Bob Dixon

Middlesboro, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Proud of my daughter's decision to serve our country. My father was a Navy WWII veteran serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga. I was unable to serve due to a sports related spine injury but I am so proud that my daughter is following in his footsteps.
What Brought You To This Site:
my daughter is currently serving
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Exuberant but naturally concerned as a parent. As I stated earlier, I am so proud that she has chosen to serve our country in this manner.
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
My daughter advised me that this site existed before she left for boot camp.

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Bob, Welcome Aboard!

    My son is an ABE aboard the USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, Ca. and my family and I couldn't be prouder of him. When he first enlisted I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads would also have a place to call home. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud Navy Dads just like myself. I hope this site benefits you and your family throughout your daughters journey in the Navy. Thank Kaylan for her service for me and thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, EG
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to NavyDads Bob! I'm sure you'll find the site as fun and useful as I have. Explore and make some friends, add your comments to a discussion or two, read the postings in the various groups-- even start one or two. I have! If you have any questions or concerns about your sailor and what she is going through...ask! I'm sure someone here will have the answer or can point you in the right direction to find out. I'm lucky enough to have two sailors- my son Eric just returned from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat returned last fall from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). And Bob this is a great place to brag about your sailor as well! So join in and let us know how Kaylan is doing!

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what your daughter is going through. Thanks to one of our members we have two excellent videos that you can access from the Video area on the main page: New Bootcamp 1 of 2 and New Bootcamp 2 of 2. These videos will answer many of your questions and concerns and will give you a better understanding of how the United States Navy transforms our children into sailors!

    Be sure to spend some time in the Bootcamp group- there are many questions and answers available to help you understand what your sailor is going through. And as PIR draws closer, be sure to spend some time going through the PIR-Tips, Hints and Helps group- we’ve tried to assemble some tips and suggestions to make your sailor's PIR more enjoyable.

    Finally, when you get a chance please be sure to check out the Daughters and Their Dads group. It is a great place for us to brag about our girls. And stop by the NavyDads offical store- Show your support for NavyDads by wearing the latest in NavyDads attire. Best Regards- Paul

    Bob...God bless you and your family....Awesome about your dad...My mom and dad raised us right to. Dad was a paratrooper in the Army WWII fought in New Guniea Japan.

    Did Kaylan ship out of Seattle. ? He had 3 girls swearing in with him last Wednesday traveling to Chicago ?? We are anxiously awaiting word via letter of phone on how he is doing and getting an address. Prayers for Kaylan and David....To stay strong in their faith....Be all they can be and hang tough, be leaders when needed, team players big time and servants also. David is a mature 18 but I am sure is having his world rocked by angry drill instructors !! Hopefully we will meet in Chicago and our kids will graduate the same week....I sure miss talking to my son...Take care....Scott

    BOB...Got a letter from David. Over things are going well but very difficult to say the least. He misses us big time ( especailly his girlfriend ) but seems to have a good attitude. Any work from Kaylan ??

    Bob...Good to hear from you....Nothing except a later form letter then you got...He did say it was brutal but he was hanging tough....Pardon my french but he did say the RDC's don't call him David....They call him dumb ass ?? I a sure there are worse things to be called !!...He said he has been in charge of Starboard watch which was a good thing unless you screw up ??? Man...When can I join ??....Ha !! Graduation date is scheduled for the 16th like Kaylan...I sent David sports clippings etc also.....We call him D.J. by the way not David....Hang in there my prayers for our kids..
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin


    Your welcome. Thanks for ordering them. I've been wearing mine non stop since they've been in. So I hope you both enjoy the shirts as much as we have. I love when people ask what is navydads. Oh! and my wife Cindy thinks her design on the moms shirt is the bomb. LOL

    Thanks Again, EG

    Greetings Bob....Have you heard from Kaylan yet ?? Phone call ?? Formal letter ? Nothing from David.....Trying to be patient......Scott

    Bob....Thanks for information....Just got a letter from David....He wrote it during Holiday routine while irioning clothes on a Sunday...He said it has been tough and rough but he is making it....He said it has been depressing at times but he likes his shipmates and gets along with his RDC ??? He said there is always someone yelling at you. He got a co staff job in charge of starboard watch...I guess watching can be tough ?? He really misses home ( especially his girl friend ) but presses on...So thank the Lord we finally got a letter...Now I will begreedy in my prayers and pray for a phone call...Blessings to all you gang and especially Kaylan..Scott

    Greetings Bob !!! We arrive Thursday late afternoon ( Wife Janet, daughter Katie and David's girlfriend Jordan ) So it might be tough to get together depending on moods of family , stress etc.. I want to though ! We are staying at Springhill suites in Waukegan. Do want to meet you though at least on the day of graduation if not after ?? I want to plan things for the family but from what I am reading many sailors just want to go back to rooms and chill, watch t.v., etc.. I will leave open for what he wants and hopefully he does not have a grad and go situation. If all goes well I do plan on seeing him in A school in Florida and according to his recruiter there is a good chance he will be home for Christmas ??? He sure loves our letters but it sounds like they don't give them all the mail you send them at once. He should have has at least 25 letters by now but only last reported he has seen 4 or 5 ? I know his girl friend has written at least 10 and he finally got to open 1 ?? What have you heard from Kaylan ?? Is she hanging tough ?? Going to 2 football games this weekend The Huskies today and the Seahawks tomorrow. Miss our son big time but praying all is well and October 16th will be here soon. God bless you my friend.....Scott

    Bob..Great news about Kaylan !!!! Awesome that she is doing so well. We are suppose to get a 20 minute call tonight Praise the Lord !!! To bad about the grad and go .... Not to much time with her but I am sure you will love to see her and the graduation...Will write soon...Have a great week !!


    Bob..Thank you for your prayers...Sadly no call came. We do not know how things went but am trusting that all is ok. Hopefully we will hear from him soon. Tell Katie to run over to the other divison and check on him and call you...Ha !! I am sure the c.o's wouldn't mind ?? Lord willing 4 weeks from today it will be graduation day !! We press on to the upward call ! God bless you Bob....Have agreat week. I will let you know when we hear from him .


    Bob....Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.....David called today for 10 minutes....He was in sick bay after having 2 teeth pulled..They are evaluating if they want to pull the other 2. He said over all he is doing well and in good spirits. His division has some challenged sailors that have hurt them in getting any privileges etc...So far he is not a grad and go....Will follow up....
  • Murphy

    Thank you Bob. We actually got a call from him yesterday. He said they asked if anyone conld not get through and let him talk for 2 and a half minutes, He said it was "Awful", but he sounded great. I got his address from the recruiter and we have already started sending letters, This site has been a great help. I wish the best for everyone's recruits and sailors,

    Bob...All is quiet on the front....No news good news ??? Have not heard if they yanked all his teeth or just the two...Hope Kaylan is doing well and we are down to 24 but who is counting ...HA !!! Yes...I sent him gum but the Co's found it and punish him saying he put me up to it...Not true....He kind of laughed....I thought I would try amd send him a cell phone disguised as a piece of paper ??? I hope his division starts doing better...So far very few privledges...Blessings to you and your gang....Scott

    Great to hear from you Bob....David is on Ship 13 Divison 358.....Prayers ofr all our kids and troops.....

    Bob....Sadly I hear form my wife from Navy that several mothers say there is trouble in David's division that is hurting the entire divisoon ?? I did not think the Navy would put up with trouble makers ?? I have not heard or has he written for over 1 week. Just praying he is remaining strong and not getting down. Praying the those who stir the pot might get straight or ejected !! How isa Kaylan doing ?? I think she is ion a good division ? Man ...time is getting close now...hopefully 19 days...Blessings to your family.....Scott

    Bob....I am so happy for Kaylan !!! Man...What a diffrence to be part of a great division. You must be proud !! Hopefully David's division will get their act together and get some awards before the end. I pray that he is still on tract for 10/16 graduation. I am not worried about awards so much as his strength and ability to persevere and marhc with pride on 10/16 with his division. I will let you know if we hear from him. Its been over 8 days letters, calls etc... Blessings to the Dixon's !!


    Bob....God bless you my Kentucky friend. We must meet and at least give each other a high 5 on graduation day. You are right on about the pride to be a sailor and serve our country. I have never been to Kentucky but Lord willing someday ?? I am a native Washingtonian on the left coast agghhh... I hope your area is more shall we say conservative then mine ....Blessings to you and have a great day !!!
  • Kyle Cannon

    no i thinkit is waukegan ,will check and get back with you........
  • Kyle Cannon

    did some quick checking and thats the one we stayed at in march 2007.the front part of the hotel had been remodeled and thats what the photos were based on.we had a room towards the rear of the hotel and it wasn't very nice. thats where they put the party people if you get my drift. my wife was very uncomftable there so we changed to the Quality Inn just south on the same road. I think it was green bay blvd for the same price .it was nicer and the same price. there is another hotel not far from there that is like a marriot suites at that time was about $89but i dont remeber the road.i do remeber it was close to a wal-mart and some restraunts in a nice part of town and not far from the base.things are alot closer together than you think.hope this helps.good luck and enjoy the PIR it IS something to see..........
  • Kyle Cannon

    check out the sleep inn in lake bluff il. it is also a nice place.choice hotels .com .hotel number on there site is IL439 Phone: (847) 578-9900.if you have a rand mcnally atlas from walmart on the back cover are some travel code discount numbers you can use when you make a reservation and save a little money...have fun..........pass this to scott also .
  • Kyle Cannon

    no problem,glad to help. thats what its all about,helping each other when we can.its a shame how many have forgotten that....have fun and give your daughter a great big thanks from Texas. The Cannon's..............

    Bob...Lets say hi at least on PIR day...My cell # is 206-799-5260....If they allow cells in the PIR hall or call before....Dave ( D.J. ) said in his letter battle stations is Monday ???.....He got the flu for 2 days and went to sick hall and he survived. Does not feel great but is excited to see the family and girl friend. Man at first I worrried about everything ( great man of faith ? ) Now here we are 7 days away. Hoping for that call that his division passed battle stations. He has been AROC for several weeks and hopes he keeps the position. I am proud of him and all our kids no matter what. I feel bad for your gang with Kaylan being a grad and go. I think that would bum me out a little especially traveling a great distance but just seeing graduation has got to be a thrill and well worth it. Gods richest blessings to you....Scott

    Greetings late night Bob...How did Kaylan and her division do at Battle stations ?? Prayers for her and her team. D.J. is tomorrow. Getting so close. I hope we have time to say hi and it would sure be cool to get a photo of you and I together with our sailors ? I know it might be crazy hectic...We will see...God bless you...Bob......