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  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Scott, Welcome Aboard!

    My son is an ABE aboard the USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, Ca. and my family and I couldn't be prouder of him. When he first enlisted I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads would also have a place to call home. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud Navy Dads just like myself. I hope this site benefits you and your family throughout your sons journey in the Navy. Thank David for his service for me and thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, EG
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to NavyDads Scott! I'm sure you'll find the site as fun and useful as I have. Explore and make some friends, add your comments to a discussion or two, read the postings in the various groups-- even start one or two. I have! If you have any questions or concerns about your sailor and what he is going through...ask! I'm sure someone here will have the answer or can point you in the right direction to find out. I'm lucky enough to have two sailors- my son Eric just returned from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat returned last fall from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). And Scott this is a great place to brag about your sailor as well! So join in and let us know how David is doing!

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what your son is going through. Thanks to one of our members we have two excellent videos that you can access from the Video area on the main page: New Bootcamp 1 of 2 and New Bootcamp 2 of 2. These videos will answer many of your questions and concerns and will give you a better understanding of how the United States Navy transforms our children into sailors!

    Be sure to spend some time in the Bootcamp group- there are many questions and answers available to help you understand what your sailor is going through. And as PIR draws closer, be sure to spend some time going through the PIR-Tips, Hints and Helps group- we’ve tried to assemble some tips and suggestions to make your sailor's PIR more enjoyable. And stop by the NavyDads offical store- Show your support for NavyDads by wearing the latest in NavyDads attire. Best Regards- Paul
  • Bob Dixon

    Hi Scott, I read your comment on the site it seems that our children may have arrived at Great Lakes about the same time. My daughter, Kaylan, shipped out last Wednesday (8-19-2009). She too, will be headed for Pensacola for "A" school if all goes as planned. She's going be training as an AT (avionics technician). We're anxiously awaiting our first letter from her to find out details about graduation date and also about how things are going. Kaylan has been in college the last two years so we're use to her being away from us but we are also use to hearing from her on a very regular basis.

    I appreciate your comments concerning yourself being a "God and country man". I share your same feelings! My Dad was a Godly man as well as being a decorated WWII Navy veteran that served aboard the USS Ticonderoga . He instilled both Godly and patriotic values in me that I have been dedicated to passing on to my children and I 'm proud to say that adhere to both.

    I look forward to sharing messages of support with you as we go through this time together with our children in boot camp. God bless and we'll keep you in our prayer.

    Bob Dixon
  • Bob Dixon

    Scott, Good to hear back from you. Kaylan actually shipped out from Knoxville, TN. We live in southeastern KY and it was more convenient to travel to the MEPC in Knoxville. I'm sure that there were kids from all over the US coming into Chicago last week.

    I would say that all of these recruits have had an awakening by the RDC's over the past few days. My daughter played basketball in college for the last two years and I've heard her coach really get on her but I'm sure it's a different tone coming from an angry RDC.

    We'll keep all of these kids in our prayers and we need to pray for each other to have comfort during this time.

    When we get our letters to let us know about divisions and graduation dates, we can share that info and possibly meet at Great Lakes.

    Blessings and peace to you and your family.

  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. Nothing new from Kaylan...just the form letter that we got on Monday. I'm sure that "missing" the normalcy of life as they new it before boot camp will be the most difficult thing for them to deal with. We have began sending a "string" of letters, cards and clippings from the local newspaper to give her a sense of what's going on at home. We hope that gettting these things will give her an "escape" back to home for a little while when she's reading them. This may or may not be a good idea but I hope it will help her. I know that it would help us to hear something else from her!

    Did david confirm his PIR date? Kaylan's is 16 Oct 09.

    Keep a good thought and say a prayer for us.
  • Bob Dixon

    Hi Scott. Sorry that I haven't got back with you sooner. It's been a crazy week for me... I spent Monday in Indianapolis and Tuesday evening and Wednesday in Nashville on business. Trying to get caught up on a few things here at the office today.

    We (including a bunch of our friends) are sendin letters and cards like crazy but still nothing back from Kaylan. Yesterday made two weeks since she left so I really haven't expected anything until maybe next week. We've been anxiously waiting but we also understand the "process".

    Just hang in there and maybe we'll all get some kind of contact soon.

  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. Meant to let you know that I made my travel arrangements to PIR and had a great experience with MWR Travel Plus. If you haven't made your plans yet, you might want to check with them. I spoke with a really nice lady by the name of Beverly Kesselman. She was very helpful. Just thought I'd mention this for you.
  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. Got our first letter from Kaylan on Friday afternoon as well. I was away from my computer all weekend so I didn't know about yours from David until this morning. That's AWESOME that we both heard from them on Friday! Kaylan seems to be about like David...she misses us a lot but she says "for the most part, she likes it there"...not sure about the "like" part but I'm glad she's being positive about it. She didn't mention anything about specific duties but she did also mentinon the ironing that she was doing. I seem to be able to detect some difference in her already (positive). You can certainly tell that her generation is a "high-tech" group that's use to texts and e-mails...she told me that letter writing was a difficult task. Anyway, though that you'd be glad to know that we also got a letter. I'm like you, my prayer may be a little "greedy" concerning her now but I'll keep the others in mind as well.
    Blessings to you ,
  • Bob Dixon

    Scott, how's things going? I saw a comment from one parent (they have child PIR on 16 Oct) wanting to have a "meet and mingle" on 15 Oct in the area of Great Lakes. There were no specifics mentioned but it sounds like an idea worthy of some thought. Have you read anything about something like this? I know that David is in another division from Kaylan but same ship. Maybe if we have some other parents with children on the same ship...something like that, it might be nice. Let me know if you read (or hear) something about this. Thanks, Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. We're talk more about meeting during PIR. We hope to plan a trip to P'cola during Kaylan's A-school as well. We'll be arriving on 15 Oct afternoon...staying at Ramada in Waukeegan-Gurnee area. Know what you mean about the stress and travel stuff. I'm sure that we'll get to meet sometime. Anyway...BIG NEWS is this... We got a phone call from Katie on Friday afternoon. Everything was okay and she said a lot of folks from the division got phone privileges. Her mom and I talked to her for 45 minutes. It was awesome!! She sounded great and she said that everything was going good. We did find out that she's a grad-and-go. We hope that we'll get some time with her before she ships out but we'll just have to wait and see. Praying that you get to hear from David soon. Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Just read the prayer request about David. I'll be thinking about him and you guys. We'll be praying for a quick recovery. Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. Just wanted to check on David. Any word on how the wisdom teeth extraction went. I remember yousaid that he was suppose to get to call earlier this week. I've been praying that everything will be okay and for peace in your heart about this. I hope all is well. Blessings, Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Good news about the call!! Glad that he's recovering well. Kaylan mentioned that they have had some that are "lagging behind"...I'm sure that they'll all be ship-shape by 16 Oct. You're still in our prayers. Bob
  • Murphy

    Thanks Scott. We were really looking forward to that phone call. I have been in contact with his recruiter and was told we should be able to get his mail address tomorrow. We will just throw mail at him until we hear something.
  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. Any word on how David is doing with the teeth extraction? I happen to read another comment that you made to someone else that he got in trouble over some gum or something? I sent Kaylan some news articles that I printed off from the "online newspaper"...I noticed that he mentioned not sending those to him either. I hope I didn't get her in trouble over it. When I talked to her last week, she ask me to send her some more. Anyway, this being a "boot camp parent" is difficult stuff... don't you think so? Hope all is well with you and your family. Praying for all of you. Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Hi Scott. Looks like your counting the days too. My wife noted the same thing to me this morning about how close the PIR is getting. Certainly seems as if time is going by faster than I expected.

    When I spoke to Kaylan the other day, she told me that Div 356 is a "brother" division to hers. I believe that's the division that you told me that David is in. There are 2 young men that shipped out with Kaylan that are in that division also. There names are Bouldin and Saylors. You might ask David if he knows them. They seemed like good kids when we met them.

    Thanks for the "heads up" on the gum might want to re-think the cell phone attempt (ha)...a phone card would probably be a better way to go.

    Have a good day. Mentioning all these recruits in my prayer today. Saying a special one for you guys, David and Kaylan. Blessings today. Bob
  • Kyle Cannon

    Hi Scott. Its been awhile since our son was in boot camp but he had some of the same issues with certain young men in their ship. The bad part of it is if one gets in trouble they are all punished so to speak.Tell your son to keep his chin up and always do his very best no matter what.I'm sure certain ones will give him a hard time as kids do,especially the ones with no raising.Tell him to trust in the lord and he will get him through this.God bless your family and your son in these trying times....
  • Kyle Cannon

    Hi Scott,Our son Jon is currently serving on the USS CARL VINSON in Norfolk.He is suppose to go to San Antonio sometime in October for A school(Master At Arms) but he said Saturday he didnt know if it was really going to happen then.Jon has been in since January 2008 and is in Naval Security.I remember the letters we got from him during boot camp with him saying some of the samethings your son is dealing with.There was always that one or two recruit that caused problems for everybody.Once he graduates it will get alot Better. What is your son going to be doing once he graduates......
  • Kyle Cannon

    I forgot to ask you, how old your son is.Jon was 21 when he went in and I will never forget what he told the cheif recriuter when he asked Jon ,why didnt you join after high school. Jon just looked at him and said-I didnt want to.The look on the cheifs face was priceless and it seem to leave him speechless.
  • Kyle Cannon

    Yes overall Jon is enjoying himself.You and your wife will really enjoy graduation(or as its called PIR).It is really somehting to see.Do not stay at the Ramada in Waukegan even thoughthe pics on the web site look good.Not what you think.Lots of good hotels around the base in that area. Go to the mall in Waukegan its something to see.VERY BIG....oh and dont forget bass pro shop.........................
  • Bob Dixon

    Hi Scott. Sorry to hear about the possible trouble with David's division. I agree, Kaylan tells me that the RDC's won't put up with too much. We got another surprise phone call from her on Saturday night. Her Chief told them that they had done well and they had all of their studies completed so she allowed them to go to the Navy Exchange...the girls got to buy some make-up and other items and they all got to make phone calls. Kaylan was so excited to be able to get some "normal" items (not Navy issue). She said that her division had acquired all of the "flags" possible and they are competing to be the top division.

    You're right that they don't normally allow stuff to go on that would hold a division back. Kaylan told me that there's already been 2 girls from her division that were "sent back" in training to (as she said) "get their stuff together and get with the Navy program".

    I pray that David will remain strong and committed. I know that you're supporting him in prayer and through your letters. I'm sure he will do great once he gets throgh this. We'll keep everyone in our thoughts and prayer.

  • Bob Dixon

    Hang in there Scott! Make sure that David knows that this is not all about the division accolades. He will be graduating as a sailor in the US Navy and that in itself is acomplishment enough to stand proud. When people look upon him in uniform, they will have a pride in him and our nation that will be obvious to him (at least, TRUE Americans). As I think about his (and Kaylan's) dedication and committment, it brings a tear to my eye.

    You please make sure and tell him in a letter that there's a man in Kentucky that he's never met, but this man is extremely proud of him and is lifting him in prayer and thanking our Lord for his committment and service to our country.

    That letter from him will make it to you soon!! Have an awesome day! Blessings to you and your family. Bob
  • Bob Dixon

    Hey Scott. How's it going? Well...if the information from Kaylan was correct in her last letter, our kids will be going to Battle Stations tomorrow. I've been praying in anticipation for 2 weeks. Also, I think they've recently visited the Confidence Chamber. We haven't received any "bad news" calls from her so I guess the Navy boot camp "parent's creed" ("no news is good news") is still holding true.

    Hard to believe it but in just 9 days from now, we'll be spending time with our kids for the first time in 2 months. When I gave her a hug in the airport in August, I felt like I'd never see her again (figuratively speaking) and now it's just a week away. Looking back now, it doesn't seem like it's been that long at all.

    I guess thats the "old age" thing catching up with me. Kaylan did remind me in her last letter that I was a year older now than I was when she left (I had my 50th birthday in Sept.). She also took her "old age" shots at me in that letter so I felt like she must be doing pretty good.

    Anyway, still hoping that you and I can take a minute to meet in person next week...maybe while we're waiting for all of the "festivities" to get started. We can correspond as the date gets closer.
    Blessings man. We'll be in prayer for David (and the rest). Bob