

Brandon, Ms

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am E.G.'s wife and the mother of Evan. I am so proud of our son and all he has accomplished this far.Also, of my husband for starting this site.
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud, Supportive, Worried
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Michele

    Oh it sounds like it was a wonderful time! Yes post those pictures, it has been over 24 yrs. since I have seen that area of the country. Ahh I see them :). . great pictures! I am sure EG was just as happy to see you, we kept him busy on here ;). Wes will be landing in Pensacola this Friday, I can't wait! We all are doing well here, school is back in session and the girls are seeming to like their teachers/classes. I am remembering how much I love the quiet if only for a few hours a day :). I have been working on my front yard mostly for the past two weeks, it is almost complete and I am no landscaper or carpenter but I think I have done good. Thank you for asking and I am keeping my fingers crossed on Hanna & Ike that my prayers will be answered as they were for Gustav :). God Bless my friend, Michele
  • Cindy

    Hello friend ~ Love the pictures. Glad you made it home safely. Been concerned about your homestead and if there was any damage. I thought it landed as a category 1, but have heard otherwise. I thought this would be a trip you'd never forget. I wouldn't either if it was me in your shoes. Received a text from Morgan today. He said they were told they'd class up tomorrow. He's really bored so is looking forward to starting. Today is Kelson's 16th birthday, we're taking him out for dinner. Don't worry about calling tonight. My baby's got a date Saturday! We're still trying to figure out how, because Janelle's Mom said she couldn't get into Kelson's car. He was going to take her to lunch at the Red Robin.
  • Cindy

    Hi!!!! It's great to hear from you. I've been on NavyDads every day, where have you been? I know I said I was going to try and call this weekend. It was a busy one so I didn't get it done. Kelson enjoyed his date. Janelle's mom won't let her get into Kelson's car, so the mom drove her to the restaurant, then picked her up. We had to get Kelson some jeans today, so I asked him if Janelle wanted to come and we'd pick her up. So, finally got to meet her. My boys must have signs on their backs, somewhere that I can't see, which reads something like....."I'm a sucker for girls with insecurity issues." She is really nice, which I figured she'd be, but you can tell she has some insecurities. I told Kelson, who's very protective of her already, that I'm being tested as well and the more he abides by Janelle's mom's wishes, the sooner she'll let Janelle go places with him. My kid's got his first girlfriend and went on a date! My other baby's growing up too fast. You gotta tell me about your trip and why Evan loves it a little too much. Dying to hear about that. What is Support of our Troops? I just finished watching Sunday Night Football.....sitting here all by myself....the only football fan in the house. Even the dog's gone! Martin and I did enjoy ourselves, thank you. The play was really funny and the theater was really small and outdoors. It was about 1.5 hr drive from the house so it wasn't bad. I do plan on calling you, but it might not be until Tuesday night. How are you doing? The kids adjusted to school? How's the business going?
  • Michele

    Hey Cindy - Wes is doing as well as expected with being new to P'cola. He isn't happy with the roommate he has, a big drunk and a slob :(. Wes said Saturday that he still couldn't unpack because this roommate has a bunch of his stuff in Wes' desk/storage (too much for Wes to just move). He still hadn't went to check out the beach by our last phone call. He also told me that he will have to do PT with the Marines because of his rating. He also said it is a beautiful base from the outside but inside the barracks it looks rundown and sloppy. I told him to not become complacent and follow in the footsteps of the guys that aren't measuring up to Navy standards. I also told him to look on the bright side of things and not let these temporary things get to him. I wonder if Evan had any bad experiences at all - you alls posts sounded like everything has been so smooth and great? I know Evan hasn't had to stay anywhere very long because of his rating and maybe that is what is getting to Wes? He told me he will be in P'cola for a long time, he won't class up for awhile because about 20 of his buddies that got to P'cola before him with the same rating are still on hold waiting to get into a class :(. I believe our sailors are going to miss out on Ike too :) woohoo! Yesterday was my daughter's birthday, she is 17! Gosh they grow up so fast! I apologize for the sour sounding post but I am hoping future correspondences will be positive :). God Bless, Michele
  • Cindy

    You've been on my mind since early this morning. I be checking in with you tonight to see how you are doing. Gotta get back to work though. Sigh.
  • Michele

    Cindy that is no problem, I also have been very busy. Now I am busy being under the weather :(. . .all this cold one day and burning hot the next day. Wes sounds like things are much better, I guess he has a second roommate (so 3 of them in that small room lol) and he likes him a lot. Says he hardly sees the other guy now. Anyways nothing much happening here since I have been sick, kids take advantage of that lol. Glad to hear Evan is doing well and with a familiar shipmate! Keep me posted on how the ship life is for him, what it is like :).
  • Cindy

    Man, have I blown it calling you. I'm so sorry. I was down with a tension headache all weekend, and it's still bothering me, but I will make it. I've also been thinking I was going to have to search for your number.....just found it in my cell phone. Gee, you'd think I was 90+ as forgetful as I am! I am ssssssssoooooooo glad to hear you're hanging in there. You truly have been in my thoughts. I've heard the Ronald Reagan is huge. So he'll be there for a month? What happens after that? I promise, no if ands or buts, I will call you tomorrow night, just don't have the brains tonight to talk with my head still hurting. Which totally sucks as the Cowboys are playing tonight. I just yelled at the tv and the heads hurting more now. Sigh.
  • Cindy

    Blew it again! Crappy, crappy, crappy, day yesterday. Got home and we left for a movie. Totally spaced calling you. Expect one tonight! Gotta go, break is over. Hope all is well with you and the family.
  • Cindy

    Bless your heart. Here I was, telling you I had a crappy day, then I read your pm about your mother-in-law. HOWEVER, miracles can happen. I'm living proof of that. Call me any evening. The number you have is my cell, so if I'm available to talk, I will. You can leave a message during the morning hours and I will call you back on my lunch, which is 11:30 - 12:30, my time. Okay, would you tell me what IA is? I knew Evan was close to Iraq, I didn't realize he was actually there. I'm so sorry you've had a rough time. Okay, instead of calling you tonight, I'll call this weekend. You take care of yourself, ok? I absolutely know the Mom in you wants to take care of everything, but you can't. That doesn't mean you can't go have a good cry if you want! It might do you some good. Later friend!
  • Cindy

    I'll check out your group. I'm guessing that 'on the ground' means he's still at sea. Does this mean he'll be gone longer? Glad to hear you're staying strong. Thought you might, but us mom's have a tendency to push, push, push. Sorry to hear about Trey being sick. Our Kelson decided to skip his zero hr. class this week! We got a call in the afternoon asking us to call and excuse him if we knew he had been absent. You can bet I called his cell when I got home and heard that message. He told me he had received a call from his girlfriend while he was driving to school....she needed him. If he was sick, at least I'd know where he was! He told me today he was surprised that he didn't get in trouble. I told him it was his first strike...and he only had 2. Next time, he'd get punishment. Husband's....they are big baby's when it comes to being sick. I must admit, that Martin takes really good care of me when I'm down, so I try to do in kind when he's sick. I will call, glad to hear you'll be home.
  • Cindy

    Cindy ~ I've not been a good friend. I apologize. My weekend got really busy, then I haven't been feeling well for the past few days. I stayed home yesterday. I won't make any more promises to call, but it will happen. Hope things are going well for you and the family.
  • Cindy

    Hey you.....available for some chat time on Thursday night? Say around 8 pm your time?
  • Cindy

    Cindy and E.G.......It snowed! Take me away. Morgan wanted this white stuff, not me! Oh well. Any news from Evan? Call? How was the hunting last Saturday? The movie? I read it was the #1 movie last weekend. How was your week? BSU is playing Southern Mississippi tomorrow night, are you going to cheer for BSU along with me! How far away is that game from you? Morgan took his 6th test today. Passed with an 81%. He's a little bummed, his group has watch this weekend. Since it's a long one, they have three days instead of two. Six more tests and he'll be on to labs then clinic. He's really looking forward to being the one giving the shots to those poor new recruits. Oh, he also mentioned they'll be learning how to put IV's in.....on each other. Talk about a pin cushion! He did say they'll practice on a dummy first. As much as I hate needles, I'd never be able to do that part. I used to get a shot to numb the area before the IV was put in until a nurse said why get poked twice if you hate needles so much. Made sense. Fortunately, it's been years since I've had an IV.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Keep the faith Cindy...our sailors go through these swings....After two sailors in the family I never know what to expect....Eric swings from wanting to get out when his enlistment is up to talking about re-enlisting. And people wonder why I take so many Tums!!!

    best Regards- Paul
  • Cindy

    Hi back! I couldn't believe we had the snow either. Just so you know how crazy Boise weather is, I was sitting outside during my break with a short sleeved shirt on, it was in the 60's. I'll have to watch the movie when it's at the $1.00, ok, $2.50 theater! There's too many others I'd like to see on the really big screen. So who got to chase Jessica? You or your Mom? So, how did the game go last night? Did Michael help create some new history? I'm sorry to hear about Evan. Hey, can I write him? I'd really like to. He was such great help to me, I'd like to help him. You can call with his address if you'd like, or send me his email address. That would get there faster. I've often wondered how the recruits would handle being out on the water so long for the first time. Martin's nephew was in the Navy for 4 yrs. He would go out in the submarines. He liked it until he and Caren got married and started a family, didn't like it so much after that. How do you suppose this friend would get out? I guess you could get a dishonorable discharge. I'm sure he'll make new friends on the ship, especially since they're experiencing the same thigs. It is very hard when your kids are sad, I'll be the first one to admit that. The Lord knows how sad and worried I was while Morgan was in bc. You know too. Morgan's doing well. Martin talked to him last night. He's taking his 7th test Friday. Sad part is he has watch from 12 pm - 2 am, and his test is at 7:30 am. Crazy. This is the first time he's had this. Do you suppose they do it on purpose? I'll have to tell Morgan what you said about the dummy. He's excited to start doing that kind of stuff. Needles have never bothered him like they have me, so he should be okay. I didn't realize that he could work anywhere for clinical work. A friend on N4M's son is working at the VA Hospital next to RTC in GL's. Marks' really enjoying it. K my friend, hope things are going well for you. Tell Elmo I said hello. How's your Fantasy Football teams doing? I've never played, can't get to my team. I'm bummed. I really wanted to learn how to play. Chat at ya soon!
  • Luis

    Thank you Cindy, I am so worn out from daily hardships that all my Trust is put on God. He is the only one that can lift me up. Thanks for your prayers. Luis
  • Cindy

    That is so cool and exciting! Michael must be on cloud 10 or higher. Please tell him congrats for me. What a great accomplishment. Glad to hear Evan is doing better. Isn't it nice to know that we can still cheer up our 'babies'...even if they are in the Navy! I am enjoying the weather! Another beautiful day today. Great football weather tomorrow. Go Broncos! We play Hawaii tomorrow night on ESPN, 6:07 pm, our time. Can't wait to see the article. I was surprised to see a commercial for N4M's last night, but was very happy when I saw it. Tell Elmo he's done a great job with this site. I know it's going to be a great success. Gotta get that son of yours written!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Eric was pretty happy to find learn that his words helped someone else. I think that is another part of this Navy journey that our kids are on-- learning that simple things can impact others is a positive way and by reaching out to others you yourself grow. please give Evan my best regards and tell him that no matter how bleak the situation may appear to be, he has many people that support him and his shipmates. Best Regards- Paul
  • Cindy

    Hey girl friend! I heard back from Evan already. Was totally surprised but pleased. He really didn't answer any of my questions, but did tell me how wonderful you were and how you were his rock. Way to go Mom! I'll write more later, it's past midnight and I really need to go to bed. It's been a very long day.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    had a mail from Eric--told me his ship (the Roosevelt) has taken up watch duty for the Reagan so your boy should be starting the long sail back home soon...start preparing for the homecoming!
  • Cindy

    Haven't been on for a few days....any news on Evan getting his rate changed? Morgan passed his 8th test the other day....4 more to go! His best bud failed, so he's now Phase 1 again. He's retaking the test again and I hope he passes. Morgan's pretty bummed because he's Phase 3. My guess is Gibbins was his one true 'friend'. I felt so sorry for him last night. He's really missing gymnastics as it was such a big part of his life before the Navy. I told him he needed to find some closure, or stay in it somehow by judging or coaching. I think he will once he's stationed. Pray for him, these next 4 tests will be difficult as their instructor is hoping, out loud, that a lot of the kids fail. It seems he doesn't want such a big class. I ask Morgan if he thought the guy was just trying to psyc them out, he said no. How are you all doing? Michael come down off of cloud 9 yet? I hope they did something really special for the team. How's football fantasy going? Win any games yet? Might call you this weekend if you're going to be home.
  • Cindy

    So sorry you had such a long week. You missed a great chat time with Michele and I! I hope you got a good nights rest.
  • Cindy

    Cindy!! Help!!! We had a couple over for dinner tonight. I had a tea light warming up scented wax, which Martin managed to spill all over the table cloth. Laurel said she had done that before and a friend told her the only way to get the wax out of the tablecloth was to take it to a dry cleaner. I immediately thought of you....but you're a little too far away. :( Is there any way I can get the wax out without taking it to a drycleaners? It wasn't expensive so I don't want to spend a lot if I don't have to. Hope you had a good weekend.
  • Cindy

    Me thinks you need another computer! Yes, the wax is bad. I think they are called bisquits and all the wax was melted. I guess I'll take it to the cleaners! I did find one close to my job. Morgan is doing good. I talked to him tonight. He passed test #9 with a 90%, test #10 is tomorrow morning. He's been attending mando studies. Said tonight that he was asked by 4 - 5 guys if he would go and help them study. Evidently, he helped them pass the last test. The guy he seems to hang around the most received his orders, although they are pending. Gibbins has two choices he'd like to do. He'd like to be a SeaBee or FMF. Either way, he'll go to San Diego. He also mentioned that more guys are being sent to Cuba. He hasn't heard anything, so it does make me wonder. He'll get his flight ticket the day before he graduates which will be a one way to his next destination. When he gets to the airport, he needs to see if he can get it changed to come home. If they don't have anything....well, tough luck. I told him to get a flight to Seattle then head this way. I've had a few short exchanges with Evan. He called me maam. I told him that was very sweet but it made me feel old! Did Michael's school put something special together to celebrate? I'll check out the pictures as I need to respond to Elmo's message. He is a good man...but I don't want to say that too often...he may get a big head! Please talk to me more so write, write, write away!
  • Kevin

    Hi Cindy, good to hear from you. We have traveled a bit and I was away from the Navy sites for awhile. Now I'm also one of the first on the USAF Dads site, which is a great resource also. Trust you, E.G., and Evan are well. Happy Reformation Day! Kevin
  • Cindy

    Hi girlfriend...I tried to call you tonight, but your phone was turned off. I left a voice message, but thought I'd let you know that I was thinking of you.
  • Cindy

    Hello my friend...I hope you're feeling much better. Thought about calling you until I realized it's almost 10 pm your time. Thought you might be putting the kids to bed, or yourself! I thought about Evan today. We went to my parents church as they were having a special service honoring the military. It made me cry...okay more than once! It was an amazing service. How was the dinner for Michael's team or have you had it? How's the weather? Business? etc. Maybe I had better call you to catch up on what's been happening. Morgan takes his last test Wednesday. I'm already on pins and needles. When he gets to clinicals, he wants to either give the shots to the newbies or work in the ER. He loves the smell of hospitals. Can you imagine? ttyl
  • Cindy

    Hello. I'm not doing well at the moment. I just quit my soccer team, mid season. It was a really hard decsion as indoor soccer has been an important part of my life for 6 years. I had to face reality and admit that with my scoliosis getting worse, soccer wasn't helping anymore. It's time to hit the gym now. I so needed to see your comment. Glad to hear you're feeling better, that must've been one heckuva cold! I didn't read the forum but will now. I'd like to be able to tell you Morgan aced his test, but he didn't. He did pass though, so classes are now officially over and yes, I am very proud of him. Two weeks of lab, one week of clinicals, then graduation. He's getting really homesick to see family and friends in Seattle. Still hasn't received his orders and he's not sure now if he'll be coming home on the 13th of Dec. or the 19th. His orders will decide that. I don't have any plans for Friday night, so please call.
  • Cindy

    So sorry ~ I'm finally getting back to you, shame on me. I hope Trey is now over the stomach bug and I hope it wasn't passed on to others. Kuddo's to Michael! I would've done the same thing you did. Except that I would've handed Martin the camera when everything started. I don't have the steadiest hand. I emailed Evan right after I got off the phone with you. He never responded back to me. So, do they not have internet access while at sea? Did you ask Evan what he had done with his paychecks? Morgan once told me you can't believe how many guys blow through their paychecks. I asked him what they did with them. He said he wasn't sure, but he did know a lot of them go out and get drunk. He's not a big spender, so he's got quite a bit. We encouraged him not to tell anyone and he assured us that wouldn't be a problem. Now I know why it was so easy for him to get that tat. Gee, Cindy, maybe we should jump on the band wagon and get a Navy Mom tat or something. What do you think?! With Evan's knee, they still don't know what he did? I'm surprised they don't have an MRI machine on the ship. It would be nice to have him home that long wouldn't it. Gotta run, Kelson and his gf went to see Twilight this afternoon. He's lost his driving priviledges ($75 speeding ticket) so Martin and I get to chaufer. ;-P ttys
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    hey Cindy...make sure EG gets away from the computer occasionally while your in Pensacola...think he lives on that thing anymore!!! have a good time---- Paul
  • Michele

    Cindy! EG! Oh my gosh what an awesome holiday you all made happen for me :) and the children! Wes also said what a great person EG is. . I won't ever be able to thank both of you enough so be prepared for a lot of thank yous :). Thank you thank you thank you! God Bless you all, Michele
  • Cindy

    Hey my friend! I hope you had a great time in Florida for Thanksgiving. In reading your comments from Cora and Michele, it sounds like your time was blessed. We had a good one ourselves and I greatly enjoyed having Christine and Richard join us. They are a blessing. Wanted to give you a short update on Morgan. The rest of his orders is that the div. of Marines he'll be with will be on the front line. Ya know, when I first heard that I struggled. After talking more with Morgan and a friend of ours who is currently in the Navy, I'm better. Anthony helped me the most. He knows me pretty well from the mom point of view. Anyway, can't wait to hear about your Thanksgiving. Looking forward to meeting you in San Diego! How's Evan? Any news on his knee? ttly
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

  • Michele

    Yes I am glad he is finally settled, called him last night (since the site was down for maintenance! hehe) and he was already helping another sailor work on his car lol. I told Wes, do you think sometimes 'I wish I didn't have mechanic skills' . . .he said, 'no because it gives me something to do.' He is such a giving and generous boy (oops man) ;). Evan is a great big brother!! You know he was having a blast shopping for them :). I know this Christmas is going to be extra special for you all. Cleaning and wash hehe, if I was only so disciplined!! I still haven't gotten this place back in order since Thanksgiving :(. The kids outnumber me here! lol Counting down. . .doing that here too, 10 more days!! I might be driving over to get him on the 19th if he doesn't get a plane ticket from grandma in Iowa. It is hard to want to share him, but I know all the family in Iowa is anxious to see him too. . .sooooo if I can scrap up the money to drive up there the girls and I might. Not sure because of the weather though, been down in NC almost 20 yrs. now and snow is starting to scare me lol. I wouldn't want to get snowed in up there! Anywhozz, I am curious about this juice, Cora had told me about it also but I never asked questions. It has me curious now hehehe. God Bless and Peace On Earth, Michele :)
  • Cindy

    Morgan will be home Friday at 11 pm!!! Can you tell I'm excited? I told him Evan could pick him up, possibly. He said something about another guy driving his truck and would pick him up, but he wasn't positive. I told him he needed to let me know asap, so I could call you. I'll ask him what time his flight arrives. He has to report on the 27th. I also texted with my nephew tonight who lives in Los Angeles. He's about an hour away. That made me happy. I would love it if Morgan and Nick could spend some time together. Still don't know what we'll get him for Christmas. Martin doesn't seem too hip on a video camera. I think it's a great idea. We'll see who wins! Hope all is going well with you and the gang. Don't exhaust yourself running here there and everywhere!
  • Cindy

    Your son's home....Evan's home! I know you are ecstatic. Morgan will decide, for sure, what he's going to do about getting to San Diego, tomorrow. He's tried to contact his buddy who's driving, but hasn't heard anything. Give that son of yours a hug from me and tell him thanks. Merry Christmas!
  • Cindy

    Hey, the two Cindy's will have a great crying fest! This kid is driving me nuts! He's ready to leave, feels weird being here. Not his home. Which I can understand as his home was in Seattle. However, to leave Christmas night?! Now, he's going to call Camp Pendleton, see exactly when he has to report. If he doesn't have to report until after the 1st, he'll stay here through the week, then fly to Seattle. If he has to report on the 27th, he'll fly out of here on Christmas night. Ahhhhh! Love him dearly though and am enoying my time with him.
  • Michele

    I am so happy you all liked the card :), hopefully next year I can do better too! Having a tough Christmas this year, better to explain over the phone when things settle down here. How has it been having Evan in your arms again!!?? I know it is going to be a Merry Christmas for you all :). Tell Evan to give Wes a call. . .I will email you Wes' cell number on here. Well I have a very busy day ahead of me and hope to accomplish a lot! God Bless, Michele
  • Cindy

    Cindy!!!! I love those new pics! Now, you have to tell me. Is that you standing with Evan in front of the Christmas tree? Cuz if it is...your hair color has changed! I especially like the one of Jessica looking at Evan with adoration. I'm so glad to hear from you. I actually got on tonight, with the intent of checking in with you. It's been a long time. I've been really down with my job and just about quit today. Maybe some of it has to do with the 'winter blues', I don't know. However, I do know that as soon as I find another job, I'm outta there. My manager thinks she's the best, would love to tell her that she's just a suck up and no one really likes her. Which would probably be very close to the truth. Oh well, it's a job and helps pay the bills. Morgan is doing ok. He's had a few changes in his life since he arrived. The biggest is that his 'best friend' in Seattle is now his girl friend. I told him it was about time they acknowledged there was more. She'll be flying in on the 30th to see him for the weekend. They're staying at the Navy Lodge on the Navy base. Hmmmm, what will happen? Probably things a mom doesn't really want to know! I realized, after he left, that I had taken a different place in his heart. Maybe I told you this...I'll wait until I know for sure. Anyway, the other news about Morgan is that he's not working in the hospital, which he hates. He's the head administrator in the office. He gets to write up all the muster sheets, stand in front of the class and call out names, lots of typing, lots of numbers. From what he says, it's one of the top jobs. He told us he was in the wrong place at the wrong time! He'll be doing that until he classes up in March. He was able to spend some time with his best friend at age 3-7! I was so thrilled they got together. Matt is truly a 'Marine'...he loved bc! Crazy or what. That's about all for now. My brain's turning to mush, guess the ole head needs to hit the pillow. Silly me, I decided to take up karate again. Quit soccer for karate. The place that we go to is about 45 min to an hr drive. Tomorrow will be my first at working out in...13 yrs? Hey, anytime you want to call is fine by me. I could use a good chat and laughs with a good friend. Any chance you'll need to be in San Diego around the end of May?
  • Michele

    Cindy - Thank you so much, I am proud of my little bundle, can't wait to see her! Forgive me for the delay in response, I am jumping through college paperwork hoops here hehehe. I am also busy trying to get my classmates rounded up for a class reunion in a couple years. Plus I am trying to finalize my paperwork for college to finish getting my teaching license, I decided to specialize in Math since I love love numbers :). How is everyone doing in Miss.? Tell EG thank you also! What is Evan up too these days? Tell him he needs to practice what he preaches lol he needs to get his hinny on here more often!! I finally got Wes on here and Evan is never here now hehehe. Okay I am off to relax in bed to some tv (burned some DVD's today). Thank you again :).
  • Cindy

    Hello Girlfriend! Long time no talk. Have you been losing weight too? You look thinner...wish I could say the same thing. I'm going the other way. Not up but out! Hopefully, by hitting the gym every day, that weight will come off. I thought I'd write and let you know tomorrow is my last day at work. I finally had it last week and gave my notice. I'm hoping to find a job that I can do here at home. If I can't do that, then I'll look for a part-time job. I don't want to go back full time. Kelson's last three years are going to fly by and I want to be able to go to his tennis matches and tournaments. Morgan's girlfriend flew into San Diego last weekend. They had a great time. I've moved to a different place in his heart. Had a mini meltdown tonight. We were texting and he told me he was looking forward to March and April. I thought it was because he would be almost done with fmtb. No, it's because Ally will be visiting again. I was teasing him and saying that I thought it was because he was looking forward to seeing us. He said he was, but he was looking forward to seeing her more. Brought tears. Last week he was Sailor of the Week. I asked him how he got that, he said the staff chooses. I'm very proud of him. He gets to take a day off any time. He's chosen the Friday before he classes up...Ally's heading back down there so they'll have three full days together. I'm hoping to get some new pics from San Diego on the site soon. Tell that hubby of yours I said hi. Time to schedule a phone call!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    I've tried to resist but cannot anymore.....I gotta tell ya love that pooch of yours! Of all the critters I've had during my life I miss, by far, my Golden (Tahoe) more than any other. Everytime I see that photo of yours I want to reach down beside my chair to pet that goffy dog....and she's been gone now for almost 15 years....
    When Eric was really small they had the same hair color and after wrestling with each other they would crash together in a big pile in the living couldn't tell where one stopped and the other started.....

    Thanks for bringing a tear to my eye and making me remember those good days! Paul
  • Cindy

    Cindy....are you online?
  • Cindy

    Cindy...I can't believe my phone went out when it did! I plan on calling you tomorrow. I'll try your home first, then cell. Hope you get some good sleep.
  • Cindy

    I will make sure my battery is charged! I'm...ok...Morgan's knee isn't doing very good. They have pt all this week. He's in pain most of the time, plus, his mouth is full of sores. I've taken him to the doc before but don't remember what it's called. It's a lot like little blisters that fills his whole mouth and a little bit into his throat. When he gets this, it's really hard for him to eat and swallow. I've researched it a bit, and I think it's called thrush. He had it when he was a baby. He usually gets it when he's stressed.

    I've heard from the wife of a sailor in San Diego. She's offered to get him some instant ice packs that he can put on his knee and the ones he doesn't use he can keep in his locker.

    Sorry to hear about the rain. They were talking possible snow for today, but it went around us. It actually turned out to be a pleasant day, especially for tennis watching. Yesterday, while Kelson was playing, there was a bitter cold wind blowing. He has another match tomorrow. By the weekend, we're suppose to be in the 70's. What can I's Idaho! Be a bum, I know you deserve it. Rent a few good movies to watch.

    A good time to call would be, I'm guessing here, early evening. I'm glad you liked the blog. It's so easy for me to write those. I can go on and on and on! I heard from Elmo's mom! I had to go to her page to see exactly who she was because it didn't register.

    Looking forward to an update on everything.
  • Cindy

    I can't believe my comment of April 15th is the last one. You are way to busy, my friend! My battery's charged you can call anytime. hint hint. It's okay, I could've called, too.

    Morgan is better than he was in my last comment. However, his mom is in bc mode this week. The three platoons are out in the field until Thursday afternoon. Come in, drop off their gear, head to mando study, then they can go back to their rooms. Wake up Fri morning to take their last test...which is on the things you should've learned while in Marine bc! Our guys haven't been through Marine bc! That's what this week and next week is suppose to be for. grrr. Sorry, lettin off steam. Anyway, two weeks from tonight we'll be sitting in a restaurant with other CP Corpsman families and their corpsman. I am so excited. Can't wait. Have to share him with Ally, but it's my new way of life.

    How are things with Evan and Kayla...right? When are they headed your way? I can't remember but it does seem to be sticking in my mind that they'll be at your place while we're in Cali. You and EG? Michael, Trey, and dear sweet little Jessie? ;-)

    Hope to hear from you soon. I have a Navy mom staying with us this weekend. Her son is graduating from Northwest Nazarene University on Sunday, so she's flying in for that. She thinks we're going to stay up all night Saturday talking. Don't know if I can do that anymore. Guess we'll find out. I know you and I probably could.

    Tell Elmo hi for me.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Oh you sly girl....waiting until EG has me on the phone and then getting to welcome Carl before I can....and then having EG tell me to rub it in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cindy

    I will be looking forward to our chat and to hear your stories! Talked to Morgan this evening. It sounds like he'll be deployed at the end of the month. Of course, he won't know for sure until he graduates.

    You have a great Mother's Day as well. I'm sure you'll get spoiled. Elmo and the kids wouldn't have it any other way! I hear I'm taking Martin to the new Star Trek movie.
  • Cindy

    I think my friend is still lost!!!!! Quick update from graduation. He got a car while I was there, texted today that he's been assigned to the BAS, which is not what he wanted. It's a mini hospital in the field. He wanted the front line, so disappointed that he won't be with his guys. As it stands now, he'll be deployed for a year the first part of 2010 to a not so good place. Here's hoping that we'll have one more Christmas with him. However, my guess is that he'll be in Seattle with Ally.

    What's the latest and greatest on your family?
  • Cindy

    I know you are really, really, really, busy. However, could you please let me know if you, Elmo, and the rest of the gang are doing ok?