

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a single mom of 3 sons. Trey will turn 18 in BC, Rowdy is 24 and Levi is 26. My guys have been my life. We love camping and fishing together and just hanging out when we can.

Other than working and now being an empty nester, I enjoy stained glass, wheat weaving and walking the boardwalk.
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud, Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • Cindy

    Hey Sindy! Welcome. There are some great Dad's and Mom's on this site too. I had asked James a comment on Ask A Sailor but because it was the weekend, his Dad answered it. That was awesome.
  • Cindy

    By the way...Love your butterfly, haven't told you that yet!'s purple!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Sindy thanks for joining and welcome to our family. I'm glad to see so many moms on here keeping us dads straight. Jump right on in join groups, start discussions, add pictures, etc. Us navy dads are here to help moms and dads. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have. Also my third sons name is Trey. You couldn't have picked a better name. Thanks again for joining us. EG
  • Michele

    Sindy - How kewl to have you with us, Welcome! I see you know another mom on here :). We are a pretty energetic group here and there for you. Enjoy your journey in the Navy!

    God Bless,
    Michele :)

    P.S. I love butterflies and purple too, already have something in common. . .
  • Cindy

    Hey Sindy, I am so glad you joined I am EGs wife Cindy, As he said we also have 3 boys God bless you Girl I know what its like.The bonus is you will always be there heart I do love that we also have a little girl she is the youngest and she rules our home its crazy.Its never boring.. If you have any questions please never feel bad to ask that is why my husband started this..I saw where you wrote to my son he has not had internet for a couple of days he said he is trying to get on it tonight he will answer your question.Sometimes it may take a day or 2 but he loves to do it... Thank you again
  • Cindy

    Hello Sindy! Never know if I'm going to talk to you on N4M's or here! That's great. I'm so glad you got a letter. There is nothing better than seeing your kid's handwriting. I was so excited to see Morgan's. Your first call should be coming soon. Our's came about 5 days after we got his letters. Morgan's having a tough time right now. He's sick, but still doing everything, had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled (don't remember if I told you that). He's so ready for graduation. It was exciting to hear his voice as well, but as soon as I heard him, I knew he was sick. We got to talk for 23 min. He wanted to talk to his best friend in Seattle as well. I texted her about 15 min. later but she never got a call. I'm guessing he was only allowed one 30 min. call. I keep thinking "I could've had 7 more min. with him!" I'm trying to stay positive. He said he got a promotion, but didn't take it because he got the 'stick' position for PIR. Evidently, it's very prestegious. I've got a good support system on these two sites. I still have my moments, like Monday and today. 29 more days though! 28 days and we'll be leaving for GL! Now exciting. How are you doing? Did you receive your PIR packet yet?
  • Cindy

    Hi Sindy. I'm sorry to hear that you are having to go through such a major adjustment during this time. That can be stressful by itself, let alone worrying about your son. Honestly Sindy, I think he'll call you. He'll want to hear your voice and let you know how he's doing. Morgan wanted to split his call between myself and his best friend in Seattle; however, he told me he was giving me the bulk of his time. I'm thankful for that because he wasn't able to call Ally. Not sure, but maybe I'll find out in his upcoming letter. I do know, from Morgan, that the divisions can have their time taken away and they have to earn it back. Morgan's division got 30 min., but I know that other divisions have been allowed 45 min. I'll continue to pray that his call will come soon. I'm trying to remember if Trey is a week behind Morgan or if they're PIR date is the same. If he's a week behind, his call should be coming soon. Morgan's came about 3.5 weeks into BC. Morgan will turn 20 on the 30th. It's the first birthday I haven't had him around. It'll be hard not being able to call him. However, I've been sending a birthday card each week this month. Hopefully, that cheers him up a little. Sorry so long. I'm a chatter box when it comes to writing!
  • Cindy

    Sorry! I forgot to respond to the 'stick'. He's been asked by the officer to carry one of the flags during PIR. He'll be walking, by himself, in front of his divison entering the gym. So, I guess that's an exciting thing!
  • Cindy

    Hello! I'd like to tell you Morgan's doing okay, but he isn't. He's still sick and it is really affecting him. It sounds like he has a sinus infection. His knees are swelling. Due to his gymnastics, he's locked his knees standing at attention all those hours. He finally realized that if he bends them a little, it helps. He lost another bunk mate (panic attacks), so he's alone again. If it helps any, I didn't give Morgan a phone card either when he left. I'm sorry yours didn't make it in time. Morgan said in his letter that he might get to call this weekend, so maybe that'll be the case for Trey. I sincerely hope so. Congrats on his new position. I'm sure you'll hear more about that. I am very happy that he sounds upbeat. How are you?
  • Cindy

    Thanks Sindy. That is so sweet of you to offer. I waffle back and forth on it. Morgan's a pretty private kid and I don't know if he'd be upset at me for sharing his pain. He knows I'm on N4M's but I haven't gone into detail about what we share. On the flip side, everyone could use encouragement now and then. I tell you what, I'll send you a PM with his address. Thanks Sindy.
  • Cindy

    You're awesome! I had forgotten you had family here. It is so sweet of you to do this. Now, if I can do something for you, let me know.
  • Cindy

    Hey how are you doing? How is Trey? If he is anything like my Trey I am sure he is fine,something about that 3rd son ha. I just wanted to check on you..
  • Cindy

    Hi Sindy ~ We got a letter from Morgan today, it was short, but what a difference from last week! I am thrilled and on cloud 9...okay, 10! He said he was almost 100% better, he ran a 1.5 mile run, his division is starting to work together as a team, the 'stick' guys got high remarks. They were asked to help a 'jr' division work on their 'sticks'. He was glad that it's almost over, so am I. It is so wonderful to be happy about a letter! If you want to continue writing him, I'm perfectly happy letting you do so. His letter was dated 7/25, so I'm guessing he hadn't received yours yet. How are you doing? How is Trey doing? Have you heard from him? Did you get any phone calls recently? Speaking of letters, I need to get off this computer so I can write one to Morgan before going to bed. Thanks again.
  • Cindy

    Sindy, Thank you again, so very much, for writing Morgan. I know encouragement from other's had to have helped. Any news from your Trey?
  • Cindy

    Sindy ~ You may be surprised to hear that I haven't done any packing. You can bet I'll be starting now! We got a call from him today. He gave me a heart attack as last week he said if we heard from him before 8/12, it wasn't going to be good news. So, my cell rings and I notice the area code. My heart dropped. My first question to him was is this a good call or a bad call. He said it was good. They had won the Captain's Cup, so their reward was to call home. I gave up 15 min. talking to him so he could call his best friend in Seattle....she missed his call! grrr. Anyway, regarding where he's going. He'll stay in Great Lakes. He's wanting to be a nurse, so he's in the HM program. What have you heard from Trey?
  • Cindy

    Hello! My heart did sing, after it came back up from my toes! We leave Thursday morning at 6:10 am and will come back on Monday. He said he'll be a grad-n-go after PIR. He's moving across the street for a school, so we probably won't really get any time with him until after 12 pm. It will be nice to have him for 2.5 days. I am getting so excited. I'm so happy for you that you finally got to talk to Trey and that he's doing so well. Time goes quickly doesn't it? It's great to be able to hear their voice and know, for sure they're doing well and not have to rely on letters a week old!
  • Cindy

    Hi Sindy! I'm so excited for you! I couldn't remember when Trey's PIR was. What an experience you are going to have. Recommendations for you, take a shuttle to PIR, it bypasses all cars and drops you off at the gate. If you want to purchase a division t-shirt, buy it after you've found a seat. We got there at 6:30 am, and there was tons of seating, but they filled up faster than you could imagine. Sit to the right of Trey's division number. Take kleenex's, wear waterproof mascara, don't make 'for sure' plans as they will change at least a couple of times! Morgan kept your letter and mentioned to me, in the mall, that you said you'd send cookies if he wanted you to! I really wish I could put, into words, what the experience was like. I really can't. I was a jumble of emotions and tried journaling to find the words. That didn't help. Be prepared not to have any touching from Trey while you're out. They are not allowed to show any PDA, whatsoever. I hugged Morgan a few times, while at the malls, and it was so weird not getting one back. Hopefully, tonight, you're enjoying dinner with all the other Mom's. That was incredible as well. I'm really a shy, quiet, person but I had to go around and meet all my Mom friends. It was so fun to be walking in the mall and see someone I knew! They guys would just shake their heads and stop. Let me know about your experience, how Trey is doing, when does he leave for a school, all that stuff.
  • Cindy

    Sindy...that is so sweet of you to want to write Morgan and send cookies. He saved your letter and mentioned the cookies while we were there. You made an impression! I know exactly what you're talking about when you said it is nearly impossible to put into words. I felt that way about Morgan's PIR. Morgan's able to receive packages now, so I'll send you his address. I'm doing good. It's helped greatly knowing how Morgan is doing. I hated not being able to know how he was. One of these times, I'll tell you why. He's a miracle and so is Kelson.
  • Cindy

    Long time no talk to. How are things going for you? Trey? Morgan took his second test today. He was disappointed in himself even though he scored in the 90's again. Since he's trying to get into the FMF, he has to be in the top 2%, at least. That's not a guarantee even. Would love to hear from you!
  • Cindy

    You're a friend, why wouldn't I think of you. Morgan's doing well. He passed his second test which is one of the harder ones. He needs to be in the top 2% of his class to make it to FMF. FMF stands for Fleet Marine Force. Right now, he's in health/medicine. Toward the end of his school, he'll be one of the guys giving the new recruits their shots. I'm sure he's ready for cookies! When I'm done with this, I'll send you a PM with his address. Everything is going along smoothly. Getting used to standing on my feet all day, which I still don't like. I'm taking my breaks now, so that helps. If I remember correctly, Trey graduated about 3 wks ago? Has he mentioned how much longer before he classes up? I think all the sailors at school are happy about phase II. I would be! Is he spending more time in the water now or is he speaking of upper and lower body workouts? Other than having internet problems, how are you doing?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hi Sindy--- those of us that must be both mom and dad have to stick together! And we should be proud of the job we did in raising Navy kids!! Way to go!!

    Best Regards- Paul
  • Cindy

    That's awesome Sindy! I bet Trey is ecstatic after waiting all this time; but, the Navy is hurry, hurry, hurry, to wait. Morgan's doing well. I talked to him for a few tonight. He got a lower score on this test this week than he wanted to. He'll need a 100% to get himself back in the 93% gpa range. The weather there is getting colder. There are mornings where he sees his breath, then it's warmer in the afternoon. I hate this time of year. The only thing good about it is football! Let me know how Trey's first day was.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hi Sindy....hope all is well. Drop us all an update and let us know how Trey is doing! Best Regards- Paul
  • Cindy

    Sindy ~ how are you? How's Trey? What's new?
  • Cindy

    What a Mom, giving your son the computer. Morgan had a lap top before I did! He bought his when he was getting ready to start at BSU a couple of years ago. Morgan's doing good. He passed test 8 last week. He has four more to take, a week or two of labs and then a week or so of clinics. He's set to graduate 12/12, will be on hold until 12/19, then (fingers crossed still), he'll be home for Christmas. He hasn't received his next orders yet, so doesn't know if he'll be on his way to San Diego for more training with the Marines or stationed somewhere. He's really hoping for San Diego. Truth be known, so am I. I'm ready to have him back on the western side of the US! He sent me a text today. He was so excited because it was snowing. We've already had snow this season....that's enough for me! How is Trey?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    H Sindy-- glad to see you on site! And happy Trey is doing well....seems that is the story of Navy life..hurry up and wait. Eric and Kat doing well...Kat is glad to be back in Everett and able to actually touch land! They have an underway planned in early December so I'm sure she'll take advantge of being a landlubber again! Eric's ship is on station in the Gulf of Oman in support of Operation Enduring Freedom...I don't know much but they are flying storties against Afgani bad guys. Communication is spotty but know he's doing ok! Best Regards- Paul
  • Cindy

    Sindy! It's so good to hear from you. I have wondered how you've been. Morgan's doing well. He graduates from corpsman school on the 12th. He's in clinicals right now. This week they have him in the psyc ward, I don't know where he'll be next week. We didn't have him for Thanksgiving, but we will have him for Christmas. I feel blessed for that and sad at the same time. There's so many Navy moms who won't have their sailor home. It's a strange feeling. From here, Morgan will report to Camp Pendleton for FMTB and then on to FMF training. He's very excited about being a medic for the Marines. I'm doing good. Starting to count the days down until I can give Morgan a great big hug. I'm sure he's going to be embarrassed at the airport! Last time I saw him I could hug but not get one back....not this time. Sorry, I guess you know where my mind is at. I give you one quick "I'm doing good" than back to Morgan! Um...I'm getting used to being on my feet all day, but it's bothering my back. I've continued looking for another job but nothings come up. I did apply for another position within the company, but that went to a co-worker of mine. That was okay as I didn't have a great feeling after the interview. That's a quick synopsis on my, how about you? How are you doing? Where's Trey stationed? How is he? How is it that Sindy and Cindy both have sons named Trey? Catch me up!
  • Brad

    Hi Sindy, I am sorry I didn't return sooner your initial message to my Rescue Swimmer group. I was in San Diego for my son's graduation from his FRAC school with HS10 and I had the honor and privilage to pin his "wings" last week, which was a very special moment. If you get a chance you can view the album of pics I put together. If any of your son's are considering Rescue Swimming or just interested I would encourage you to jion my group. Thank you for your initial interest, and all the best to you and your sons.
  • Brad

    Sindy, I am sorry to hear of your son's medical situation. I hope he will be ok soon and healthy to continue whatever he wishs to do. What is he doing now? You said in two years he may try again, and I hope he stays interested until then. I am sure he will find it even more rewarding at the end!! It was wonderful to be there for my son at the Wing ceremony. Each step is a journey towards the place he is meant to be. The same is true for your son, he will be were he is meant to be at the right time. Continue to support him, encouragement will mean everything I am sure. All the best from our family to yours.
  • Brad

    Sindy, please feel free to join the rescue swimmers group I started, and post there for more input from others. One dad just returned from RSS graduation and is waiting for his son to take the next step towards his wings. I am sure he will be supportive as well. Your son must continue planning for his come back while as an electrican mate. He sounds talented in that disipline, so I am sure he will find pride in his work. Hopefully he will be able to find time to stay up on the swimming when he gets closer to te come back. Please join our group to stay in touch with what we go through so you can be ready to assist him with future questions.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Sindy-- stay active and involved! I was reminded by one of our SEAL dads that "The Navy is a Team and each and every rate is important to the success of The Navy." No job is more important...or less important than another....My blessings and prayers for Trey's continued success!!
  • Cindy

    Sindy! I saw your pic, realized I hadn't heard from you since you phoned that day. How are things going? From reading some of the comments below, Trey has had a set back to a totally different job title. How is he doing? How are you doing? You have my cell number so call at any time. Kelson's high school tennis season is almost over. He has a match today, next week is the district tourney, the following week is state. After that, we head for San Diego to watch Morgan graduate from FMTB. I'm getting excited as this is the longest I've gone without seeing him. His knee is still bothering him, but it's a chronic thing and he's learning to live with the pain. From what the sports med doc said, it's not hurting any ligaments or tendons. Catch me up on what's been happening, would love to hear from you.
  • Brad

    I thought it might be good for you to read a post I just put on my Rescue Swimmer group. I know your son was and hopefully still is interested in continuing towards this rating. So I hope it can be encouraging.

    Well finally my son is out to sea on the USS George Washington from their port in Japan, as they shipped out two days ago. Those who start the journey to become a Rescue Swimmer may wonder if they will ever get out and do what they dreamed. It WILL happen with dedication and hard work. While Garrett took the longer road of HS, learning sonar, etc. he now finds himself out doing the adventure he dreamed with two jobs to keep him busy instead of just one. Memorial day will mark his 2 year anniversary of the day he left for boot camp. Proof positive that your son or daughter can get through one of the toughest programs the Navy has to offer. Enjoy this Memorial weekend and thank God for those who serve and may God bless the families of those who lost loved ones who served.
  • Cindy

    Sindy, Sindy, Sindy ~ I'm so thrilled to hear from you! I was gettin worried.

    There hasn't been a time Morgan's left here where I haven't missed him the second he's out of my sight. It's always lonely as well. Whenever my sisters-in-law leaves from a visit to Martin's parents, here, Mom always cries. It doesn't matter if it's a few tears or a lot, we cry.

    Morgan's doing well. He has finished all his training. There are still some online tests he has to take, so he's not totally done with school! He's at his permanent station at Camp Pendleton and the Marines call him 'doc'. He was assigned to the Kilo Group, which is a group of Marines that repel out of helicopters, but his LPO found out about his knee, so he's been pulled from that until the knee gets better. Right now, he's working at the BAS (mini hospital). Not liking it most of the time cuz he says it's boring. I know he'd prefer to be with the Kilo Group, but I'm glad he's been pulled until the knee is better. Wish I could get his girlfriend to see that without getting myself into trouble or her mad at me!

    Tell me more about your son. What's he doing> Where is he stationed? You still have my cell number?

    Yay to the home internet! I can hear from you more often.
  • Cindy

    Yay! You responded quickly! I wish I could remember the name of it, it's something like pantellafemoral? I'll have to look it up to try and explain in a way we both can understand! Morgan and I text off and on during the week. I'm trying to get myself back into the habit of calling him once-a-week, as I was doing when he was in Seattle.

    I'm sorry to hear about Trey's injury, however, it does sound like it turned out okay. Is he happy? How far is Norfolk from you? I will always care about Trey and you!
  • Cindy

    That's awesome for Trey. I'm glad to hear he has a friend who he's known for so long. It always makes things seem better.

    As far as I know Morgan's doing fine. Got a quick text from him last night that he was at the brig so couldn't respond to my text. Found out that he was the chaser for another corpsman who was going into the brig. Doesn't sound very good for the corpsman. We're calling Morgan out tonight to talk with him before he leaves on his three week mountain medical training in the morning.

    He can start treatment on his knee anytime....he can do it in his room. It's called Patello Femoral Syndrome (PFS). The kneecap slides over lower end of thighbone. The underside of kneecap grates along the femur. It doesn't affect the tendons or muscles. If he would do these exercises, he could strengthen the tendon along the side of his knee, therefore helping the kneecap to sit straight on his knee. It causes more pain and swelling than anything. The sports med doc he saw, on referral from the base, said he could still be a 'doc'.

    Other than this little frustration, ***sigh***, I'm doing good. Kelson has a tennis tournament starting this afternoon. I'll be busy watching him play.