagan's PIR and she actually has some orders.
  • Raffaele A. Gazzillo

    Hi Craig my son Ralph graduated from MA a school on October 9. If you can make Conners A school graduation do it was great. Ralph left for Corpis Cristi this past thursday, he will be there for three years. If you have any questions get in touch with me.
  • Raffaele A. Gazzillo

    Hi Craig, tell your son Conner to study for all of the tests he has to take. There are three different phases in A school.Phase 1 you can not wear any civilian cloths, phase 2 you can wear civilian cloths and you have a later muster time,phase 3 you could be able to have overnight liberty. The oc spray can be tough,my son did not have any trouble, tell Conner to keep his eyes open and keep going thru the course. The base is very nice.If Conner does not want to eat at the galley, there are food courts at the mini mall. The navy has its own corner of the base.My wife and I loved it, so if you can make it down there go.The graduation is alot smaller and more personal, they will call your son name and you can take pictures, if you miss your turn they will stop everything and let you take your picture.If you have any questions call me at 708-833-7015.
  • Chuck

    Conner's Eagle experience will serve him well as he meets the phase requirements. If he has the same experiences as Andrew he will attract good friends and find other will see his maturity and seek him out for help.
  • Raffaele A. Gazzillo

    Hi Craig, if you or Conner have any more questions feel free to contact me.
  • Chuck

    How soon is that next PIR? I know that it is comming.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    A week to go my friend! I'm sure you'll be just as emotional this time around..especially considering this is your daughter. Are you planning anything differnt this goaround in light of Conner's PIR? If so I'd be interested in knowing what changes you'll regards- Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    HooYah Craig-- I can remember Eric could barely talk at his PIR...think being sick is another BS drill! So happy you get to do PIR agair...even though you know what's coming up, it's still a thrill. And I understand the Starbucks thing....that's all Kat wanted.....think her first words to us were "Give me!!!"
  • Chuck

    That's rough the schedule doesn't stop. There are allowances for make ups. Andrew had wisdom teeth pulled during boot camp SIQ (sick in quarters) for 2 days. Not his choice. They saw a future problem.
  • Chuck

    How's Conner's transition for recruit to sailor coming along? When does he class up? Meagan only has the Battle Stations challenge to conquer and it
    Boot Camp is over!
  • Chuck

    My journey has begun a new chapter. Adam my second son filled out the contact a recruiter page on He had little interest in the military till he saw his brother's PIR. He passed his Eagle Board of review 5 days after Andrew's PIR. He then became very interested in the Coast Guard.
    He also was impressed with how much the Eagle meant to and did for Andrew. The other issue was the maturity that the Eagle Process bestows on the recipient as a silent seed planted without notice. Adam changed over night in the eyes of the younger scouts. I have seen more growth and maturity out my young men after the Eagle process than before or during. Well you know how it all comes together.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Craig--mi amigo! I know you're headed back to Great Lakes for Meagan's PIR. We'll expect pictures and stories about the experience. Have a safe trip Craig and be sure to give Meagan my best regards and thanks from a grateful American! Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    You just gotta let me know when you get a chance how the SECOND PIR was! Guess those sales meetings are going to be "show and tell" again right ?!?!?! paul
  • Gregg

    Congratulations Craig. Sounds like you had a great memory with your daughter. I get to find out Nov. 26th. Take care and tell her to keep up the good work.

  • Chuck

    What an accomplishment! Congrats to the honor Grad and the just about to bust with pride Dad.
  • Chuck

    Drink it all in and savor!!!!!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Ahoy Craig-- I assume you've slowly come back down to earth and have recovered from your most recent PIR. Now you get to shift your thought process to a A-school mindset....and then not long unitl both are in the fleet somewhere. Just thought I'd say "hey" and see how things are going!! paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Sounds like the "children" are doing very well! That'll be nice to be that close to Conner- though is something to say about going to sea. And Meagan can enjoy the sunny weather until she classes-up.

    thanks for noting the page- I can't leave computer stuff well enough alone and found soe interesting stuff on the developer part of the Ning I started to play with the CSS code.....think I'll let it set though for awhile as is.....until I get bored again!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    and a BTW- re: your new profile shoulda just let him play though........
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    sounds like kids are doing great Craig! Found out tonight Kat made third class so I guess offical title is Petty Officer Third Class Corona! These kids keep amazing me!
  • Chuck

    I just posted a photo from July 2003 that I know you will appreciate. Andrew is seated in the front with the camo pants and I am standing far right.
    Thanks for the email update. Megan is keeping busy and continuing her education. Glad to hear Conner likes what he is doing. You and I know that that is half the battle.
    I found out that Andrew is now class leader in C school. He was appointed because he has the longest Navy service time by one week. Longevity pays off again! Andrew passed the third class exam but, was not advanced.
    Andrew is planning go to Oregon to visit some one with three other sailors. I don't have many details. He picks good friends. We have almost 21 years invested in him Dad must trust that at least some of the stuff stuck.
  • Chuck

    Craig Make that 2 photos
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Craig- wishes for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be putting a turkey over the charcaol in a few hours and wish I could send some to Eric and Kat with all the fixings.......Kat stayed in Everett as they are putting out to sea Monday for a short (two-week) underway. Eric is really sick right now, but he e-mailed me that he was heading down tot he galley to gorge himself no matter waht and that he was looking forward to getting served dinner by a four-star general.....oh these kids of ours are inspirational adn they will all in my prayers for a safe Thanksgiving no matter whaere they may be. Peace and blessings be unto you Craig and your family!
  • Chuck

    Andrew had the same reaction to his orders after graduation from A school. He is now close to graduation from C school and Now is looking forward to Hawaii. His class was taken on a tour of a P-3C and he got to see an Orion close up for the first time. That was a bright spot for him. He seems a little down as he will be starting to say good byes again. I think he met a young lady and now he needs to say good bye her.
    He is feeling the pressure of getting things ready as the Navy will ship his stuff to Hawaii. He is also planning a side trip on the way home. I think things are closing in around him as C school comes to an end.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Conner will survive, though he will come to know the meaning of RAIN..........funny how the best laid plans seem to change when the military gets a different idea. Look at it as an excuse to visit the Pacific Northwest!
  • Chuck

    I get the feeling that Andrew is settled on the assignment in Hawaii. He is ready to move on to a real job where he can contribute to his unit. He never expected to be sent anywhere except the east coast. Oh well, I saw Paul's comment about best laid plan.
    He will report and find that this is the military and they put people where think they should go. He has a gift of making afew good friends. he will just have to make new ones.
    I now Conner will make good new friends and he might be surprised to find a familar face or two.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Showing off that third stripe and great! I posted a silly picture of Kat when she got frocked a couple of weeks ago on my page...told her it looked like the caffiene was kicking in and she realized she had a wedgie at the same time!! Paul
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Yes Craig, I'm a Vol!!!! I still have family in Jackson and Knoxville and love to visit when I can. I watch the Vols every chance I can but living in Ms we don't get a lot of their games. I have been to Chattanooga many times. It is a pretty area. I miss my home state. But with that said we have firmly planted our roots here in Mississippi now. Go Vols!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Craig- You don't know MY daughter! No one could teach THAT child anything unless she wanted it...when Webster wrote the defintion for the word stubborn...he had Kat in mind!! LOL!! And thanks- she does write a pretty good story.........