Clayton Norwood


Rumney, NH

United States

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Your Sailor's First Name (Please Do Not Post SEAL Names)
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
What Brought You To This Site:
My son is recently enlisted (before PIR)
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
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Comment Wall:

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin

    Clayton, Welcome to NavyDads. My Grandson joined the Navy and went to Boot Camp in February, 2008. He Graduated and received his Trident in Oct. 2009 and is now with his Team. When I joined this site I knew nothing about the Military. It’s really helped me understand what to expect and has relieved some of my worries.

    Be sure to check out our Groups. We have several Groups for PIR and Boot Camp, plus Groups for the different Rates like Navy Nukes, Master at Arms and Special Ops. Also Group for different Ships and Bases. Check to see if your State or area has a Group already formed to locate others in your area. There are general interest Groups like: Care Packages,
    A School for Dads, NASCAR for NavyDads and the book of acronyms and ranks. We’ve also added a Spanish language Group.

    Also check us out on Facebook just search for Navy Dads.

    We are a big family here and you can find answers to most any question or concern regarding what’s in store for your recruit. You will find members that are new to the Navy along with those who have Loved Ones who’ve made the Navy a career. We like to hear about your recruit; the good times, the concerns, and we welcome questions. I think you will find our members are a big family and everyone wants to help others understand what to expect and hear about the progress of your recruit.

    Please feel free to ask questions.

    Again Welcome and keep us updated on your recruit.

    HooYah US Navy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Welcome to Clayton! When my daughter enlisted in 2005 and left for RTC, I had virtually no knowledge of Navy life or how the Navy did things. By the time her PIR rolled around, I was starting to get the hang of things and understand some of the language and abbreviations, but still felt like a fish out of water when dealing with most things Navy. When my son enlisted and left for Great Lakes in 2007, I got serious about trying to learn as much as possible about the Navy. Now, several years into my journey, I’m blessed to say I have two sailors in the family - my son Eric (AM2) was on the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and recently reported to Helicopter Squadron Light-37 (HSL-37) in Hawaii after re-enlisting last year. My daughter Kat is now a Navy veteran and was stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) as a Mass Communications Specialist. She is using her GI benefits to go to school. If were around in those early days, it would have made my first days as a Navy parent much easier!

    I'm sure you'll find as useful, educational and informative as I have over the past few years. Click How To Get Started for a guide on getting going in your experience! Take the time to explore the site and make some new friends. Read the discussions and comments. Browse through the postings in the various groups or start a new one. If you have any questions or concerns about your sailor and what he is going sure to post them! In my experience someone here can answer your questions or concerns or can point you in the direction to find out. And Clayton this is a great place to brag as well! So join in, get active, and be sure to let us know how your son is doing! Please remember that we talk about the Navy here and we must keep the security and safety of our sailors and the fleet in mind. On the right or starboard side of every NavyDads page is an area we call About This Site. Please take a minute and read through the Operations Security (OPSEC) link for some guidelines as to what we should not talk about in a public forum like

    As a parent of a sailor currently or soon to be at Great Lakes you'll have many questions about what Clayton is going through. In the Navy Bootcamp group is a discussion called A MUST READ for all New Navy Parents. Read through this post as it will do a lot to give you some understanding about what your sailor is learning and why. And be sure to check out the videos available in the Bootcamp Group as well.

    As PIR draws closer, be sure to spend some time going through the PIR-Tips, Hints and Helps group- we’ve tried to assemble some tips and suggestions to make your sailor's PIR more enjoyable.

    Play the following video for a brief introduction to We've made some cosmetic changes to the site since this video was made, but navigation remains the same.

    Best Regards- Paul

  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    Greetings Clayton! When my son joined the Navy I really had no idea nor a clue on what he’s about to partake in besides what I’ve seen on tv and some stories I've heard from friends and relatives who have served in the military.

    However, I'm so honored and very proud of his decision to serve our great country.

    From the start, I’ve perused Navy and recruiter information online and beyond but I felt that I needed more peace of mind to help keep me from worrying too much. I also wanted to hear from real people who've been around the block and others to share knowledge and experience throughout this entire journey.

    That's when I found this website while searching for answers...

    We're all in this together and I hope you too will find NavyDads.Com useful with lots of real shared information.

    Don't forget to check out our Groups section and join a group that shares your interest. Please keep us posted on your sailor's progress via status updates, discussion forums, blogs and photos...

    A Warm "Thank You" from our family to your son Clayton for his service!

    Welcome Aboard... :)

  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    Welcome aboard Clayton.

    I would like to take this time to point you in some of the right directions. For starters if you haven't had the time take a look at the right side of any page you click on. There you will find some useful information for you. The links under the about this site will help you with how this site got started, navigation, P.I.R., About us, community guidelines and some links to some of the groups that beginners with a lot of questions will find very useful. There is also a link called Navy Enlisted Ratings, this link will take you to a brief description of the rates (jobs) in the Navy that you can find your sailors rate and find out some information about the rate that they are in.

    First and foremost though we are all here for the same reason. We are curious about what our young sailors are getting into and for more information about the rate or job that they will be doing for the next 4-6 yrs. of their lives. I know when I first got here I had lots of questions and there was not a lot of people on this site but they all were either going through the same thing or had been through it and had sailors out in the fleet. Now this site has grown to over 6000 members, Dads, Moms, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, sisters, brothers, girlfriends and boyfriends. Don't be afraid to ask questions of members in here because somewhere along the way we have all had the same questions and asked. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site with various years of experience in the NAVY either on their own account or through their Sailors.

    Again welcome aboard and BRAVO ZULU to you and your son Clayton on his enlistment and please thank him for me for making the choice to defend the freedoms that my family, this country and I have and enjoy.

    Navy dads Admin Tim

  • Craig G.

    Just for clarification, when you said the 10th did you mean April? Curious, my SR flew to Chicago with a 26yr old SR. Son needed help negotiating airport, never flew before. If your SR, much appreciation for the assistance. Helped me relax knowing someone was familiar with airport travel. 

  • Mike Cameron

    Hi there, Thanks for writing. My daughter is still on the delayed entry program. She signed her 4 year contract and signed up as Gunner's Mate. Her ship out date is scheduled for the first week of November, but dhe may go sooner. Are you planning on attending the Graduation? As you will be there befor I am any information or tips would sure be appreciated. 

  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Clayton, Welcome Aboard!

    My son served as an ABE aboard the USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, Ca. and my family and I couldn't have been prouder of him. I created NavyDads when he was in boot camp in hopes that this site would better inform new Navy Dads and Navy Families that followed behind me. I designed, built, and launched NavyDads.Com June 18, 2008, two days before his Navy graduation. I then launched the "Official Store" of NavyDads, "America's Navy Family Store", NavyOutfitters.Com in 2009.

    NavyDads provides the best community for learning about Navy life for everyone but particularly the parents. We are a place for sharing experiences with others that have gone through and are going through the same thing as you. We give you real-time information from others going through it, the sense that you're not alone and the opportunity to help another along.

    So jump right in, share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailor. I hope this site benefits you and your family throughout your Sailors journey in the United States Navy and I thank them for their service. I wish them the best in their travels and I'm glad you've found us.

    Elmo Moore

  • Craig G.

    My son is 20yrs and he too is an ET. He's calling his assignment SECF (Submarine Electronic Computer Field). Many thanks to your son for the help. I was able to relax once the plane was on the ground and even more once I knew the SRs were finally at RTC. This first weekend has been a little tough, but our boys are doing what they want and we can't help but be very, very proud. 

  • Craig G.

    How you holding up? We've made it through the first week. I would imagine their P-Days are finished and now the real training has started. Waiting for the box and form letter for an address. I started writing letters the other night. All the videos and day-by-day breakdown has made it easier. Can't look at a clock without figuring out the time change and guessing what they're up to. We've got great sons. 

  • Craig G.

    We're finally starting to adjust. The first couple of days were really tough, but now we're focusing on PIR. We've started looking for hotels, car rentals etc. Received the "Box" today, don't think I've ever been so excited about getting something in the mail. As far as your son, all this excitement and wisdom teeth too, good grief! Being 26yrs, at least he has life experience on his side, what a trooper. He was the pack leader at the airport according to my son. As difficult as this is for us, your daughter-in-law wow I can only imagine. We'll keep your SR in our prayers. Talk soon.    

  • Craig G.

    We received our letter yesterday (4/18). I would imagine today or tomorrow at the latest. Once you get the box and letter, everything becomes very real. Like you, we've already made hotel reservations. Hang in there, you'll know before the weekend. 

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, as I write this, I hope your next message will be about receiving a phone call.  6:15am (4/20) this morning the phone rang, huge surprise! We spent thirty minutes on the phone with our SR. He has a cold, weather's been awful, but he sounded strong. Everyone getting adjusted. Party phone call with the entire family, it was great to hear his voice. Hope you hear from your SR.    

  • Craig G.

    I am so glad you finally heard from your boy. It's amazing how receiving a cardboard box or getting a telephone call or waiting for a letter, things we take for granted have a whole new importance now. Every little piece of information helps. We're waiting for letters, hopefully they can put them in the mail on Monday (4/22). Happy for you and yours.  

  • Craig G.

    Today was a very good day. Before I left for work, my wife brought in the mail. We received eight letters dating back to April 13th. I sat and read each one. They made me laugh, choke up a little and just feel as though I have a much better idea as to what their doing and how he's feeling. He sounded really positive and starting to adjust. I hope you have or will be receiving letters very soon.  

  • Craig G.

    Working on all the reservations and travel plans. Not saying anything to SR just yet. He asked us not to mention PIR too early in boot camp. We are planning on attending as many things as possible. Meet and greet most definitely. We received a bundle of letters on Wednesday. I was almost late for work because I had to read each one. With added duty, comes added responsibility. Your SR fills a very important role, religious RPO. I would imagine he's offering support to many of the young men. That's awesome!

  • Craig G.

    Holy cow! Like RTC isn't tough enough, he has to have his wisdom teeth pulled.  My SR was very fortunate with all the screening. I missed a call yesterday as I was working a special detail. Mom missed the call too. Bummed we missed it, but younger brother got 30-minutes of telephone time with his older brother. God works in mysterious ways. The boys are best friends and its taken its toll on the younger one. I'm sure it was good for both of them. I wish your SR a painless and speedy recovery. Your SR has another note for the memory book. I not only passed Navy boot camp, I was three weeks in when I had all four wisdom teeth pulled. That is tough, he's built Navy strong. Of course you and Mom have a lot to do with that too.      

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, not willing to miss another call. Yesterday, Mom spent time on the phone adding "Caller ID" and "Call Forwarding." Understand through SRs may start calling midweek. I would hate for you and wife to miss a call, if midweek calls occur. Please let your DIL also know. We get so few calls, never want to miss an opportunity. It sure seems a lot longer than 3 weeks. Hopefully, SRs are finding their groove.  

  • Craig G.

    I'll look into the challenge coins and ask my wife to do the same. Would be a great keepsake for family. I also reminded my SR that next week is photos. Told him to order enough to provide to entire family. Also SRs can place an order at the NEX for PIR DVD & Keel book. My understanding is The Keel book is like a year book for PIR class filled with photographs of their entire boot camp, not sure. Maybe one of the senior dads could clarify.  

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

  • Craig G.

    Received a call yesterday at 1pm our time, 3pm their time. SR sounded good even though he's still fighting a cold and ear infection. How's your SR after oral surgery? Hope you, Mom or DIL received a call. I was in training, so stepped out for the 20-minute call. Instructor very forgiving, retired airborne. Told him I might get a call. His response "You will take that call, end of discussion." I don't know how the SRs feel, but I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Today should be the start of 3-1. Basic seamanship, signal flags, first aid and boarding / disembarking a ship. Take care 

  • Craig G.

    Yeah for a letter!!! Isn't it amazing that from a physical standpoint it's virtually worth pennies, but from an emotional standpoint, it's priceless. Who knew that our sons going to boot camp would allow us to relive our childhood. We get to experience the anticipation of a child waiting for Christmas and then the excitement of getting exactly what we wanted. Happy for you and your wife.   

  • Craig G.

    Hope you and Mom had a good weekend. No call for us, but we received a midweek call this past week. Hope your SR has fully recovered from oral surgery. My SR still fighting the flu or possibly a reaction to all the shots. Tried to cheer him up in a letter, by letting him know that  if he still has the sniffles next week during weapons training, he'll get rid of the sniffles after "Confidence Chamber." That's when they get exposed to tear gas. Sounds silly, but it does clear your sinuses. Hope he appreciates my humor. Take care.  

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, you and me both. I nearly snapped SR's spine when I said goodbye, probably going to be pretty close when I see him again. You're right about being busy. If I'm following the schedule properly. This week is range training and a lot of hands on stuff. Just to be a fly on the wall for an hour. Just to put eyes on him, but that will come soon enough. More time behind them than in front of them. What an adventure.   

  • Craig G.

    Thank you for the info on the Challenge Coin. Mom received the same info on navymoms and had already ordered one. Very impressive token. Embossed and enamled, high quality. Hope things are going well with you and yours. The boys have crested the top of the mountain and are heading down the slope toward PIR. I don't know who will be more relieved, them or us?  

  • Craig G.

    Glad to see you back. Well, the boys are on the downhill slide. I can feel the excitement starting to build toward PIR. Hope your SR has fully recovered from oral surgery. My SR finally beat the sniffles and ended up with an ear infection. No phone call this past weekend, likely not going to hear from him for the next 2 weeks. Hope you and yours are well. 

  • Craig G.

    Hi Clayton, hope everything is going well with your SR. Received 2 letters today from SR. He says he's finally back to 100% healthy, just exhausted. He says the pace of boot camp has really increased. He likes how things are coming fast and furious now. No downtime, wake-up, eat, learn, eat, PT, eat & sleep. Hopefully this will help the time pass more quickly for our SRs. 

  • Craig G.

    Clayton likewise. The ceremony ended and we just zeroed in on finding our Sailor. Congratulations to your Sailor as well as to your family. What an experience. Our Sailor was a "Grab-n-Go." We were able to spend Friday until 1900hrs when he needed to be back on base. We returned to the hotel, slept and woke up at 0130hrs to get ready for Saturday's adventure. We drove to O'Hare and saw the buses arrive from GL at about 0300hrs. We managed to squeeze in another 6-hours with our Sailor before his flight left for Connecticut. A quick visit, but well worth every moment. We only returned home yesterday. My wife was born in Illinois, but moved away when a toddler. We went adventuring putting places with names we've heard over the years. It also provided us with much needed time with our 18-year-old son as he leaves for USMC boot camp in mid-July. God bless your family, it was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for your friendship as we continue dealing with the changes we're going to experience. 

  • Craig G.

    Clayton, glad to hear from you. I'm sure your Sailor & DIL are all giddy about getting to be with one another again. I'm happy for them. Quite the experience for a young married couple. Our Sailor seems to be adjusting nicely. We talk or text every day, what a difference. He's still as busy as a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest, but he told Mom he likes where he's at. He sounds good as I'm sure your Sailor does. Now that they've moved on, I think they're able to relax a little and enjoy more of the experience. We're still recovering from the trip and our grand adventure. Not counting days yet, but soon enough we'll be on a countdown for our soon-to-be Marine and it starts all over. His boot camp is 13-weeks followed by an automatic 10 day leave following graduation. The leave sounds great, it's the 13-weeks where I'll need strength. Keep me posted pm your Sailor and I'll do the same. Wish them well and you and Mom take care.  

  • Craig G.

    Well, you knew it was going to start. We're officially on a 21-day countdown until our youngest son leaves the nest, 7/14. Our Sailor seems to be adjusting quite nicely to Groton. Really like being able to talk or text everyday, doesn't seem like he's 3000 miles away. I'm glad to hear your DIL is moving out to GL to be with her guy. As hard as it is on us, I can only imagine how difficult it was on her. I wish them much happiness. Mom is in the major planning stages for an open house so all our son's friends can stop by on the Saturday, 7/13,  before he heads for USMC boot camp. Boot camp is 13 weeks and then 10 days of leave immediately following. I wish you all well and I'll keep you posted. Please do the same.