Retired NAVY Dad


China Lake, California

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ETSN attending ET "A" school in Great Lakes, IL
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am personally retired after having served 20+ years in Uncle Sam's Finest NAVY. After my retirement, I met the most wonderful woman who also had a great 14 year old son. The kid didn't know me from Adam, but said he wanted to join the NAVY when he graduated from High School. Wow, where did the last 4 years go? Our son has graduated and has enlisted in the Navy himself. Proud you ask? DAMN PROUD... carry the torch for one more generation.
Prior Military Experience
Proud Navy Veteran
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving, I am a sailor
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud that we all have kids that aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe is right for our Freedom; which many of us ourselves took that same oath.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • Luis

    Hey Retired NAVY Dad, thanks for adding me as a Buddy. I want to thank you for your service to our country. Like Terry below me you guys are my heroes. Welcome to this great site. I am one of the Dads that is very proud of his son enlisting with the Navy. It's great to have someone with your experience and wisdom to help us guys that are just entering this great military family.
    May the Good Lord Bless you always.
    Luis-Future Navy Dad and DAMN PROUD!

    My son is scheduled to leave for Great Lakes in Sept of this year.
  • Kevin

    Welcome aboard! Glad to have another USN Retiree and new Navy Dad on the team. We are a relatively small community, compared to Navy for Moms (N4M), but these guys are great patriots who have raised their kids right and are becoming fine Sailors. What will your son be doing? Is he currently at GL?
    What did you do for 20+ years, and where have you served?

    I retired in 2004 as an ATC after 24 years (S-3, H-3, P-3. F-14, F/A-18 communities). My son Luke is at GL and currently scheduled to graduate 7/18. He was interested in specwar, but recently changed his mind to Seabee or Gunners Mate...
    Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    Hey Dave, it's great to see that "love note" from Uncle Sam each month! Another thing that has been a blessing is the Tricare standard. When I was active duty a lot of people complained about Navy medical, but I always felt like we got good care. Now we can still choose our provider and have the largest chunk paid by Tricare, and even meds are only $3. My daughter has had 2 ER visits in 2 years and they paid over $20K, while we only paid a portion. Many of my coworkers have a huge monthly insurance bill and "benefits" that don't even come close. I thank the Lord for His blessing on my service and these real and tangible benefits. Oh, we like the Commissary, too!
    We are also looking forward to more calls or mail from Luke and visiting him for the PIR. Just hope we don't have to change our flight plans again. Enjoy, Kevin
  • Michele

    I wanted to extend a 'welcome aboard'! I can see you are getting to know some folks on here :) They are all wonderful! As Terry did so well I also would like to thank you for your honor, courage, and commitment to serve our great country! To forewarn you, I always have lots of questions so if you can answer any of them for me it is greatly appreciated :). My son is in A-school in GL but will be going to Pensacola in about a month, he is going to be an AT. I noticed your son will graduate on 8-8-08, how neat! It will be a treat for you especially :).

    God Bless,
    Michele :)
  • Michele

    Dave - Thank you for the friend request :). Are you in the (J)ROTC program teaching? My daughter has been in that program through her high school career, this fall will be the start of her senior year. They grow up too fast! I have been on the Parent Board of JROTC since its conception 2 yrs. ago and the LTC (Army) keeps encouraging me to stay another year and another. Even though I am only a substitute teacher currently you couldn't convince me I am not certified by how I am a permanent fixture in the middle school and I have many friendships with administration and fellow teachers. Now I am babbling, if you aren't an ROTC instructor tell me what it is you teach? I love having a fellow educator aboard :). Oh and don't worry I will have some questions for you as they pop up lol.

    Hope your family and you had a great Birthday (July 4th) weekend, only possible because of you and many others past & present!

    God Bless,
    Michele :)
  • Michele

    Dave - A quick note to say how ironic you & your wife have the same names as my aunt & uncle (married).
    Do you do the teaching voluntarily or a business? I know the travel agency has to be a big hit with all those going to PIR's :). By the way, what area of U.S. do you reside in?
  • Michele

    Well duh to me lol I see it is China Lake, CA. . .when I was younger (teenager) my family lived in CA, LA, Redding, French Gulch, and Anderson. I don't recall a China Lake. . .where abouts it that?
  • Chrystal

    Hey Dave - Who do you think is more proud of their son, you or me? LOL =)
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    retired NAVy dad my wife fiqured it out. You and Chrystal have alot in common. Nice to see you both on here. Thanks again. EG