

North Miami Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
Navy Veteran
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Happily married to my high school girl for the past 27 years. We have two wonderful kids of which one is a Navy Veteran. Love all Miami sports team and #1 Charlton Heston fan. Above all, I am madly in love with the carpenter from Nazareth, my Lord and my God.
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor

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  • Gregory Eunice

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hey Luis--- you got that future sailor running or working out yet? It's getting close mi amigo!!
  • Paige

    I haven't thanked you yet for the friend invite, so I will do that now. And thank you for posting the comment on Billy and Denisse's photo.

    Best Wishes!
  • Michael B - PIR 3/20/09

    Thank you for adding me as a friend. Has your son shipped out yet? Mine leaves 1/21/09. only one more week!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Luis I'm glad he's finally getting to ship out. Boot Camp is 9 weeks total. The first week he will get processed in and 8 weeks of boot. Tell him I said good luck. It's going to be COLD up there.
  • Bob

    THnaks for inviting me. sounds like we are cut from the same cloth ( I probably got the bigger piece More to cover) My son shipped on January 6 and graduates on February 27th. Doesn't add up I know but that is what they say. Tell your son to keep working hard do his best and learn from his inevitable mistakes. My son is in division 108 and I can't wait to go watch him graduate.
  • Bob

    THnaks for inviting me. sounds like we are cut from the same cloth ( I probably got the bigger piece More to cover) My son shipped on January 6 and graduates on February 27th. Doesn't add up I know but that is what they say. Tell your son to keep working hard do his best and learn from his inevitable mistakes. My son is in division 108 and I can't wait to go watch him graduate.
  • Bob

    See I just learned two things. Don't hit the button twice and check for spelling
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis- I know you are getting anxious and exicted to see your son off to Great Lakes--- it will a difficult transition to seeing the house without him at home! Spend some quality time wiht him over these next few days as the boy you see leave will soon be a sailor! Blessings and prayers my friend! Paul
  • Scott Krough

    Thank you for offering your friendship. My son Chris is 136-11 Kersage
    Arrived Great Lakes on January 29th.
    keep in touch and tell your son we wish him all the best.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis- you are on the final countdown....for as long as you've been on NavyDads you should know the routine, but it will still a difficult adjustment for you for awhile! I pray you will be ablt to attend PIR as seeing your son march into the hall in uniform and repeat the sailor's creed will make it all worthwhile. Prayers and blessings friend! Paul
  • Scott Krough

    You ask what it was like to let go of my son. Their are no words to describe how I felt that day. i am still an emotional wreck and am learning to deal with it everyday. I miss him so bad that it hurts at times. But I think of all the great things that he will be able to do with his life and it makes it all better. Keep in touch and let me know when your son leaves. All the best..
  • steve

    thank you my friend,one can never have to many friends.when did your son get to son arrived on 02/10/09 got the one phone call so still pretty much in the dark as far as where he will end up as far as div. and ship,but time will tell. ma and i are doing pretty good emotionally,just need info now for the siblings!they are the ones that are all out of kilter !!!! lmao... later bud!
    steve !!!!!
  • Lowell Yantes

    Congrats on your son going to b.c.,its hard but just think how proud he has made you & think its hard now, P.I.R. will tear you up,or it did me. Jeremy is leaving Sat. for 6 to 8 months on deployment to PERSIAN GOLF, it will be hard but he is going to see more in that time than I have seen in my 63 years. I tell my wife to glad he is doing something GOOD with his life. We will miss him greatly but are so damn PROUD of what he desided to do. We live in a small town in OHIO with only about 500 people,most of his buddies are going to college or doing nada.Best wishes to you and your family,if your like us you never ran out of tears but are very PROUD. GOD BLESS and be PROUD.
  • Bob Ash

    Hi Luis,
    It looks like you are from the Miami area. I'm sure that you are extremely proud of the Dolphin's turn around.

    Hopefully, my Raiders can do the same thing....some day.

  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Congrats Luis, I know he is looking forward to this and maybe a little nervous. Andy is currently getting ready for deployment onboard the USS Bainbridge. He has been on a short, (20 days) cruise. He will leaving very soon for 7 months. We saw him yesterday in Norfolk. He is enjoying it. BZ to you and your family. Bob
  • Chuck

    Keep me updated on his progress. Also how you are doing!
  • Bill M

    Hey New Friend, can not have too many friends. Friends are good NAVY FRIENDS ARE GREAT !! Tyler leaves for B.C. March 3rd, so he will be right behind you son to catch him if he falls. One for All !!

    Thanks for the Note.
    GO NAVY !!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    HooYah Luis....the journey begins! Paul
  • Kevin

    Hey Wild Man, how's it going so far? I assume you got the 30 second phone call last night...might be a few weeks before you hear any more from your new recruit. Probably first correspondence will be the form letter with 3 lines at the bottom for Trouble to say he misses you, along with official information and instructions what no to send.
    Praying for all ya'll! Kevin
  • htsanjose

    Hello Mr. Luis,
    Thanks for being a friend of mine. Just like you I am proud of my daughter, who is in nuke A school now, in Charleston SC if I am correct.
    I miss her so much. I wish the best of the bests to you and your son and to our all of our sailors.
    Thanks again, Hien
  • steve

    Good day luis.How are you and your family holding up?Good i hope.
    Have you heard anything from"Trouble" yet? Things here have pretty much calmed down since we all received a letter from James the other day.Still miss the heck out of him not being around.The youngest son and i miss him on our little coyote hunting trips!Oh well,i guess we all have to make sacrifices and i may be being a little selfish.
    time to go for now,but please keep us informed on how your son is doing.
    Steve !!!
  • Wayne Kolodjeski

    Glad to be a friend. Hope your son is doing good. Like you I am so proud my son is serving in the Navy. Now I know I my dad felt when I joined the Navy even though he was retired from the Army (LOL). Give my thanks to your son for serving our great country.

  • Proudpapa

    Luis, My son graduates on the 13th of March. Let me know if there are any questions I can answer for you? As I said prior to this, Navy Moms has been a huge support system for my wife. Write lots of letters, don't send packages, and continue to let your son (and others) know how proud you are. He will need all the support he can get. Every person has a different experience at BC. My son's division did not get mail for the first two and a half weeks. We got letters saying "why won't anyone write me?!" Number your letters so he knows the order in which they were sent. I will let you know how graduation goes for us so I can give helpful advice as others before me have done. God Bless.
  • Dave

    Sorry for the late reply. Just wanted to say thanks for the friend add and congrats on raising what seems to be a fine young man.

    I would love to hear any suggestions you may have for me regarding attending graduation and such when you get to experience them all. MY daughter leaves for BT on Sept 9th so I have quite a ways to go yet. Give me a shout if you even need an ear, I am always willing to listen to my fellow Canes fans :)
  • Georgia

    Hi Luis,

    Did your son just go into Boot Camp? Hang in there. The first night when I got that super brief phone call - it was Jess on the other end. She said - in very hesitant words - "We're here" (she and her sister) - I could tell she was scared to death! She sounded like she was next to tears!! I asked if she and her sister would be O.K., but she had to end the phone call, so, she said "I have to go". That phone call sent me into a tailspin! I cried like a baby for hours. But, looking back, boot camp was the best thing that could have happened for my girls. Not to say that they were ever a problem. Actually, they were both great students, always on the honor roll, and never gave me a reason to worry. But, they lead a pretty sheltered life (Parochial School, Kindergarten thru 12th grade). They decided on the Navy when all their friends were going to college, but, they didn't know what they were going for. My girls wanted to do something different and so chose the military. I am extremely proud of them!

    Sorry I made this so long. I just wanted you to know that it will get better and when you go to PIR you will have one of the greatest days of your life!!
  • kevsdad

    Thank you for welcoming me to Navy Dad's. It's great. It was sad to see our son off at meps. But it was a great filling that he will be doing something for are country. Witch make me so proud of him. I know he will do great things in he's life. thanks again Mark
  • Mike

    Thanks for the invite and sharing your stories. I'm kinda new at this cyber things. I really enjoyed your sight. Great to meet another Great American.
  • Keith M.

    Thanks for the invite,Like you I am very proud of my son and can't wait to see him at his graduation which will be sometime in May. Thanks again I really enjoyed your site...

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Hey've been pretty quiet since your future sailor shipped out to Great Lakes....know it's only been a little while, but how are things going? HooYah! Paul
  • Richard G. Seeds Sr.

    Luis,thanks for the invite. Still learning to navigate the site. My daughter leaves for boot camp 4-5-09, and she seems hyped up for it. Time will tell on that i guess. Thanks again will look for you in chat.
  • Chuck

    Did you get the info on the 900 divisions yet?
  • Kevin

    What's up, Wild Man?? Any news from Trouble recently? Luke PIR'd back in July, but it seems like years ago! He's enjoying San Diego now and I think keeping pretty busy at work. Hope all is well. Blessings!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Luis Congrats! So how good did that feel watching your little boy standing before you all grown up as a United States Sailor? It's been a long time a coming for you and your family. When you get back home and settled, please do a blog about the experience. You have been here from the start and I'm sure a lot of us members will want to know how PIR went. Tell trouble to make the best out of his new Navy career and that we wish him the best.
    Sincerely, EG
  • Larry Gaither

    Luis Give Trouble a pat on the back for us too. I know you are proud. Let us know.
  • Paige

    Luis, your photos of PIR are great! Congratulations to your new sailor! I know you are very proud of him.

    My best to your son, you, and your family.
  • Keith M.

    Luis, Congratulations to your son I know you must be very proud of him.My sons PIR is May 01,we are getting very excited we can't wait to see him. Again Congratulations and best of luck to your son.....
  • Michele - FL Navy Mom

    Hi Luis, thanks for adding me as a friend. I'm off to PIR tomorrow -- I cannot wait!! You have a beautiful family and I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. I hope to add some of my own next week!!
  • Chuck

    I like you photos of the new sailor in his honor guard uniform.
  • Mike

    Hello Luis,
    I can see how proud you are of your son by the look on your face in your pic. Ain't it great?! I feel the same way. It was hard when Gene left home, but seeing him now I wouldn't change anything.
  • Linda

    Thanks for your request.We are all here for each other.Nice having new friends.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Thanks for your kind words Luis....I am sure PIR was everything that we assured you it would be--- and more! It is such a powerful event and it is very hard to put into words the pride you feel when you see your son or daughter walk through that big door. I am one of the few that has been lucky enough to have done two PIRs and the second was just as emotional as the first!

    It is important to always remember that Navydads is here for support as your son makes his way into the seems like so many people only come here for bootcamp days, when there are just as many, if not more, questions about life in the fleet and what everything means. I am slowly making my way through the photos and videos and writing my Tiger Cruise blogs for all to read and enjoy. When you get to see your son involved in the greater scheme--- in this case being part of launching combat aircraft and helping fight the war on terror you realize just how important eveything is that led up to that Tiger Cruise. I sincerly hope you too have the privilege one day of seeing your son be part of something as impressive as an aircraft carrier. God bless the United States Navy!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin


    Glad to hear all is going good with you and your Sailor. It depends on what contract they signed. The majority of contracts are 4 years active and 4 non active. Once they serve their first four years and have full-filled that contract, they are what you could say, on call! They do not have to be in the reserves or do anything with the Navy after 4 but if the Navy needs them, they can call them back to active duty anytime during their last four years of un-active duty. That would never happen though. Unless your son signed a contract with 4 years active and 4 reserves. My son went the 4 active and 4 un-active route. You'll have to ask trouble which one he signed or his recruiter. Thanks for the update and don't be a stranger.

    Evan is currently overseas, working on the flight deck, loving life and ready for the next port. lol Tell the family that I said hello and will talk to you soon.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Nice to hear all is good with your sailor. EG answered better than I could have about the reserve to see what contract your son is serving under.

    I'm not sure about the ATO rating as I can find info about the AO and I cannot really answer regarding deployment or duty station. All is dependant on those famous words "needs of the Navy".
  • Luis

    Good morning everyone, I started the Fantasy Football again this year with Yahoo. See the information below for instructions on how to be part of the league. It is free and a lot of fun.
    Luis-Navy Dad & DAMN Proud

    Hey there Navy friends,
    You have been invited to join's custom league in Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football, United States Navy & Proud.

    In order to join the league, follow the link above or go to game front page, click the "Sign Up Now" or "Get Another Team" button and follow the links to "Join a Custom League". When prompted, enter the League ID# and password below.

    League ID#: 682535
    Password: GoNavy

    We will send you a confirmation with further details once you have completed the registration process.
  • John M. Leal

    Hi luis.

    I have been trying to contact you through your yahoo account. Keeps coming back not undeliverable.

    Joined the Fantasy Football league. Thanks for the invite.

    How many more do you need and by when?
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Luis---- how goes life with your sailor? Where is he stationed now? And how are things with you and the family......have economic conditions moderated any down there? Look forward to seeing you back on the site on a regular basis!!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    It is nice to see you back my friend! I know the tranisition from RTC to A-School to the fleet can be rocky...I am glad your son is settling down into his role in the greatest Naval force the world has ever seen. Stay in contact with Jim Gramza--- his son is assigned to the new P-8 may have much in common!!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Wish I could take credit but that was all EG......check out this link for all the tribute vids that EG has made

    I never get the time to make those vids!!!
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Luis. I had a great one. Hope you and your family are doing well.