Raffaele A. Gazzillo


Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
Raffaele Jr.
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am 42 and I have a son in the Navy. I have been married for 21 years. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife,and one son. I live in Steger IL.
What Brought You To This Site:
my son is recently enlisted
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
very proud
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

Comment Wall:

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Raffaele thanks for joining. I found navyformoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads wouldn't feel guilty interacting in a woman's world. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud navy dads just like myself. Good luck and thanks again for joining. EG
  • Cindy

    Raffaele ~ Our son is going HM (health/medical). He'll stay there in GL (Great Lakes), for A school. I plan on being there early! We're staying at the Navy Lodge, so we won't be that far away.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    You are right, Marshall is pretty close to Newport. It's good to hear from you. My son, Andy is Ship 06, Div. 940. Div. 940 will be performing in Aug. 15 PIR. If you video PIR, please post it on YouTube or Mavy Dads videos. I might catch a glimpse of my son. I know, selfish dad. Can't help it. God Bless.
  • glen

    Hi Raffaele, I just spoke to Alan last evening. He had to retest for push ups and will begin Battlestations today. The plan is to see you on Thursday. Lord willing, the next call we all get is to inform us that our loved ones are bonafide sailors!
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    I guess you're getting excited. I know that I am and it's two weeks away. Are you going to be able to go to PIR? I hope that you can.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Of course you'll be at PIR. I got it in my head that you lived in Marshall, N.C. I looked back at the thread and see it's in-laws. Living so close to GL, it would be great if Raffaele could come home, but, as we used to say, "the needs of the Navy" come first for them now. I know the grad pak says that our recruits may have to stand watch during their liberty weekend. I know that since the attack on Pearl Harbor the Navy has been on 3 section duty. There are a few exceptions, but that means duty every third day. Since they are "in the Navy" then it means duty either Fri., Sat. or Sun. I hope that Andy has duty on Fri. That would really be better. I don't know how it works there, but when I was active duty, when you have duty, you must stay on the ship for the 24 hr. period. Do you know? I have asked Andy in a letter, but have not gotten an answer yet. I'm pretty flexible and will roll with the flow. I'll put your number in my cell and give a call. God bless.
  • Alan C Evans

    Hi, Raffaele thanks for joining the group! my son also did his A school in San Antonio, does your son have any idea where he will be stationed? Josh finished up this last December and is now in South Korea. Thanks again Al
  • Cindy

    Hi Raffaele, I've been chatting with Lynn on N4M's. She said we had talked. I thought maybe it was the other Cindy, but looking at your comments, it was me! I bet you are getting excited about seeing your son this Friday. I know I am! I'm making a guess that we'll meet at the Meet, Greet & Eat on Thursday night? Looking forward to it.
  • Cindy

    Hi Raffaele! I don't have Lynn added as a friend on N4M's, so I thought I'd write you. Since I saw you at PIR, I'm guessing you finally got your call. I'm guessing Lynn was about ready to go through the ceiling waiting. Were you able to spend much time with him? Loved meeting you all. That was a great experience for me to be able to meet everyone that has been such great support for me. Tell Lynn hi.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hello Raffaele, we have had a half day with Andy after PIR. It was great. We spent the rest of the day with him and enjoyed every minute of it. We're going to Chicago today, (Sat.) I will try to remember to call you tomorrow. The time gets away when you're with your sailor, you know. Later. God bless
  • Mark

    James will PIR on 9/26/08 if all go's right he will then leave for A school not much to talk about only 2 letters from him one for his mom and one to answer the one I sent him they have only been one page and short and sweet so no real news from him as of yet.

    On an off note I have verizon for our home phone and found out that I was able to have my phone set up as a toll free number and able to get free calling cards for it up to 5 cards so I set up the toll free number and asked for two cards so daughter and James can call home and not have to worrie about tolls as its all part of the service I added.
  • Cindy

    Morgan stayed there in Great Lakes. He moved across the street last Sunday morning. I had brought him some clothes, tennis shoes, cell, and laptop which he was able to keep. They are not allowed to leave the grounds by themselves, so he and his buddy took the train into Chicago today. He was suppose to start school tomorrow, but about three days ago they were told they had to wait another week to class up. Hopefully, he'll be graduating 12/5. Since PIR, Morgan has sounded more relaxed. What will Ralph be doing for him to graduate so soon? I'm sure Lynn didn't like the sounds of his chances of going to Iraq. I wouldn't either. Tell her not to leave N4M's! There's other groups she can join.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Sorry I did not phone you. To be honest, when I was with Andy, I did not think about many other people. Maybe I'll call from home now that the time with him is over.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    We really enjoyed him. His A school is at GL. We probably won't see A school grad. It's a very long drive and he will be home right after for 2 weeks. Then it's "haze gray and underway." He has asked for a DDG out of Norfolk. We'll just have to wait and see if he gets it. God bless.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Thanks, I'll let him know.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Raffaele, Andy is doing great. His A school hasn't started yet. He has been doing some PQS stuff and getting ready. He's on "hold" right now until his school classes up. He is enjoying his time though.
  • Craig

    Hi Ralph, sorry to not get back sooner...still browsing thru this site for familiarization. Son Conner doing fine a RTC, actually says he's having a blast...guess all those years of me being his scoutmaster will pay off in the end. His grad date will be 17 Oct and I can hardly wait!
  • Craig

    Raffaele, will there a graduation for young Ralph from A school? Mine has his PIR 1 week later so I'll be headed north...his older sister is in third week at RTC and her fiance' just shipped to P'cola (where her A school will be) so I'm all over the place trying to keep up. Wow, 3 year posting. Is it near you enough to visit?
  • Craig

    great, another road trip! (I might have to fly a few at this rate)
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hello Raffaele, Andy has gotten through a school called SCC. Can't remember what it means. He was on hold for a week, then the two week school and now he is on hold again. He called today and said that his class only has 11 and they want 50. He was told he would be on hold until Oct. 27. So he hasn't even started A school yet. He's kind of impatient with all the on hold. He'll have to deal with it. I told him it's getting him ready for a 6 month Med. cruise. He hopes to be on a DDG out of Norfolk, right now. He may change his mind. God Bless
  • Craig

    Raff, rather than try and figure out what q&a I can ask why don't you just tell me everything you know!! Just kiddin'...really anything is good. Call from Conner sunday eve...he's in "holding" at present but very anxious to start. Oldest daughter will PIR 11-07-08 and might go to Whidbey. Don't know yet.
  • Craig

    I was able to tell Conner your advice now that his phone has arrived...he is so pumped, I am so pumped for him! Thanks for your words, he said to say HI and Thanks too!
  • Cindy

    How are you! It has been a very long time. It's good to hear from you. I'm happy to hear Ralp loves what he's doing. I've been talking to a mom whose son just had his PIR and is now in Texas. I wonder if they're in the same place. How are you handling having your daughter in the Navy as well? I tell our 16 yr old he can't leave until he's 30! He jokes that he's going to join the Army. His martial arts instructor is now telling him that if he gets good grades in school, he can help him get into the Naval Academy or the Merchant Marines. I'm saying 'thanks, Flane.' Morgan is doing well. He graduated from A school 12/12 and is now waiting to class up in March. He's stationed at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. He'll be a medic for the marines, which is what he wanted. He also received his ultimate wish...he'll be with a div. on the front lines. He was disappointed when he was asked to be the head admin. as he was wanting to work in the hospital. Tells me he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. How are you and the rest of the family doing?
  • Cindy

    Hello! Nice to hear from you. Morgan's doing good. He's here with me in the hotel until Wednesday. He has to report back at CP by noon. FMTB Graduation was last Wednesday, but he didn't get liberty until last Friday at noon. Fortunately, since I don't work, I'm able to stay. He still has a two week class to take, then he will be done. Sometime this week, or next, he'll be assigned to his Marine unit and will be stationed here for 3 yrs. He's looking forward to finally being able to do what he's been trained to do. As of right now, it looks like he won't be deployed until Feb. We shall see. Congrats to Ralph! Is he still in Texas? Tell Shawna "Are you crazy?!" We spent the evening with a Marine last night. We've known Matt since he was 3. It was great to spend that time with him. He told his brother, who is considering the military, that he should give college a try then if it doesn't work for him he should enlist. Marine BC is not easy. It is really difficult and physically demanding. How is your mother-in-law?
  • Kyle Cannon

    everythings great here,thanks for the response.The wife gets alittle worried when she doesnt talk to our boy at least 3 times a week but you know how kids are. hope everyone in your family doing well.great weather here in east texas,we live on lake palestine between athens and tyler.it was also 95 here today.till next time,back on the road.................
  • Cindy

    At least he's close to home! Morgan's about a 20 hr drive away. Miserable drive as you have to go through the full state of Nevada. Ugh and yuck! I don't know how our guys do it in the kind of heat they'll be in. Morgan will have to wear Marine cammies while on duty. He won't deploy until the first part of next year, but it will be a year long deployment. He wanted to be with his guys on the front line, but they put him in the BAS instead. We're doing ok. I got back from Oceanside last Wed. Absolutely loved the place. 70+ degree weather with a constant breeze, blue skies, and sunshine. Although I did hear the the day after I left it started to drizzle which makes the humidity high. I could very easily move there. Glad to hear about Lynns mom, please tell her I said hello. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Strokes are bad at any age, but definitely worse at our grandparents ages. My grandma will be 92 this year. My prayers will be with your grandmother.
  • Cindy

    Hello! I said hi to Lynn on our 8/15 PIR group. I'm sure you have enjoyed your time with Ralph. Just looked at the calendar and it looks like his leave is about over. I'm sure surprising his great grandmother did her a world of good. Your cousin is headed the same direction as Morgan. I don't know what mos stands for though.
  • Cindy

    Which really doesn't explain all that much...at least not to me!
  • Cindy

    They like to do that...give fancy names for a job. Oh well!
  • Kyle Cannon

    Corpus is a great place to visit,He has told you about LADY LEX hasn't he.Lots of fun things to do there.
  • Kyle Cannon

    glad you and your family had a good time in corpus.it has been very hot here in texas this year ,not much rain in the valley area which is from san antonio on down to laredo then down to the coast.they are underextreme drought conditions down there.our son jon should be to m a school by dec.
    he is coming home sept.1 - 15 then back to norfolk waiting on his orders.he said they are in detail and he is just waiting
  • Kyle Cannon

    thanks ralph,will tell jon to look up your son ,if he is still there,when he gets to san antonio
  • Kyle Cannon

    I have got two power point displays from a retired navy vet at work,they are pretty cool. If you would like for me to send them to you let me know,I will need an e-mail address for you.
  • Kyle Cannon

    hey ralph ,hows it going up north.finaaly cooling off here we have had about 9 inches of rain the last week with more on the way. well it finally happened ,jons orders came out of detail and he is heading for san antonio about the middle of october.hes very excited as are we .Isaw where i wrote would have jon look up your son when he got to S.A.,i meant corpus cause jon said he wanted to go visit down ther if he got the chance. have a good one,kyle cannon