

Chattanooga, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Conner & Jeremy (son-in-law)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of lifes longing for itself. They may come through but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls should dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite and he bends you to his might that his arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; for even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable."


What Brought You To This Site:
My son is currently serving, other
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Extremely overwhelmed with a sense that I did something right in raising my kids
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Check it out Craig...I'm having some code issues with indenting text, but it doesn't look too bad!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    BTW- I've got the pics arranged so that if there are more than one under an insignia I can add them next to each other
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Yo Craig...I figured out the indents so I think the format on the group is pretty well I'll see if I get some more photos to post.......I'm going to master this HTML/CSS stuff yet! How was the holiday/ I 'nough said about that!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    can you believe it....345 ! Growing pretty fast now!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    well...I wish I could take more credit, but you'll have to look to EG for starting this thing! I'm just a grunt that likes doing this stuff!!!!! Thanks for being so invloved with the site Craig...misery loves company!!!!!!!
  • Michele

    Thank you Craig for the Congrats :). I was wondering, who is lil' Emma?
  • Paige

    Thank you for the friend invite! I enjoyed looking at your pictures. I'm sure you are very proud of Meagan and Conner as I am Billy. I haven't had a chance to load any pictures on my page yet, but I will the first chance I get. I have some pics already posted on my N4M's page. I see that Conner is an MA. I made friends with a mom who's son went to boot camp with Billy and he is also an MA and currently in Kuwait. I have been sending care packages to him since he is new to being far away from his family. I am not familiar with the AC rate. What does Meagan do in her job?
  • Michele

    Aww how sweet. . .I bet you spoil her rotten hehehe, I would!!
  • Paige

    Pensacola is a nice place to have for duty station or school. Billy was born at the Naval hospital there.
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Craig if I'm right your son in law in on the USS New York. I posted a discussion about this ship on the site a while back. Click here and it will go to it. I didn't know if you had seen it. Again congratulations that is one bad ship.
  • Chuck

    Hey Craig,
    I got a text from Andrew. He is settling in at Marine Base Hawaii. The weather is "really terrible" 67 at night 77 in the heat of the day. We found out that another Eagle from our troop is in the Marines and on the same base. They have each others information. I hoe they get in contact.
    He got to work on a plane and actually use his training. He was working with two AE2's and really was enjoying this first experience.
    He is working with a combined maintenance group. His squadron is deployed to the Middle East. He believes that he is headed to join them some time in the next weeks. We will see?
  • Chuck

    Where are your two now?
  • Chuck

    No timing on the Big Sand Box. The USN may keep him in Hawaii or send him off to see the world. He seems to think joining his squadron is the more likely scenario. He will most likely have a bunch of quals to complete for a deployment plus the "normal" quals for the base and command watch standing. We will know for sure when we know.
  • Chuck

    Andrew Phoned on Sunday during the Steelers game. He was telling me that the combined maintenance group will be separated into their respective squadrons. He is now pretty sure that he will not be deployed at this time. He is still working through the required "Quals".
    He tells us that he likes the area. He has one problem. The base is not near anything. None of the off base stuff is with in walking distance and without a car you’re out of luck. His room mate is working on getting his car shipped. I have encouraged him to get to the Marines version of MWR and find if the have some sort of share the ride program or bulletin board. Andrew's work hours have been getting in the way of looking into too many options. He is resourceful on his own. I know he will figure it out.
  • Chuck

    The non-deploy status is this week's news. With him being reassigned to the squadron he was supposed to report to begin with; some one may say. "Hey look we got another new guy send him over". Andrew thinks that he may be temporarily attached to a squadron that has just returned from deployment. He did tell me that a young man who report the week before Andrew is on his way to the Middle East.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hola Craig--- saying "hey"! With all the members now it's harder to keep up with everyone and see wazsup! Starting to get things lined out for Tiger Cruise when Eric comes back for the mideast....I'm really excited! Kat in San Diego right now...mechaniical problems with the "Abe"....had the Lincoln, Reagan, and Nimitz morred next to each other for a day...musta been an awesome photo! How are your three doing!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Prayers that Meagan's situation works out to the positive......
  • Chuck

    Andrew believes that he will not leave Hawaii this deployment. I am aware that this is the military and this could change tomorrow.
    He likes the work and Hawaii. He is still transportation challenged! Every one that has offered him a ride is also headed fro a bar. The bus stop is a 50 minute walk from the base according to the Hawaii transportation web site. Not really safe to ride a bike or walk off base. One gate is a four lane road and the other is a two lanes with no side walk or bike lane.
    I'm too far away to be of much help.
    What's up with Conner, Megan, and Jeremy?
  • cgchief

    Excellent, we lived in Apison for five years when I was stationed there on the Ouachita. Closest thing to a civilian job I ever had. Best duty anywhere in the world as far as I am concerned. Chattanooga is the south's best kept secret.
  • Chuck

    Andrew surprised us on Saturday he sent a text that read check your email. He found a car! So we went back and forth and made some insurance calls for him. He met the seller. He thinks the car is really clean and nice. He is working through the financing and the other Navy admin stuff today. We checked the car prices in our area and the price is right for a 2008 Chevy Cobalt with 7000 miles. We will see how this plays out.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    LOL Craig....give me a computer and some software and I'm dangerous......!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    That is exactly what I did a couple of months ago... my system is more that 6 years old and I finally broke down and bought some used memory off eBay...this Dell uses some special (not used anymore....) memory format that is pricy and hard to find...thank goodness for eBay and I added 1 gig for about $100...I just added 2 gig to Eric's HP laptop for the same price from Crucial.....
  • Chuck

    No wheels yet. We are working the $'s between home account and the AFB account. Insurance and trying to get what stuff done on our end that he has asked us to. This remote stuff is very different for us as we are a homeschooling family and used to doing pretty much everything together. I am getting used to it as we have an 18 year old who is plans to leave with in a year of graduation. I will then have two boys out on their own and my daughter at home to enjoy for a couple of years before it's time for her to spread her wings..
  • Chuck

    Adam wants to enlist in the Coast Guard. Alyssa is very vague about her plans. She talked about culinary school, but I think that was more a friend's idea. She has been taking American Sign Language for a couple of years and really likes it. I'll wait to see what happens. Alyssa is working toward her Gold Award in Girl Scouts.
  • Chuck

    Just checking in ......What's up in Navy land with Meagan, Conner, & Jeremy?
  • Chuck

    Hey Craig! What's up with Conner, Meagan & Jeremy?
    Andrew is pretty well settled in. He still likes the work. His 1st class is sending him for additional training so he can use him for more "things". We are working through some leave issues to get Andrew home for his brother's high school graduation. Andrew found out his leave days were not credited correctly. He found out that he was 8 days short.
    I am posting 4 photos of a flag ceremony at Point State Park in Pittsburgh, PA last October for the 250th birthday of the city. The flag was carried in to the area by Eagle Scouts. Andrew was home on leaves and participated in the ceremony with his brother. The boys are in the close up one with a green hat and one with a yellow hat. There were role prayers and flag raising and lowering to represent the passing of Pittsburgh from the French to the British to the new United States of America. Thought you might be interested.
  • Chuck

    Andrew is sitting for the E-4 exam today. He and his roommate were studying the Military history, courtesies, and ranks and what not over the past weeks. He had a positive attitude going in to the test. Last time he past but was not advanced. Lots of people in the aviation rates are trying to get promoted.
    Congrats to Conner!!!!!!!!
  • Chuck

    Good to hear that Megan is settling into the new phase of her life.
  • Chuck

    I wish that Eagle well. I know that his Eagle experiences will serve him well. He has a depth in him that most other young men don't get till later in life. I hope he is able to show the Navy and his shipmates what he is made of by how he carries himself.
    Andrew believes that he passed the test. He does not know if his score will be high enough to be advanced. There are only so many slots to promote into.
    He is fitting into his work better and better. As he continues to grow into his rating his co workers are beginning to see that the quiet guy has more to him than meets the eye.
    My best to Conner as he takes on more responsibility as an MA. May his command be as good at supporting its sailors as the MCPON says it should be.
    Andrew and his roommate have been off base a number of times. I think that it has been mostly for dinner. Andrew will lose this roommate soon. The command is arranging barracks by squadron and since they are in different squadrons they will be split up. Andrew's roommate is also studding for Officer Candidate School selection exams. That’s tough a selection process!
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Just wanted to check on Conner's arm. How is he doing?
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    I pray for his quick recovery. One thing, though, I don't understand why a round of golf would be out of the question. A good caddy can carry a bag with one good arm, right?
  • Chuck

    Enjoy your time with Conner!!
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Got a ship to shore phone call from Andy this morning. He called to tell his little brother, "Happy 18th birthday." He sounded kind of sad because he's not had a day off since March 14th. He says, that's a BMs life. But, he said he's is having fun and enjoying it, just tired. 3 hrs sleep in the past 36. He misses home, but each day is a day closer.
  • Chuck

    Andrew found and bought a car this past week.
  • Chuck

    Andrew and his roommate are enjoying the freedom. His roommates Jeep would not pass some sort of inspection. Something about exposed wheels beyond the fenders. Andrew acquired his wheels just as this happened.
    Have you heard from the Eagle that was leaving for RTC G. Lakes?
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Yeah, Craig, I know what you mean about competitive nature. Andy came home for two weeks in Dec. after BC and A school and beat me at golf. Then he came home in Feb. after a month out to sea and beat me again. He said he would beat me again after this 7 month cruise he's on now.
  • Michael B - PIR 3/20/09

    Things are going good. Andrew is done with his week 5 testing and is getting ready to come home for his visit. He is graduating from A school on the 16th. He should be at Bangor about the 1st of June.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hey is Meg doing?
  • Chuck

    Andrew's leave is approved for him to be home for his brother's high school graduation at the end of June. We are looking forward to having him home for a few days.
  • Michael B - PIR 3/20/09

    Andrew is home. Just picked him up from the airport last night. Were headed to the range too. My son will need alot more trigger time to keep up with this old man! :)
    He reports to Bangor on the 30th.
  • Chuck

    Hey Craig,
    First is Conner all healed?
    Andrew's squadron is coming back from the Middle East. He will finally be in his assigned working environment. He is learning and growing into his career. It seems that the aviation rating is jammed up as far as promotions. It appears no advancement at this time.
  • Chuck

    I think so to. P-3's to get back to tip top shape.
    Andrew home last week of this month for brothers High School Graduation. Very glad for the time.
  • Chuck

    Adam is still heading for the Coast Guard. He has promised to make an appointment with the recruiter when school is complete June 8th.
    He has also promised to stick around and torment me for about 8 months before he goes. At least he has a job to to put some coins into savings. I will set out to enjoy these last months between graduation and Boot Camp at Cape May.
  • Michael B - PIR 3/20/09

    Andrew reported to Bangor last Friday. He started his orentation on Monday. We went up this weekend and saw the base. It was nice to see where he is living.
    He wont know his Div until his training is done.
    He got married while he was home! The two weeks he was home went by very fast.
  • Chuck

    We got Adam graduated last week. Andrew made it home for the gradation and reception. I enjoyed the sense of completeness having the entire family together.
    Adam is soooo glad to have high school behind him. He has a part time job at the local grocery store stocking. He likes the work. I do not expect him to leave for the Coast Guard before next spring. He knows we plan to visit Andrew in 2010 and he does not want to pass up this opportunity to travel on Dad's nickel.
  • Michael B - PIR 3/20/09

    I talked to my son. He told me he will be assigned to 2nd division.
    I'm headed up there to see him this weekend.
    Hope all is well.
  • Chuck

    Hey Adam finally sent his e-mail to the Coast Guard Recruiter. We will see how that goes.
  • Chuck

    We just got an e-mail back from the USCG recruiter to phone him. We will see. how it goes.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    You've been pretty quiet there is Conner and Meg doing?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Bravo my friend....bravo!