

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a father of 3 (two sons and a daughter). Our first son enlisted and is shipping out to RTC on September 16th.
What Brought You To This Site:
my son is recently enlisted
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
I believe it will be a good experience for him.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
I stumbled onto this site after looking for information on boot camp. My wife found Navy Moms ages ago.

Comment Wall:

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to NavyDads JA! I'm sure you'll find the site as fun, useful, and educational as I have. Explore the site and make some friends, add your comments to a discussion or two, read the postings in the various groups-- even start one or two. I certainly have! If you have any questions or concerns about your sailor and what he is going through...ask! I'm sure someone here will have the answer or can point you in the right direction to find out. I'm lucky enough to have two sailors in the family - my son Eric (AM3) recently returned from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat (MC3) returned last fall from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). And JA this is a great place to brag about your sailor as well! So join in and let us know how Ian is doing! We do ask that you remember that we talk about the Navy here and we must keep the security and safety of our sailors in mind at all times. On the right side of every NavyDads page is an area we call About This Site. Please take a minute and read through the Operations Security (OPSEC) link and the NavyDads Guidelines link.

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what your son is going through. Thanks to one of our members we have two excellent videos that you can access from the Video area on the main page: New Bootcamp 1 of 2 and New Bootcamp 2 of 2. These videos will answer many of your questions and concerns and will give you a better understanding of how the United States Navy transforms our children into sailors! In the Navy Bootcamp group is a discussion called "A MUST READ for All New Navy Parents". I would suggest you take a few mintues to read through this post as it will do a lot to give you some understanding about what your sailor is learning and why.

    Be sure to spend some time in the Bootcamp group- there are many questions and answers available to help you understand what your sailor is going through. And as PIR draws closer, be sure to spend some time going through the PIR-Tips, Hints and Helps group- we’ve tried to assemble some tips and suggestions to make your sailor's PIR more enjoyable. And stop by the NavyDads offical store- Show your support for NavyDads by wearing the latest in NavyDads attire. Best Regards- Paul
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    J.A., Welcome Aboard!

    My son is an ABE aboard the USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, Ca. and my family and I couldn't be prouder of him. When he first enlisted I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads would also have a place to call home. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud Navy Dads just like myself. I hope this site benefits you and your family throughout your sons journey in the Navy. Thank Ian for his service for me and thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, EG
  • Bill S

    Mr. Moore, that area code and the time was your son. My son graduated boot last Jan. When they get to the barracks for INDOC they have a large bank of payphones and not all of them work well as we found out. So rest assured you boy is OK. You will get his box in about 2 weeks and should receive a short call about the same time. Start writing letters now and he will get them before he calls home. His recruiter should have his mailing address in about 10 days. Hang in there, the fun has just begun.

    J.A. I would advise you call his recruiter who can most likely find out. I think your right that was probably him. Bill is right I am sure he is ok and start getting those letters and pictures ready to send. I got my first call from my son David yesterday ( after the inital call when he arrived ) 1 month after he arrived. Warning...Do not try and send a stick of gum wrapped in a letter as I did.....The C.O's got both of them and accused him of asking me to send them. He had to do pushups and lord knows what for punishment. He said thanks to me for the thought but dad keep the gum until graduation !! Dang those C.O's ...He also said I cant send newspaper clippings .....Wow....Another world for sure....Hang in there !!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    As has been said many times news is good news. Your son is in GL and is very busy learned how not to be a civilian. Do not expect to hear from him for'll get the form letter and then "the box". Your recruiter wil have his ship and division number for you to write....addresses with that info available in the About This SIte area under Contact Your Sailor. Read the past posts int he Bootcamp group to know waht to expect for the next 8 weeks..............
  • Bob Dixon

    Hi Murphy. My daughter is in boot camp right now. She's just finishing week 3. That late night call you got was most likely your recruit. Rest assured, if you didn't get another call indicating that there was any problem (don't read more into that than there is), he's doing fine. The most common phrase that I've heard from other dads is "no news is good news". My wife and I unexpecetedly received a phone call from our daughter last Friday (11 Sept). Her division was given some phone privileges and we were allowed to talk to her for about 20 minutes. When the time came to end the call, it was no RDC came in the room and made it clear that "phone time was up". Be patient and anxiously await that first letter...I know that it seems like it will never come but it will and it will be awesome. The next thing you know, you'll be making arrangements for goes by quickly. This site is a great place to share your questions and get some great advice. I hope you'll use it. Blessings to you and we'll keep your recruit in our prayer.