

Statesville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Wes (Discharged on 8-17-09)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ATO - Aviation Electronics Technician
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a very proud mother of my sailor from Div. 223, Ship 11 - graduated June 20, 2008.
Seven years ago I began my dream career of teaching school. I am a Certified Teacher's Assistant & Substitute Teacher, currently enrolled in Western Govenors University as a Math Major/Teacher 5-12 to become a licensed educator.
I have 4 wonderful children, 1 son and 3 daughters ranging in age from 22 - 12 yrs. old. All of them continually bless me and make me proud in all they do and accomplish! Their names would be: Wesley (22 y.o.), Amber (19 y.o.), Makenzie (15 y.o.), and Shana (13 y.o.).
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud & Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Luis

    Michelle, if your feel the right thing to do is go Third Party then do so. This is your right as an American. Whatever you do please think twice before voting for Obama. This man might be a decent fellow but he is a Socialist and this is not good for our country. God Bless you. Luis
  • Kevin

    Hey Michele, long time away from this site...sounds like Wes has some changes coming soon. While Luke was in boot camp he mentioned IA orders to go with the USMC or something. I did not like that, either, so I've prayed and committed him to the Lord. Recently I haven't heard any more from Luke about IA, but as his schooling comes to an end I'm preparing myself. Blessings on you and Wes! Kevin
  • Luis

    Michelle I responded to your post in the Political blog, please check it out.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hey Michele- thought I'd say hey...What is the latest with Wes? Bet he's getting anxious with a familiy addittion getting closer! Best Regards- Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    With the baby it'll be a pretty special holiday season this year! Saw you and Carol having fun on the chat last night...I really don't do the chat thing much- since my fingers seem to go mucho faster than my brain sending messages in realtime gets problematic. I tend to type, sit and thing, then type some more....I have enough issues with dyslexic fingers...just once I want to type "the" instead of "teh"...................

    Anyway...thing pretty good with Eric and Kat. The Lincoln returned from cruise a couple of weeks ago so Kat is actually on land some days! She does like that! The Roosevelt is on station in the Gulf of Oman supporting troops for Enduring Freedom...I'm sure he'll have some stories to tell, though he metions life sure is a lot like Groundhog Day!

    Anyway- glad to hear Wes is dong well...keep us posted on his progress and how the new addition is doing.

  • Luis

    Michele check out the following website.

  • Jacki O

    Hi Michele, The 'o' stands for Operational. AT's are either I or O. The I's have three times as long an A school as the O's do. Nick already completed the apprentice technical training up in Great Lakes. He is supposed to class up for A school on Nov 3rd, but you know how that goes. Nick mentioned that he might be there a long time waiting for his orders. I wonder why they have such a hold up.
  • Jacki O

    I would say he was an O as well, judging by the length of his A school. From what I understand, the O's are the guys on the flight decks putting the IFEs in the aircraft and the I's are in the shop working on the equipment. I would think being an O would be more fun. We should ask Kevin!
  • Cindy

    Hey girlfriend ~ Was thinking of you and Cindy, so I thought I'd drop you a line. I tried to call Cindy, but her phone was turne off. Called a N4M's Mom who I've stayed in contact with since Morgan was in bc. Recently, she gave me her number so I called her, we ended up talking for over an hour. Needless to say, I didn't get you called since it's almost midnight your time. I'm trying to get phone calls made. You're next on my list. In the meantime, how are you. I've been getting your email pics since you've been sending them to the aol address. In the chat room, we had talked about in house detention. I found out that Borah has the same thing, although I don't think it's as long as yours are there. I'll try to buzz you tomorrow night as I don't have anything going.
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, thanks for your recent note. It was great to hear from you, especially since I felt like you might have been offended by my posts. May the Lord direct your thoughts and actions in this very crucial vote.
    Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, thanks for your understanding. My prayer is that the Lord will work mightily in, through, and in spite of Obama...imagine the effect if he was truly born again and had to retreat from his ungodly social agenda, becoming pro-life, pro-family, pro-constitution. Blessings, K
    ps I'll be out of touch for a few days
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Bravo Michele! Now Wes looks forward to actually joining the fleet i imagine-- be sure to keep us posted where he goes to next. Paul
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Thanks for askin! Kat is back from her seven-month cruise the the mideast and is back in Everett....and really glad to be back on land! She does say it is pretty boring after sea though, but happy to get off the ship. She's in an appartment with another girl from the media dept so they are having fun....she did say "we're such dorks...." so that tells you they are enjoying landlubber status! Eric is about two-months into his seven-month cruise to the mideast....and looking forward to land! They did a port call in Cape Town, South Africa-- the first carrier to port there since '67 so that was pretty cool. Anyway, he is surviving-- I sent a care package with some good ol' Arizona hot sauce (Kat had the same request when she was at sea) so he is finally enjoying some of the chow! Funny the things that our sailors use to connect with home! Prayers to you and Wes! Paul
  • Cindy

    Hey you! I finally remembered to download messenger on yahoo. Thought I'd let you know. Hope things are going better.
  • Jacki O

    Did you ever find out if your son is an 'O' or an 'I'?
  • Jacki O

    He's doing good. He said he finally had to do 'duty' this past weekend. Still hasn't classed up though. We got his ticket home for Christmas. He said he is going to try out for some wrestling team on Dec 6th, which I'm happy about - keeps him busy and out of trouble! Let me know where he ends up doing his C school. Jacki
  • Jamie (Coty's Mom) PIR 12-24-08

    Michelle Iam planning a potluck at my house for NC moms sometime in Jan. Your welcome to come.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Just saying "hey"....bet you are looking forward to getting to spend some time with Wes! Having them in the military makes holidays together all the more meaningful! Enjoy!
  • Cindy

    Michele, Hey I wanted to invite you and your crew for Thanksgiving we will be down there also. we would love to meet and we will have plenty of food we will be doing a Seafood feast YUMMY!!! EG is so looking forward to meeting you , Cora and Howie.. Hope you can make it. We will be leaving tomm. about 3 pm.. so let me know. I will send our cell #s to you.. ttyl..
  • Carl L Williams

    Hey, Oceana is in Va Beach, about 2 hours from where I live. That area has many naval things going on, several bases. He should find plenty to do there.
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele ~ It sounds like you had a great time for Thanksgiving. I am so happy for you. We had a good one too and I was thrilled to have Christine and Richard join us. They are a blessing. Quick update on Morgan. The rest of his orders are that the division he'll be assigned to will be on the front line. When I first heard that my heart went into my throat. After talking more with Morgan and a good friend of ours who is still serving in the Navy, I'm better. Virginia Beach....that's where Anthony is! It would be so cool if they met, although Anthony is on medical leave for awhile. Anyway, catch me up on you, the family, Wes, etc. ttyl. Oh....my youngest pulled a good one about 10 days ago and ended up spending 1.5 days at school in 'in house' detention. Now I know, for sure, what you were talking about. ttyl again!
  • Cindy

    I'm so happy you got to spend time with Wes. Christine is a Navy Mom here in Boise. She and her husband, Richard, moved from Virginia 9 mths ago and they haven't made any friends. It was Christine who planned our pie and coffee time last month. We connected almost instantly. My mom found out, at Thanksgiving, that Richard was a pastor for 10 yrs and they were missionaries. Anthony stayed with us 19 yrs ago when he flew in for a karate special training. We became good friends and have stayed in contact. He's been in the Navy all this time and is now in Virginia Beach. Needless to say, he's known Morgan all his life. I can't say enough good things about him. As far as his looks go, he reminds me of David Dechovny. Kelson is in a difficult part of life....and this girl isn't helping. On her behalf though, she has had a tough life. This wasn't his first truancy, I gave him a break on that one but told him if he did it again, there would be consequences. As you've already said, we listen and talk with him and I can say he listens, just hasn't totally heard yet! Thanks for the compliment, you're a wonderful mom too! Getting excited about the baby? ttyl
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, just stopping by to say "HI", it sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. Luke stayed in GL for the holiday, but got to visit the family of a friend for the weekend. He should be done with GM school in a week or two and is excited about his orders to San Diego. Hopefully they'll work out his travel so he can come home for Christmas.
  • Cindy

    Hey Freind, I saw Wes is at his base, I am sooo happy he is a little closer to you. Well Evan is on land haha... We have been counting down until the 19th so is he everyday he calls he will say Mom 14 more days I am so ready to see his pretty little face( he would so kill me for saying that HA). but I am the kids are getting excited he has gotten them some presents wow!! all I want is for himto be here.. well I will write back later I have been trying to clean and wash today.. Cindy
  • Cindy

    Michele ~ Morgan graduates Friday and will be home that night! I am so excited. He's to report 12/27. I had a brief text time with my nephew. He'll be about an hour away from Morgan. Just wanted to share that. It's late, so I need to get to bed, but I'll write more tomorrow night.
  • Cindy

    Hi Michele! I just read your comment, don't know how I missed it, but I did. I am bubbling with joy. He's on the plane, in Seattle as I'm writing this. I'll get to see his handsome face in about 1.5 hrs. He was excited as his best friend and another girl were at the airport in Seattle waiting for him when he got off the plane. I asked him what Ally did when she saw him and he said she gave him a huge hug. I'm jealous! I haven't got to do that yet. My nephew lives in the LA area. I would be surprised if they did get together, but it would be great.

    Now, in response to your last comment. Anthony's last name is Clark and yes, he is an officer. I would say strict, but you couldn't ask for a better guy to stand side-by-side with.

    Did Wes say why they weren't giving him C-school? I'd hope they wouldn't take away his college money. That's one of their biggest 'ploys' so to speak. I couldn't think of the word I wanted. Ploy is to strong, but you get my drift.

    Kelson is a good kid. That I know. These next few years will be tougher than we had with Morgan. I always knew that though. Strange isn't it. You give birth to your children, get to know them inside and out, and know which will be the easy one to raise and which one will be tougher. Yet, you love them both the same.

    It's understandable about not thinking of the baby. Distance does have a lot to do with it. Isn't it great to reconnect with friends you haven't talked to in years. There's so much to catch up on.

    Morgan is to report to San Diego, Camp Pendleton, Dec. 27th. He will continue with his medic training and is also assigned to a div. of Marines. He'll go through some BC with them as well. Once that is completed and he graduates...again, he'll either stay in San Diego for 6 mths then be deployed for 7 mths or vice versa. He'll be stationed in San Diego for 2 yrs. We'll be going to his graduation the end of May. It's a driveable distance!
  • Bill S

    Thanks Michele for the info. The shuttle it will be! Godspeed, Bill
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, Hope you are having a good time with Wes!!! we loved your card it was soooo nice next year I will do better..HAHA.. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!!!! God bless all of you! Cindy Oh Yeah love the new pics..treasure those moments..
  • Kevin

    Merry Christmas Michele! My last duty station was the training squadron at NAS Oceana, but it's landlocked- no ships there. About a 45 minute drive away is NOB Norfolk, which is where the carriers dock. The squadrons may be stationed on the East Coast, but may deploy with ships on either coast. Did Wes ask for the P-3? The F/A-18 is an awesome aircraft and he will be challenged with the fast pace of operations and maintenance. Tell him I said to keep his "head on a swivel and to stay alert and aware" as he begins work on the flight deck. One of my first responsibilities was avionics flight deck troubleshooter on the Nimitz. Regarding Luke, he graduated from GL and came home last Thursday. We are enjoying his visit and he is excited about CA. Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    Hey Michele, you've been a busy girl! I enjoyed your photos of Hampton Roads, the Portsmouth Tunnel (under the Elizabeth River), NAS O, and your kids. Looks like you had a great time. For future visits you might consider going to Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown (US history!) and/or Busch Gardens, which are about 1.5 hours away, or nearby visiting First Landing State Park (lots of hiking trails and a beach on the bay) and the actual site of the first landing at Fort Story. K
  • Kevin

    Hey Michele, I'm the Principal and Chief Finacial Officer (I pay the bills)and my wife is the Administrator and Professor of Multiple Disciplines. She's a right busy lady! So far we have 3 graduates (the most difficult students),and she's enjoying the younger (less difficult) children this year.
    I see from your pics that you made it to the Marine Science Museum. We liked it there, especially the pool of rays.
  • Jamie (Coty's Mom) PIR 12-24-08

    Michelle the NC N4Ms get together is set for Jan 18th. Come to N4Ms website and look for event. Its going to be held at Marsher's house in Mebane, NC. She lives right off 85N/ 40W. You need to send her a message and she will reply back with her address and phone
  • Jamie (Coty's Mom) PIR 12-24-08

    Yes, I made it up there. I drove up a few days early in case I got caught in bad weather, but we got in after the first storm. It was neg 24 below the day we arrived (Sunday), then on Tuesday they got another snow storm. An additional 7 inches fell ontop of the already 3 or 4 they had. However, thankfully the day of PIR (Wed) it warmed up to 20 with a light snow. We left Xmas morning for home- with my sailor! I broke my toe..got a speeding ticket but I dont care. He looked so awesome..he has matured. He left this past Sat for Florida to spend a couple of days at his dads house before he goes to A school on Jan 03rd. I would not change a thing. It was a great trip. I plan on going down to see his school graduation and maybe see some beach the next time. LOL
  • Kevin

    Hi Michele, sorry to hear Wes got taken...there are some evil people out there preying on young sailors. Wes should talk with his Command Financial Specialist, who are trained to assist with these types of problems. They may refer him to Base Legal and/or Navy Fleet and Family Service Center, who have people trained to assist with these situations. Also, he may contact Navy Federal Credit Union, or whatever bank he entrusts with his finances and seek assistance there. Blessings, Kevin
  • Kevin

    It may be that he should have met with a CFS before making the purchase, which would explain a "chewing out" after the fact. He should still consider the folks at Base Legal and Fleet and Family, they have a lot of experience helping sailors and their families. Hope it helps, Kevin
  • Cindy

    Bless your heart, Michele. You give me hope and strength! You are such a strong lady with a huge heart yourself. It was so easy to think of Chris and all the others who couldn't make it home. Mike's story about Chris really affected me. It's times like that it's really hard for me to see a purpose, but I know there is one. I'll try to get a link....never done it before though!
  • Kevin

    We enjoyed living in the Bay Area, near Gale's family and friends. Moffett was an awesome base before they started shutting it down, then it was like a ghost town. We lived in Sunnyvale first, then moved on base. We drove through or shopped in Mt. View quite often, but really enjoyed camping and hiking near the coastal range. Happy New Year! Kevin
  • Craig

    my 3.5 year old daughter!
  • Craig

    That obvious huh? that being said, I'll raise her the same way I did Meagan and Conner...patience, disipline and always being there.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Congratulations Michele...the Circle of Life continues!
  • Florence ,Adam's Mom

    Thank very much for kind and caring words, I just try to leave everything in God's Hand and remember to stay just one day at a time.

    Love & prayer sent your way..........
  • Kevin

    Congrats Granma Michele!! We are happy for all ya'll!!
  • Kevin

    Whoa, I'm so sorry to hear that... and am praying for the Lord to restore relationships. May He comfort you especially, Kevin
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Michele I love the pics. She is beautiful !!
  • Cindy

    Hey Michele, Congrats!!! I am sorry I have not said so sooner been busy. She is beautiful. I know you cannot wait to hold her and kiss her.. I am so happy about your daughter also,I know how proud you are of her.. Well I will talk to ya later congrats..Cindy
  • Chuck

    Thanks for the comment on Airdales. I know that he is not the only young man to be "in this boat" (pun intended). It does help to hear that others are getting through it. I think Dad is more frustrated than Andrew. He likes Hawaii, the base, and gives me the impression he enjoy work with the other in the maintainence group.
    This week he has been sent for Qual. and Indoc. classes to be oriented to exactly expected out of him. Things are settling down and he is temporarily assigned to a squadron. He is still not completely sure if he will deploy and join his squadron in the Middle East or be kept busy at Marine Corp Base Hawaii till they return. We will see.
    We are encouraging Andrew to request leave for his brother’s high school graduation. Adam would love to have his brother at graduation.
  • Cindy

    Hey my friend! How's the new grandma doing? I am no longer working! What a relief. This week was my first week at home and ya know what, I loved it! I actually made cookies from scratch. I don't know how many yrs it's been since I've done that. I'm going to try and find a job that I can do here at home. I want and need the flexibilty to be home or be able to be at Kelson's tennis matches. I really felt the need to be home more for him. If I can't work from home, I'll work a morning part time job. Anyway, that's my biggest news. What's up with you?
  • Cindy

    Wes was going to have surgery?! Update please girlfriend. You have no idea how good I feel about quitting my job. Martin and I sat down and redid our budget. If we're very careful and tight, I won't have to go back to work. I think I'll still look for an at home job, the extra income would still come in handy. God's hand is in this, I know it. Regarding going back to school, you are much braver than I am. I have not heard of Western Governors University as Utah is next to me. I'm in Idaho....potatoes, 2009 World Special Olympics just finished in Boise....that's me! I'm so glad you liked the text msg. the gal that does my hair sent that to me. I've been going to her for 20 yrs. She's a good friend now. Isn't it amazing how babies can be? Kelson, 10 wks early, was picking up his head in NICU and banging his forehead on the mattress. The nurses couldn't believe it. Ya know what, he says he still does it sometimes....it's relaxing. Cookies? What cookies? The only ones left are the ones I'm sending to Morgan. If I knew your address I might send some your way. I did enjoy making them. I'm so happy for you going back to school, your excitement oozes thru your note! I really would like an update on what's been happening with Wes.
  • Kevin

    Hey Michelle, looks like we've both been busy. Any updates on Wes and his family? Keep in touch, Kevin
  • Cindy

    Michele! I really haven't been ignoring you and it's so nice to hear from you again! I've been down with a 2 day headache. I was finally able to make it into my brother's clinic for an adjustment this morning. The headache's finally left, however, my neck's getting tight again and my head's startin to hurt. You're my last response of the night. Let's see. Morgan does look good doesn't he! I am a little bias though. His orders are to stay there in CP. He's assigned to an infantry unit, he just doesn't know which group yet. Won't know that until the end of July, first part of August.

    I'm holding up ok. Got to see Morgan a month ago as we went to Cali for his FMTB graduation. I've never gone back to work. It's tough and we're having to redo the budget again, but I feel better when I'm not working. If I have to, I'll go back to work part time. I was hoping to find a job I could do from home, but it's really hard to find. I want a data entry from home job. Done way too many years of answering the phone to continue doing that from home. I haven't talked to Cora in a long time. Kelson's doing really well. Just finished his sophmore year. He played on the varsity tennis team again this year. Made it to state again playing doubles and went farther into the tourny with this partner than last years. Martin's hanging in there. He's not liking working for the state, but it is a job and they are finally recognizing that he's worth the title of project manager. Hopefully, the pay increase will come but we're not sure as there's a salary freeze in effect. He's gone back to practicing his martial arts and is really enjoying that. I had to quit playing soccer last winter. It was getting harder for me to play with my back the way it is. Sides the fact that we were always playing against young gals in their 20's! I found out they have two different levels of 30+ all women's teams. I may check into that. I don't know. I'm really not missing it so I guess I won't! I have been considering going to school myself. Just can't seem to get past the finance issues though. Hate to put us more in debt.

    You never did tell me what kind of surgery Wes had. Is he finally well enough now that he can start c school or did he have to wait this long to class up? Man, I bet he's ready to be done with school and start his Navy career. I know Morgan is. I got those pics of your daughter. How is it knowing you have two kids out of school now? Graduated last Thursday? Wow. All of our high school graduations were the last week of May, first week of Jun. What university is WCU? What does she want to major in? I'm so happy you have new pics of your grandbaby! Have you been able to spend any time with her? Is Wes and mom still together? What does Wes think of his daughter? I bet your girls are looking forward to having you to themselves. Hey, what about the boys in the house? What are they up to? I would've been so far past the saturation point it wouldn't even be funny had I taken all the courses you have. Good thing you're giving you brain a break!

    Morgan has a 'block leave' the 26th thru 7/6. He's flying home on the 27th. His girlfriend is driving down from Seattle on the 30th, then they'll head back to Seattle on 7/2. She's really more than a girlfriend, but I don't know if I can say fiance yet. Don't ask me how I feel about it. I'm not really sure.

    Well, my friend, just looked at the time and it's time for me to put this head on a pillow. We're going to take my niece to the Emmett Cherry Festival tomorrow. I have to be up earlier than usual on a Saturday...only for my Cherry Grace! She's 31/2.

    It really is nice to have you back 'on board'!