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Retired Chief 24 years, married to a former USN Air Traffic Controller
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my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving, I am a sailor
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  • Cindy

    Hi Kevin ~ Wanted to let you know that I sent a letter off to Morgan yesterday with your comments. I know it will lift his spirits. I had also found a card for him. It talked about how big we see the mountain are to climb. Instead, we need to think how much bigger God is than the mountain. I'm taking that to heart myself. Just read Michele's last comment to you. Do they take tests only in school?
  • Rick

    Kevin- Dillon, like so many other new recruits, just graduated from high school in May, and we have known since Feb that he was leaving in June, so we put on a special party for him. He made it all the more special by becoming an Eagle Scout, so we had an Eagle ceremony / Graduation / going away party for him about a week before he left. We're all very proud of him, and are really looking forward to seeing him this Friday. I s'pose after this weekend, it'll be a little better. I've been told they have more time to contact family and such when they get to A-training. I hope so!
  • Michele

    Kevin - No worries, I read others posts too, it is how I stay informed :). I guess the toughest part as a mom in all this is that he has worked very hard in every other aspect and they base everything on a test on whether you are worthy or not. He has voluntarily been doing Saturday school for the last 3 weeks, he does his watches (duty) with deep conviction, he keeps his uniforms in A1 shape, and follows every order to a T. They don't even take in consideration he was SIQ for 4 days and probably lost track of where he was in his studies. I do understand what Bob said about the 'pride as motivation' and what you said about him scrapping paint for a job. The last thing Wes ever wants is too fail, as soon as he gets to the hands on work or book work where he can study in his room I know I won't be posting about missing on tests :). Keep the prayers coming, I know it is what is working! God Bless, Michele
  • Dave

    Thanks Kevin. Dean will PIR 8/1. After that he starts A school at GL to be a Machinist Mate. We are leaving Thursday for Chicago and can't wait to see him. I see you took some great pics while you were there. You must be proud. I know I am of Dean.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    And what's wrong with scraping and painting the hull of the ship? It is very important.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    We each have our own definition of "creature comforts." Some people are honor students and prefer to work outside and be physical. Some prefer to be inside.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    I must say Kevin, I did not get a lot of experience in the scraping, but I did some painting inside the skin of the ship. I had the pleasure of 8 months in dry-dock in Pascagula, Miss. back in '82. I did do some painting then. Yeah, there are some definite advantages to being in electronics. I don't know about you, but I look back and have to say that at times I envied the snipes. :)
  • Cindy

    Kevin ~ I wanted to let you know I got a letter from Morgan today. It was thrilling to read so I know God has been answering prayers. He said he is almost 100% better, ran a 1.5 mile run, his div. is starting to work together, the 'stick' guys got high remarks and a 'jr' division asked them to help their stick guys. I am just on cloud 10! Thank you for all your prayers, Bible verses, encouragement, and anything else I missed! 2.5 more weeks and I'll get to give him a big hug. Question is....will I get a big hug back.
  • Cindy

    Kevin ~ Thank you, so very much, for all your support. Morgan mentioned to us that he picked up a Bible. He said it's different than what he's used to (NIV), but it still gets the point across. He also said the church he's attending is packed on Sunday's, what a thrill that was to hear.
  • Maripat Huhn

    Hi kevin, Went to Matt's PIR last weekend. It was amazing. When things don't happen, he takes things in his stride. After PIR he told us that his classification hadn't come thru yet. He called on Monday. He needs a waiver, he was one point of the asvat score (think I probably spelled that wrong). They didn't tell him how long or what will happen. Did you know anyone who was on hold after PIR and what happens? One thing Matt learned at boot camp was patience and acceptance. I always thought I had these things but any more, I need to learn them all over again
  • Cindy

    Hi Kevin. We got back Monday from Morgan's PIR. What an experience. He's moved across the street and we've been told he'll start a school on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Then again, we learned that things can change two or three times within a day or two! He changed, yet he didn't. He was so tired and really didn't care what we did, so we didn't do a lot. We were going to take the train into Chicago last Sunday, but because he had already moved, he couldn't go anywhere without his buddy. So, Sunday afternoon was spent in the commissary and Wal-Mart purchasing irons, ironing boards, alarm clocks, etc. I had to remind myself that it's not the quantity, but the quality of time we had with him. When is Luke's PIR?
  • Paul VanDyke

    Thanks for your comments Chief. I have been told many things about what could happen, Now I am overjoyed about experiencing everything out there. If you have any advice that you might be able to toss my way I would appreciate as well. Thank you for your service.
    Have fun.
  • Jeff

    Thanks for the comments - and ditto back at you for your service. I was 12 years in Field Artillery and 13 in Recruiting. My son joined the Navy and chose Religious Program Specialist... he will most likely go further. We are very proud of him. His major in college was Religious Studies and had a double minor. He had many choices with all branches but made his own decision based on what he wanted not what anybody else thought was best or offered the biggest bonus, etc. What does Luke do in the Navy?
  • Jeff

    Thanks Kevin, Yes Jeffrey did go in at a higher paygrade and will most likely commission at some point - he did JROTC in high school all four years and then did it in college as well - was just ready to go in...hard headed! LOL - Must be that ol' Army attitude he inherited! Congratulations to your son, I know y'all are extremely proud - thank him for his service to our country. We're looking forward to our trip to GL in the next few weeks.
  • Paul VanDyke

    Good afternoon, thank you for your advise. I am sure I will be busy considering I will be the newbie but I hope I will have time to visit Washington. I am thinking of buying a car there but I am still pondering this. I am wondering what life on a carrier is like for a person in an administrative type of position. Take it easy, have fun.
  • Larry

    Hello Kevin,
    Thank you so much for your response. I am new to all of this , not only having my daughter in the Navy but responding to anything on the internet. I hope to find encouragement , this has been extremely difficult. I agree with you I'm old school also. I never served in the military unfortuneately but my father was in the Navy. I am so PROUD of my daughter she has taught me the meaning of courage. I'm a big BOOB and very emotional but hope to get better as time goes on. Her job as it stands right now is Air Crewmen, with an opportunity to qualify as a rescue diver. What is your son doing at this time. Sami is in her 3rd week of boot camp and we have not been able to talk with her at all. God's blessing to both you and your son
  • Paul VanDyke

    Thank you very much for your advice. I received word from my base (since the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN isn't in port yet) that I will have next to no room so I will find out in the next year how things run (hopefully). I will most likely wait at least a year or so before thinking of buying a car up there. I do hope that I will have time to look at the sites.
    Thank you again
  • Luis

    Hey there Kevin, I took the picture from the Republican Party of Alaska website. Let me tell you I was going to vote for McCain only because Obama is bad for our country. But with Sarah Palin I am now excited. I am madly in love with my wife, but Sarah is a Hotty!
    Take good care and God Bless.
  • Luis

    Kevin, I like the "Wild Man" name. I might use it in the future. I heard more about the 4th Fleet which is going to be stationed here in Florida. It will be used to protect our southern hemisphere and to let the little monkey in Venezuela know who the big boy really is. As for the Sarah Palin pictures I guess I better put it back on for the guys.

    I honestly pray that nothing happens to this good lady. I am so energized with her being picked for VP and I know that she will be President after McCain has served his term. Osama doesn't have a chance in Hell. He is a little man-child as Rush calls him and our country will see this fool for what he is in the debates. As for Biden he better pack some daipers because Sarah is going to open a can of Whoop A$$ on him.

    Kevin, are you with the Fantasy Football league and if so what is your Football Team Name? Take care and God Bless. Luis
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Hey Kevin this is Cindy EG's wife. Do you know what a IA is? please let me know.Thank you
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Kevin thanks Evan called today and told me that he is trying very hard to get it. He really wants to do this I am a basket case. I told him to stay in the bubble I like him there..haha. What is the site on n4m? Thanks again for the info..Cindy
  • E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin

    Kevin thanks for giving my wife the info so fast. I really appreciate your knowledge and understanding of the Navy for us moms and dads. IA I've never heard of it until Cindy told me that Evan volunteered for it. What's wrong with our kids? I was already worried enough with him working on the roof. But now Iraq? That's a whole other list of things to worry about. I would feel better with him on a ship but I understand he wants to serve his country by being on foot in Iraq. I guess he thinks he'll have a bigger hand in it by being there. One of my best friends has set foot in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. many times since 9/11 and he wouldn't have it any other way. I've also had a friend who lost her brother in Afghanistan. It's sad. Wherever he go's and whatever he does it will be in God's hands. In the end we thank you for your time and input you've given us. This is truly a support group my wife and I both need. Especially if and when our son heads to Iraq. But I know my son. He is definitely headed to Iraq. So we may be a headache to ya with the endless questions. So I apologize in advance. Thanks for your time. ttyl
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    HooYah Kevin- thought I better say hello! Thanks for all you and your wife have done in service to our Country. And thanks for being part of NavyDads- Best Regards- Paul
  • Michele

    Kevin - I have often wondered what happened to you, I hope all is okay with the family. That is neat that Luke's schooling is coming to an end because Wes finishes A-school on Halloween. I haven't gotten specifics so I am speculating here, when he graduates A-school he will wait around until he gets his orders for C-school and then he will come home for his 2 weeks and go directly to wherever he is to be stationed. I do know Wes is considering the P3 Orion. . . isn't that the same aircraft you specialized in? If he gets it he said he could be put either in Washington or Hawai'i. As for the IA thing, that was what Cindy C. thought I was talking about, Wes didn't put in for IA. Wes is, however, PT'ing with the Marines since he has been in Pensacola. A phone call I received from his dad had upset me because he told me that Wes will be going to Iraq before Christmas, I became very upset and worried sick. After I collected myself I called my son back to confirm this information and he said it wasn't correct that he will get his orders (for C-school) by Christmas and when that is completed he may be sent to Iraq. All this, of course, depends on his orders. I am doing much better now since I have more time and I know Wes will be able to see his daughter before leaving (oh yeah we know they are having a girl :) both Wes and Emily are very happy). This is very long, next time you musn't be away so long hehehe. God Bless, Michele :)
  • Luis

    Hey Kevin, thanks for your prayers. Elizabeth is not going to have the Biopsy today. Instead she is going to have surgery on Thursday of next week. Her doctor had her visit a surgeon and he felt it was best if the round mass that they found was removed. It is not cancerous and so she will have this done next Thursday. Please pray that everything goes well.

    As for Luis (Trouble) I am working on getting his braces off before he is allowed to leave. I need to pay the Orthodontics about $1,120.00 no later then December so that he can leave in February at the latest. Kevin I am going to miss him dearly but this is the BEST choice of his life. I can't wait for him to start and he can wait to start as well. By the way do you have a team with our Fantasy Football team and if so what is the name of your team. "I Know", I have probably asked this of you a million times.

    Hey Kevin, I really want to thank you for praying for my daughter and more importantly for taking the time to ask me about her. God Bless you and your family always.

  • Cindy

    Kevin, Hey how are you doing? I wanted to say I talked to my sailor this morning he is doing good now he really went through a hard time I was the mean person I told him to get his stuff together and focus it took alot of talking and he went to the chaplin several times he sounds very good now so I feel better.. I saw you on so I thought I would write and say Hi you were always there when I needed a answer Thanks for it, Cindy
  • Luis

    Hey there Kevin, Pumpkinhead comes from that horror movie about a monster called Pumkinhead. Honestly Obama is not a monster what he brings to the White House is going to be bad for our country. Dick Morris said last night that the 6 to 9% of the undecideds will probably lean towards McCain and assure him the victory. I too am praying with my family today for this very thing. God have mercy on us all but we must obey his Divine Will. Luis
  • Luis

    Kevin, I forgot to tell you, my daughter came out OK from the surgery, nothing bad. Thank you for your prayers and for thinking about my family. Luis
  • Michele

    Kevin - Happy election day! :) The day has come and today America will change. I agree with a lot that wrote in your post in Talk Politics, I do believe there is desperation across board on both sides. I am troubled by the lack of coverage for the other two candidates for President. Again and again I come in contact with people that didn't have a clue there were others running for the office. The older I get the more I see that our democracy is broken. My hope is that one day it will become honest again and scandal is removed from the whole process. Anyways I seen where Luis commented on the 6-9% of undecideds, I have thought long and hard as one of those undecideds and today my time has ran out. When I go to the polling booth today I am going to say a prayer with my ballot in my hand and hope that God will move me to choose the right person to bring glory back to our country. May God Bless America!!
  • Luis

    Kevin, the anger has subsided a little and now I am more level headed. My son is going to be in the Navy soon and Obama is going to be his Commander in Chief. I will always defend my country as is my son but I will do whatever I can to make sure that the Community Organizer goes back to Chicago in 2012. I can say a Hell of a Lot More but it would take forever and I am at work right now. Take care and God Bless.
  • Michele

    Kevin - No I wasn't offended by your comments, possibly anothers, but I know everyone has a right to think, feel, and vote as they choose - I respect that even if others can't. I am a bit weary of the turn out late last night, didn't finally get asleep until 2 or 3 am. All I know is a lot of promises have been made that I don't think his butt will be able to cash! Even in his acceptance speech he already went back on a promise, did you catch the part where he said 'we may not be able to do it in one year or one term. . . ' what a surprise huh? not! Anyways I sure hope God knows what He is doing this time, and that is where my allegiance will be with God.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Chief, what's wrong with some of your kind? Andy is the honor student in his class and got a commendation from Adm. Sharp, but the HTC on his "ship" (BEQ) won't grant him liberty. Says he's a SR, even though his uniform has 3 stripes and his LES says SN. CAn't HTCs read?
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Thanks Kevin for your reassurance that the chiefs I remember, our generation, were what I remember. Yeah, I'm not for nose wiping. I am for personal accountability. Our sailors have to know that their actions aboard ship or even on shore have consequences for their shipmates. They must also learn that hard work and dedication brings rewards. Sounds like the HT hasn't figured out that part.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Oh Kevin, forgot to tell you, Andy got orders for the USS Anzio, CG68 out of Norfolk. He's really excited.
  • Bob, Andy's dad

    Hey Kevin. Andy was excited. He loves history and is looking forward, not only to Norva, but also Europe. I was on a Spruance class out of NOB. As you know, the DD and the Tico CG are a lot alike, at least from the 01 level down. God bless
  • Michele

    Kevin - Yes it was a great time! He may get to come over for a few days before Christmas also, then he wants to go visit family and friends in Iowa plus his girl in Indiana. Wes just arrived in Oceana last night and says he won't get his C-school now :(. Says he may ship out after the holiday. Do you know what ships go in and out of Oceana? Also he didn't get the plane he asked for, they gave him the F-18 Super Hornet. Isn't that the main aircraft they use in Afghanistan & Iraq? He said he definitely won't be put on the ground over there but will be seeing a cruise soon. Can't Luke divert his plane to home before going to San Diego? Has he taken his leave time already? Do you have any plans to see him for the holiday? It was good to hear from you!! God Bless, Michele :)
  • Brad

    Kevin, I was curious if youor group is open to those of us dads which have a son that just finished HS10 FRAC school and earned his "wings" as an AW3 Rescue Swimmer working with the SH60F helicopters. I just got back from the honor of being asked by my son to pin his "wings" on, and it was one of the highest honor I have ever had. I did put an album of pics if you are interested. I would like to learn more of what your group is and I look forward to your response. All the best to our Airborn Sailors. Brad
  • Brad

    Kevin, It was a fun special day with him. Thats funny how the USS Nimitiz was your first ship! It happened to be in, so we thought it would be a cool pic. Thanks for the invite to join Airdales. I always wanted my son to be a part of Airborn with the special way they stick together. Brad
  • Michele

    Actually the visit to NAS Oceana wasn't to see the beach or aquarium lol once we were already on our way there Wes called to say they won't give him his liberty until the 19th. Well I was already on the road and wasn't turning back, we didn't really have money to do the Aquarium, but two little girls can really make you feel guilty, fast! We passed the aquarium on our way to do a free activity. . .the beach, they didn't let up about asking to go to the aquarium. Maybe in the spring when it is much warmer we will go see Wes again for a weekend and visit those places you mentioned.

    Yes Wes did ask for the P-3 and east coast, you can see he was only granted one of them. Another shipmate of his in A-school was the top of the class and didn't get anything he asked for. . .Wes didn't understand that at all!

    I am so glad you enjoyed the pictures :) . . . I am killing time waiting on phone calls, so instead of going crazy waiting I am putting up the pictures. Hope you and yours are having a Merry Christmas!! How awesome to have our sailors home for the holidays :). Wes told me I may not see him for almost 2 yrs. after this leave unless I drive up over a weekend, because his squadron are fixing to go into high gear and then he will be on a cruise in 2010 for 6 months.
  • Chuck

    No change as of yet. Base is still mission personnel only reporting for duty.
    I have started to help him try to get through to the Airlines. Not much luck there as with the heavy trafic on the phones. Thanks for asking!!!!!!
  • Michele

    Kevin - Navy Federal was one on the list of many we have contacted, no understanding from them either, all they are concerned about is getting their money repaid. It seems as though everyone wants to protect the crook and say, 'aw too bad for your luck' to Wes and leave him to fend for himself. In all my years I have never ever seen such a lack of compassion! The system is beating him more when he is already down, this is making it hard for me as mom to talk logically and reasonable to him. I keep telling him to trust and hope not to give the crook power over him, doesn't do any good when he is constantly turned away or turned down. I will tell him what you said about the financial advisors and such, I remember him saying if his command finds out about this he will be chewed out (in my opinion not what he needs right now so I don't blame him for not wanting to say anything). How do you teach your children to do the right thing when circumstances as this happen?
  • Michele

    Kevin - Thank you for all your help! I was reading some other sailors pages and noticed you used to live in Moutain View, CA. . . so did I!! About 24 yrs. ago, I was still in High School hehehe. I still have my gym uniform (somewhere lol)!! What a small world :)
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Kevin- I just wanted to thank you for stepping up and being so involved with NavyDads. Your many years of dedicated service put you in a unique position to answer many of the questions and and concerns of parents on the site. Thanks again! Paul
  • Michele

    Thank you so much Kevin! Unfortunately, and I hope I am not jumping the gun here, but the excitement has turned to worry and sadness because the mother of my granddaughter has totally cut off all contact with us since she left the hospital. The thought I may never get to see her, or even see her through a picture is killing me :(. I am trying to stay positive. . . Thanks again for the congratulations, Michele
  • Luis

    Hey Kevin, yeap we got the call last night. I have so much to say and little time right now. But I tell you in a few days how it went. So Damn Proud right now and I miss him "Big Time" Take good care and I will update you on everything soon. Wild Man
  • Chuck

    Haven't talked to you since before Chirstmas. How's Luke? How are you?
  • Chuck

    Hey Chief Kevin,
    What's up with Luke?
  • Chuck

    I have been after Andrew to meet some of the Marines on the base. He seems reluctant, as you say the world has an influence on the military just as it does on us civilians. Andrew will have nothing to do with alcohol.
    I did find on the base web site that the chapel has a single Marine/Sailor lunch once a month and there is a monthly prayer breakfast. I have been encouraging him to attend. He at least is looking into them. I did find out that he had some question about a young lady that he met since joining the Navy and has been emailing our pastor back here in PA with his questions. I am pleased about that!
    He is a home schooled Eagle Scout and knows how to stand on his own. I just like to be part of the adventure.
  • Chuck

    Andrew is a very fine young man. His main fault is that his quiet demeanor causes people to think he is slow, uninterested, and even dumb. I have had adults from our church come up to me and tell me there is a lot more to Andrew than they ever thought.
    At a youth retreat the group was faced with a ropes course. No one knew what to do. Andrew stepped up and took charge and led the group thorough the course. A rather surprised youth group leader came up to me a later date and related that the group would not have completed the challenge if not for Andrew stepping to the front. I told the leader that Andrew’s scouting experiences had included rope courses similar to what the church’s youth group faced. I also explained that Andrew as an Eagle Scout was doing what Eagle Scouts are supposed to do.
    When Andrew gets a Lead Petty Officer that can pull those qualities out of him he will develop to his potential. I know that you see qualities in Luke that will place him in the front as he develops through his Navy career and throughout his life. May he also get the leaders that measure success be the success of the people he leads (just like the MCPON says). I am praying for Andrew’s leadership and I will add Luke’s leadership to that list.
    I will forward the names of those groups to Andrew. I was figuring that those kinds of guys would be at the monthly prayer breakfast. At least he is going to chapel on the Sundays he does not work.
  • Chuck

    I have been praying for Luke and Andrew's commands. I want their commands to be so good that they get awards for treating the sailors right.